Faircross Avenue - Experimental Width Restriction

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Added by Simon Munk

Havering council said:
The Council’s Highways Advisory Committee considered the matter at its meeting of 4th
October. Because of the legislation controlling the experimental process, the options open
to the committee were to either recommend the scheme be made permanent or that it be
After considerable debate, the committee deferred the decision to allow staff to facilitate a
meeting with the 6 ward councillors representing the affected area in order to discuss a
way forward. This meeting was held on 9th November and it was agreed that Staff would
write to residents within the consultation area for the scheme inviting their views on a
scheme to provide further restrictions in the area.
Ward councillors are mindful that there were many views expressed in relation to the
current experiment, but there appears to be a general dissatisfaction with the volume of
larger vehicles using the area which should be using the main road network.

We are therefore proposing two options;

Option 1 - Further works
This would involve the following;
• Making the existing width restriction permanent,
• Introducing a further width restriction on Lawns Way, just north of the junction with
The Drive to prevent use by larger vehicles.
• Introducing an “absolute” weight limit on a short section of Gobions Avenue
between Chase Cross Road and the service road. This would affect a “point” and
with the exception of emergency and public service vehicles (buses, refuge
collection etc), no vehicle over 7.5 tonnes would be permitted.
The absolute weight limit would be slightly different to the current 7.5 tonne area weight
limit. The current situation allows those delivering to the area access, with the prohibition
being driving through. A point weight limit would require those needing enter the area in
large vehicles to access and exit Gobions Avenue from Havering Road.
Because Gobions Avenue is a bus route, we are not able to provide a physical restriction.
A short absolute weight limit would be enforced by a camera, rather than the area limit
which requires our enforcement team to gather evidence of contraventions by observing a
driver passing through the entire area (which is staff-resource intensive).

Option 2 – Return to the previous situation
This would involve revoking the current experiment and the removal of the width restriction
from Faircross Avenue. The Council would revert to the enforcement of the area-wide
weight limit where resources permit.

We are eager for residents to provide us with their views on the two options as presented
above. In the event there is support for Option 1, further detailed work would be required in
order to select an appropriate way forward (for which we would continue to provide
updates). In the event there is support for Option 2, then we would simply report the matter
to the Highways Advisory Committee for further consideration with this information.


February 10th, 2017 17:00


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