
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Dangerous A54 crossing

    Created by Chris Neston // 2 threads

    The A54 is an extremely busy arterial road from Chester to the East. The local lanes are very popular with cyclists but any journey has to cross the A54 at some point. One of the few available is between Wicker Lane and Stamford Lane. This is a staggered cross with about 100 yds along the A54 between the lanes. An attempt has been made to make this crossing safer for cyclists with a central refuge and a footpath type cycle lane along the road. However it is still very dangerous and cyclist have to somehow get across the traffic which is very dense and at times very fast. Short of having a bridge or tunnel I think the only cost effective solution is the installation of traffic lights.

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  • The need for segregated route to Cambridge Train Station

    Created by Guy Hill // 1 thread

    If it is not bad enough in a cycle city that the Great Northern Road, the new road to Cambridge's main train station and cycle parking, does not have a segregated and safe cycle paths, the new development is now being proposed which will prevent a segregated cycleway from access to the Station a Devonshire road.

    Does anyone agree that there should be a segregated cycle access to the country's largest cycle park?

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  • Fort Hill Community School closure - opportunity for signed route to CBEC?

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    HCC have proposed the closure of the Fort Hill Community School site in Winklebury, Basingstoke, with the pupils attending CBEC instead. The Ringway A340 and Winchester Road A30 will provide barriers to cycling between the two sites. Could this be an opportunity to provide a signed cycle route between the sites, to include something suitable along the A30 Winchester Road? FHCS is close to the proposed corridor 6, and CBEC is close to proposed corridor 5.

    Amalgamation of Fort Hill Community School and Cranbourne Business and Enterprise College, Basingstoke including the Fort Hill Special Educational Needs resourced provision:

    The consultation runs from 19 January until 2 March 2017

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  • Faircross Avenue - Experimental Width Restriction

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Havering council said:
    The Council’s Highways Advisory Committee considered the matter at its meeting of 4th
    October. Because of the legislation controlling the experimental process, the options open
    to the committee were to either recommend the scheme be made permanent or that it be
    After considerable debate, the committee deferred the decision to allow staff to facilitate a
    meeting with the 6 ward councillors representing the affected area in order to discuss a
    way forward. This meeting was held on 9th November and it was agreed that Staff would
    write to residents within the consultation area for the scheme inviting their views on a
    scheme to provide further restrictions in the area.
    Ward councillors are mindful that there were many views expressed in relation to the
    current experiment, but there appears to be a general dissatisfaction with the volume of
    larger vehicles using the area which should be using the main road network.

    We are therefore proposing two options;

    Option 1 - Further works
    This would involve the following;
    • Making the existing width restriction permanent,
    • Introducing a further width restriction on Lawns Way, just north of the junction with
    The Drive to prevent use by larger vehicles.
    • Introducing an “absolute” weight limit on a short section of Gobions Avenue
    between Chase Cross Road and the service road. This would affect a “point” and
    with the exception of emergency and public service vehicles (buses, refuge
    collection etc), no vehicle over 7.5 tonnes would be permitted.
    The absolute weight limit would be slightly different to the current 7.5 tonne area weight
    limit. The current situation allows those delivering to the area access, with the prohibition
    being driving through. A point weight limit would require those needing enter the area in
    large vehicles to access and exit Gobions Avenue from Havering Road.
    Because Gobions Avenue is a bus route, we are not able to provide a physical restriction.
    A short absolute weight limit would be enforced by a camera, rather than the area limit
    which requires our enforcement team to gather evidence of contraventions by observing a
    driver passing through the entire area (which is staff-resource intensive).

    Option 2 – Return to the previous situation
    This would involve revoking the current experiment and the removal of the width restriction
    from Faircross Avenue. The Council would revert to the enforcement of the area-wide
    weight limit where resources permit.

    We are eager for residents to provide us with their views on the two options as presented
    above. In the event there is support for Option 1, further detailed work would be required in
    order to select an appropriate way forward (for which we would continue to provide
    updates). In the event there is support for Option 2, then we would simply report the matter
    to the Highways Advisory Committee for further consideration with this information.

