Things tagged 'cycle-safety'

46 issues found for 'cycle-safety':

  • Planned layout of new cycle/pedestrian crossing on Milton Road near Ascham Road

    Created by Ruth Corns // 1 thread

    I noticed that on the plans for the ongoing Milton Road development, the plan for a new double split cycle/pedestrian crossing across Milton Road near Chesterton Hall Crescent/Ascham Road has the cycle crossing on the East side and the pedestrian crossing on the West side. The problem with this is it is the opposite way round from the way cyclists/pedestrians approach the crossing from Chesterton Hall Crescent (cyclists on the West, pedestrians on the East). In the mornings, this crossing is extremely busy with pedestrians and cyclists travelling from South to North (to reach Milton Road primary school and Chesterton Community College), and at the north side of the crossing, cyclists need to be on the West side to travel up Ascham Road and the pedestrians tend to walk on the east pavement.  The new crossing plan would mean cyclists having to cross the flow of pedestrians on both sides of Milton Road. This would lead to queues of bikes on the crossing (in the road) and seems quite dangerous. I think it would create a natural flow if the crossings were switched to have the cycle crossing on the west (and this is how cyclists and pedestrians naturally organise themselves on the current toucan crossing)? I've included a photo where I've drawn arrows showing the cyclist/pedestrian flow lines in the current plan and if the crossings were switched. It hasn't been built yet so I wondered if there is a way to suggest this to GCP and do you think a change would be considered at this stage?

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  • Huntingdon Road: Girton Corner area improvements needed

    Created by Al Storer // 1 thread

    The A14 project is bringing a cycleway into the city as far as the University farm. Previous County projects have created a decent inbound cycleway from Laurence Weaver Road and an almost OK painted lane outbound to here. There's a section of cycleway from Girton Corner to Eddington Avenue, and at Girton Corner there's a connection to The Ridgeway along Bunker's Hill. There are Cycleways intercepting Huntingdon Road at Whitehouse Lane, both into Eddington and into Darwin Green. 

    But oh dear. Laurence Weaver Road junction is awful. Eddington Avenue junction is awful, and there's a very narrow and much over-run cycle lane to the north of it. Girton Corner junction is poor and serves poorly those who want to go from Girton village and College to the Ridgeway.

    The section of road needs a holistic approach that incorporates the route along and the routes crossing in a coherent manner.

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  • Tins railway bridge fencing

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    The chain-link fencing on the south side of the path on the west ramp off the Tins rail bridge is badly bowed out into the path. This is at face level and could take someone's eye out: it is dangerous.

    There was already a report on county HIghways for this, which was dismissed as "landowner responsibility", which may be network rail or may be the chalk pits land. There was no indication in the closed issue whether they had actually informed the landowner, so I reported it again today.

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  • Dangerous Snakey Path trail

    Created by DB // 1 thread

    I am cycling on the snakey trail every day, and there is a high risk that somebody falls into the Cherry Hinton Brook one day. The path and bridge is really too narrow and many people are taking it both ways. 

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  • Told to use the road by PCSO

    Created by Patrick Pawsey-Vale // 1 thread

    I was cycling along the two-way cycle path, segregated, next to the road on Donnington Bridge in Oxford, on my cargo bike, with the two kids in the front carrier.

    This was Monday 27/01/20.

    It was raining like mad, so it took me a moment to realise the cyclist coming the other way who was waving their finger at me and saying 'You should be on the road, sir' was a Police Community Support Officer.

    It's confused and disturbed me - as I don't believe there is any access restriction to the two-way cycle path, my bike is no wider than any other dutch bike (it's no wider than its handlebars) and I certainly don't want to be forced onto a very nasty stretch of road on one of the key river crossings of Oxford with my baby and 4 year old on board.

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  • Wood Vale

    Anon // 1 thread


    We would like your views on highways improvements on Wood Vale. 

    Residents have told us that they would like to see reduced speeds and less through traffic on Wood Vale so we have put together a proposal to tackle these issues that we would now like your feedback on.  We would especially like to know if you think the designs could be improved or if we have missed any opportunities.

    The measures will include:

    • New raised tables (Flat topped speed humps) - these encourage drivers to slow down and maintain a constant speed.
    • Removing existing speed cushions and islands - these were not effective enough at reducing speeds, and presented dangers to cyclists.
    • Introducing a new priority working system - this allows only one vehicle through at a time and aims to discourage vehicles using Wood Vale to access Lordship Lane and the South Circular Road.

