Things tagged 'coventry'

3 issues found for 'coventry':

  • Healthy Hospitals need to consider Cyclists

    Created by James Avery // 1 thread

    The UHCW NHS Trust has applied for planning permission for a new access roads and multistorey car parks, under a plan drawn up by leading global engineering firm Arup.

    Please ask them to go back to the drawing board and come up with something better.

    The planning application details are here:

    Please state that you OBJECT to the current proposals as they don't give any consideration to encouraging more cycling (or walking).

    The trust are open to discussion via twitter (@NHSUHCW), but the council need to be asked to bring this matter to the committee (currently it is just classed as deferred, which means officers decide themselves).

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  • Arena Park Restaurants

    Created by James Avery // 0 threads

    As freeholders of the site, Tesco have applied for planning permission for two new restaurants between the roundabout shown and the railway tracks / A444 (above the dual carriageway).

    Two core issues:

    1) This is an extremely dangerous, uncontrolled crossing - traffic leaves the A444 at 50mph, and is still 30 as it reaches the roundabout. As the map shows, there are Belisha crossings both north and south of this roundabout, so why not to the west, where traffic is still fast and undivided?

    2) Cycle parking on the rest of the site is still grossly inadequate. 18 cycle parking spaces are proposed with the restaurant - the same number as the rest of the site combined - although these are actually all in one place at the south of the site.

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  • Impermeable junction

    Created by James Avery // 1 thread

    Cyclists prohibited in either direction continuing on Barras Lane. Classic case of high profile £2m bridge nearby (Hill St), but no follow on for nearby streets.

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2 threads found for 'coventry':

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No planning applications found for 'coventry'.

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