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  • Sutton Lane estate roundabout, Hounslow

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Hounslow council said:

    The council is consulting on a proposal for designating the grassed area in the middle of the
    Sutton Lane estate as a roundabout. This is the result of a resident petition presented to the
    Heston and Cranford Area Forum on 17 November 2016. At that meeting, councillors agreed
    that officers proceed to consultation. As shown in the map below, the roads that meet at this
    location are: Moulton Avenue; Charles Street; Kingswood Avenue, and Queenswood Avenue.

    The council does not have a firm position on the proposal at this stage. The recorded accident
    data available shows no recent collisions in this area. However, we have carried out site visits,
    and can understand why some local residents feel that motorists are confused by the current
    arrangement. We have been told by these residents that there have been several near misses.

    We believe the following information may help in considering your response to this consultation:
    - If the grassed area were designated as a roundabout, this would result in the loss of at
    least 11 parking spaces
    - Without physical changes to the geometry of the junction, there would remain a risk that
    drivers ignore the new roundabout status and travel in the wrong direction
    - The necessary signs and lines would cost in the region of £30,000. Given constrained
    resources, the scheme would not be eligible for funding under our mainstream program,
    but we are confident of securing an alternative funding source without significant delay
    - Any future dropped kerb / crossover applications from properties surrounding the
    grassed area would be unlikely to be approved

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  • Consultation: proposed designation of South Newnham neighbourhood area and forum

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The CIty COuncil have received an application for the designation of a neighbourhood area and a neighbourhood forum, in accordance with the Neighbouring Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

    The area is named as South Newnham (Cambridge City) and the forum is named as South Newnham (Cambridge City) Area Forum.

    In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, the Council are inviting comments on the proposed designations through a six-week public consultation until 5pm on Monday 6 March 2017 More info:

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  • Worcesters Primary School proposed junction improvements

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Enfield council says: "Worcester's Primary School has recently completed building works so that it can accommodate 630 pupils, plus 30 nursery places and the continued use of the Children Centre. The volume of pedestrian and vehicle traffic has increased as a result of this expansion and recent surveys highlight the risk of conflicts at the junction of Goat Lane and Garnault Road. Based on our observations and as part of the Council's policy on promoting sustainable travel, the Council proposes a number of measures."

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  • Bus stop in need of redesign

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    Inbound cyclists frequently have to wait for a considerable time behind buses at this well-used stop or pull out into the right-hand lane on what is a section of dual carriageway.

    A bus-stop bypass is likely to be impractical here, as its exit would be close to the junction with Cliff Road, unless it continued as a cycle track parallel with Woodhouse Lane for 500m until rejoining the main carriageway near the junction with Clarendon Road.

    An alternative solution, namely a bus lay-by (as on the other side of the road), may be possible but would have to take into account the mature trees in this location.

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  • Woods Lane, Cliddesden, NCN23 to be closed for roadworks

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Woods Lane is to be closed in between 15-20 February 2017 for pothole patching, according to
    Roadworks, delays likely

    15 Feb - 20 Feb

    Woods Lane, Cliddesden, Hampshire
    Responsibility for these works
    Hampshire County Council Hampshire County Council
    Information for Road Users
    Location: Woods Lane, Cliddesden, Hampshire
    Traffic lights, etc: Road closure
    Information for Operational Teams
    Highway Authority: Hampshire County Council
    Location: Woods Lane, Basingstoke - from Hatch Warren Lane Rbt. to B3046 Farliegh Road.
    Description: Cariageway Patching
    Works ref: FF11021007954
    Current status: Advanced planning
    Work info last updated: 12:53 on 18/01/2017

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  • Missing bridges on railway paths

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 0 threads

    There are many locations on the railway paths west of Durham City where bridges were taken out and there are steep gradients, sometimes with poor road crossings, to navigate from one section of the path to another. The worst one is near Broompark picnic area where it is very steep.

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  • 16/04194/ENSC screening opinion...public house, dental surgery, care facilities

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Request for a screening opinion for the development of the site with a public house, dental surgery, care facilities (C2 Use Class/up to 90 beds) and 45 retirement apartments (C3 Use Class)

    The Island Site Beggarwood Lane Basingstoke Hampshire


    Application reference : 16/04194/ENSC

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  • Bollards briefing

    Created by Monica Frisch // 0 threads

    There are quote a lot of bollards of different types on cycle routes in Cambridge. Many may be unnecessary, some could be improved, for example by being made more visible. This is a proposal to develop a position paper on the need for bollards on cycle routes and which types are most suitable.

