Things tagged 'design'

13 issues found for 'design':

  • A users first approach to cycle infrastructure design.

    Created by Jonny Camp // 1 thread

    How can we tell whether a bicycling environment is good or bad? How many times have you been cycling along a piece of existing infrastructure only to find the word 'end' written on the pavement and yourself forced back onto the road into traffic? 

    With this in mind, I am undertaking a piece of research as part of my masters dissertation at Queens College, University of Cambridge. I am  gathering primary data of existing users of the current cycling network across Cambridge. From this data I will be able to assess the coherence and directness of the existing cycle network and identify potential 'bottlenecks' and issues from the point of view of the users. 

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  • Consultation: Suffolk Design: Streets Guide

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Suffolk Design: Streets Guide

    Our consultation is for a new Streets Guide, which will assist designing streets for new residential developments especially by promoting walking and cycling.

    You are invited to comment on the Suffolk Design: Streets Guide by completing the survey.

    The consultation will run from 16 December 2020 until 5pm 10 February 2021.

    What we are consulting on

    This emerging guidance will assist with the design of new residential developments showing how best to create sustainable transport layouts that promote walking and cycling

    The District, Borough and County Councils of Suffolk have been working to improve the design new development through the Suffolk Design initiative. As part of this programme, the County Council commissioned Stantec to produce a new Street Guide to update guidance for residential streets.

    Attached is a draft of the emerging Street Design Guide and you are invited to shape the final version of the document.

    Download the consultation document:

    Suffolk Design: Streets Guide (PDF, 5MB).

    Next Steps

    Following an eight week public consultation on Suffolk Design: Streets Guide, a report of the consultation will be published when the Streets Guide is presented to Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet.

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  • 2-way Cycle Tracks - do cyclists use them in the contraflow direction?

    Created by Bruce Lynn // 2 threads

    Observations on the recently opened Cycleway 4 in South London indicate that 25% of cyclists choose NOT to use it in the contraflow direction. This is consistent with the view of many cyclists that it is better to be on the "correct" side of the road.  A short report of the counts on CW4 is at

    I would be interested if anyone else has similar findings. and in general how people feel about 2-way tracks.  TfL seem to like them (use a bit less space, a little cheaper). But if they are significantly less likely to be used than two 1-way tracks, this information might get us better designs.

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  • Cycle-friendly building design proposal: Lot S3 Northwest Cambridge

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread


    ``Following discussion with Jamie Wilding at the North West
    Cambridge Community Group Meeting, we'd like to arrange a design
    workshop meeting to discuss our design proposals at Lot S3, North West Cambridge.

    As you may be aware, the design narrative of Lot S3 is largely focused
    upon creating a cycle friendly development. With this narrative in
    mind, we are seeking the support and ideas of local cyclists.''

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  • Rutland Road/Pitsmoor Road Junction Improvements - North Sheffield Better Buses

    Created by Matt Turner // 3 threads

    A junction redesign for the junctions of Rutland Road/Cooks Wood Road and Rutland Road/Pitsmoor Road.

    The design is very bad, with only ASLs for cycling and multi lane roads which require people to cycle in the outside lane for some movements.

    I've done an audit of the design here:

    The council meeting discussing it is here:

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  • "Sustrans’ Cycle-Friendly Design Manual" COMMENTS PLEASE

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    Sustrans invites comments by 30 June on its draft chapters of a "Cycle-friendly Design Manual".

    This document, once published, could influence local authorities to provide better, safer cycle routes, and so persuade people who are not yet cycling their every day journeys to do so.

    Your comments please to by 30 June.

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  • Dangerous T junction

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 0 threads

    Recently a cyclist was knocked off here while trying to turn right out of Constantine Road . The car driver took the corner without obeying the white line markers. Needs hard infrastructure changes .

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  • Sawston crossing

    Created by Tim Burford // 0 threads

    I couldn’t tell from the Cyclescape map interface whether there is already a thread on the crossing at the northern junction to Sawston - but I see that it is now being rebuilt, and there seems to be a quite a sizeable central island. Did the inadequate plans get changed? (and why has there been no mention of this if so?)

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  • Impermeable junction

    Created by James Avery // 1 thread

    Cyclists prohibited in either direction continuing on Barras Lane. Classic case of high profile £2m bridge nearby (Hill St), but no follow on for nearby streets.

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  • Moorhead Junction - Sheffield

    Created by Matt Turner // 0 threads

    Any cyclist using this cycle lane is at risk from vehicles using the narrow main carriageway as they move into the cycle lane to make it around the corner.

    This junction is newly designed and was installed in Summer 2012.

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  • Tesco development Grafton Way/Star Lane/Greyfriars/Stoke bridge/Nicholas Street

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Total re-design of this important junction.
    Very complicated junction with 4 routes entering/leaving .
    Covers very large area.
    Proposal is for one large oval to replace existing double roundabout.
    The junction has an existing reported and unreported high level of vehicle/cyclist crash.
    An ideal opportunity for Ipswich to have a radical design which protects the more vulnerable road users ?
    Please post your opinion here.

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  • Elmers End junction

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    This junction can be dangerous for cyclists due to narrow pinch points, and drivers being too eager to jump past them, and are happy to frighten cyclists by honking their horns due to them "being in the way", when they are just taking the primary position so that they don't get knocked off their bike.

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9 threads found for 'design':

No planning applications found for 'design'.

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