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  • Peckham Rye proposed bus lane/removal of cycle lane

    Created by Elizabeth E. // 1 thread

    Proposal to introduce a peak-hours 3m bus lane on Peckham Rye near Nigel Road, replacing a short stretch of cycle lane. The cycle lane is currently used as illegal parking most of the time.

    Street view:,-0.0664318,3a,75y,177.46h,78.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syTofb-0s32IQqaoeHGduOw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

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  • Monier Road H14 Olympic Park bridge

    Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads

    This is a motor vehicle bridge planned to replace the current cycle/walking bridge from Fish Island to the Olympic Park.

    LLDC said:

    "Bridges H14 and H16 both span the River Lee Navigation and will connect Fish Island to the Sweetwater neighbourhood planned within PDZ4. Under the LCS permission, outline approval was granted for:
    - Bridge H14: A new all-modes bridge (including a vehicular route) connecting Sweetwater to Roach Road/Monier Road.
    - Bridge H16: A new pedestrian and cycle bridge connecting Sweetwater to Stour Road.

    The new all-modes H14 will replace the existing pedestrian and cycle bridge that currently crosses the River Lee Navigation at the same location.
    Condition LCS0.31 of the LCS outline planning permission specifies the information to be provided with RMAs for both Bridges H14 and H16. Table A1 in Appendix A to this Covering
    Letter details how the requirements of Condition LCS0.31 have been met. Appendix A also notes any other relevant LCS planning conditions (Table A2) that are addressed by the RMAs.
    The description of development for the purposes of the Bridge H14 RMA is as follows: “Application for the approval of reserved matters for Bridge H14 with associated works pursuant to condition LCS0.31 of outline planning permission 11/90621/OUTODA being details of layout, scale, appearance, means of access and landscape.”
    The description of development for the purposes of the Bridge H16 RMA is as follows: “Application for the approval of reserved matters for Bridge H16 with associated works pursuant to condition LCS0.31 of outline planning permission 11/90621/OUTODA being details of layout, scale, appearance, means of access and landscape.”

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  • Sloane Street project

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Kensington & Chelsea council said:

    "The scheme aims to reduce the dominance of traffic and create an attractive high-quality environment.
    In partnering with Cadogan as the majority landowner, and Transport for London, (TfL), we have the unique opportunity to improve the public realm not only on borough-controlled roads and pavements but also in areas of the street that are in private ownership."

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  • Coleridge Road

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    Perhaps this will be less of an issue when the Chisholm Trail is built? But I'm sure there are plenty of cycle users of this road for whom the Chisholm Trail will not be an appropriate alternative route, mostly people going shorter distances than I'm going or needing to do short stretches of it and not heading for Addenbrooke's.

    Owing to various pathworks on Stourbridge and Midsummer Commons, I've been taking a different route from Milton to Addenbrooke's, going through Romsey and down Coleridge Road the last couple of weeks. It's horrible. Parked cars in random places make it fairly unpleasant as you have to weave in and out with cars which aren't exactly adhering to the 20mph speed limit going past you.

    I know this is a pipe dream, but wouldn't it be nice if Coleridge Road was given the Gilbert Road treatment.

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  • Fox's Corner, Shipley

    Created by James Craig // 0 threads

    The A6038 Otley Road through the centre of Shipley, requires a radical re-think for both cyclists and pedestrians. There are one or two short, slightly ambiguous joint-use paths near the railway station, but this very busy multi-lane dual carriageway needs proper, demarcated facilities on both sides of the road, with decent crossing places (toucans) throughout. Extend this down Briggate, too, as far as the junction with the station access road.

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  • 16/04690/FUL Erection of 40 dwellings ... and highway alterations

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Erection of 40 dwellings to include 24 private homes and 16 affordable homes, associated parking, landscaping, amenity space and highway alterations

    Land At Farleigh Road Farleigh Road Cliddesden Hampshire


    Application reference : 16/04690/FUL

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