    As part of these works we will also be taking the opportunity to refurbish the footway along the road where it is needed.

    Separately from this consultation, please note that Melford Road carriageway resurfacing has been reprogrammed for the 16th of January. Separate notification will be issued for this work closer to the scheduled implementation date.

    Let us know what you think by filling in the online survey. Drawings can be viewed in the additional documents section.


    Why We Are Consulting

    We are consulting to find out what you think of the proposals and if you have any suggestions.

    Give Us Your ViewsOnline Survey

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  • Armley Gyratory Changes

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Leeds City Council are proposing major changes to the gyratory. The stated aim is to increase motor vehicle capacity at the junction which will in turn allow the removal of general motor traffic from areas of the city centre such as city square.

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  • HS2 closure of lane 1 Hampstead Road northbound

    Created by Mixhael // 1 thread

    I know HS2 aren't very cooperative with cycling needs but I was wondering if anyone would have any influence to bear on them with this.

    They have closed lane 1 of Hampstead Road before Granby Terrace for no reason I can see. They don't corral deliveries in it, they don't store plant in it, they don't even park in it. It seems to be closed for no reason other than that they can close it.

    Motor traffic at this part of Hampstead Road is always speeding as quickly as it can between the bottle-necks of Euston Road and Mornington Crescent. It is unpleasant and dangerous having to merge with fast moving lane 2 traffic. Is there any way we can ask HS2 to allow cycles to pass on lane 1?

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  • Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Needs Review

    Created by Sam Webster // 2 threads

    Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Needs Review report came out a couple of weeks ago.  Whilst some of it is good, I think the cycling stuff is poor in general:

    1. They look at cyclist safety in the surrounding area but due to the dates and area selected, they claim no fatalities.  Ignoring Steve Moir's death is insensitive at best.
    2. I didn't see any mention of NCR 11 passing through the site which suggests to me they didn't even realise
    3. A tiny bit about air pollution but the word climate doesn't even appear
    4. 'The segregated route alongside the CGB' - Do they mean segregated from buses?!
    5. 'Site observations showed the route alongside the Busway to the west of the site to be particularly well used by pedestrians and cyclists and of high quality'.  It's unsafe due to lack of separation from buses and pedestrians, too narrow for numbers and given speed differences over bridge and crosswinds.
    6. Nothing about the bus stops in mandatory cycle lanes
    7. Section 5.3.3 - peak counts/hour would be very useful
    8. 'Site visit observations suggest that cycling infrastructure near to CBC is currently performing well with the current demand' - CGB path is way over capacity at peak times.  I don't know about the other routes.

    I propose complaining about the standard of the cycling part of the report.

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  • The Avenues cycle route

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    The Avenues Shambles

    Few people who live in the area will be happy with the situation on The Avenues. A couple of years ago the city won a grant to improve cycle routes around the city, called a “Cycle City Ambition Grant”. The first route to be improved was the one that came along the Avenues, known as the “Pink” route. After two years of planning, public meetings and proposals we are left with the dangerous inadequate mess we see today.

    Why is The Avenues Special?

    Far more bikes use The Avenues than any other road in the city, "nearly 700,000 in 2016 according to the Air Quality Status Report for 2018. Most are students at UEA or workers at the Hospital and Research Parks. It’s also the route hundreds of children should be using to cycle to the City Academy School, so the potential number of cyclists could be even higher if the road were not so dangerous. Logically it should have been the highest priority for providing proper cycle tracks, but it didn’t turn out like that.

    Why is it bad?

    The road markings only allow enough space for one direction of flow on a two way street, so if it needs to pass traffic has to drive in the cycle lanes and when it gets busy the cycle lane simply disappear. There is basically far too much traffic for this type of design.

    Why did we end up with this mess?

    That’s a good question but there are clues, take a look on Tombland and the expensive paving around the cathedral gate. All this meant there just wasn’t enough money left to build the proposed cycle tracks and the present botch is the result. The council decided that the cost of doing The Avenues didn’t represent good value for money, yet doing Tombland did. This is a very suspect situation which has left us with an unacceptable, dangerous mess that simply can’t be left as it is.

    What can be done?

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  • Nice idea but ... until access to Rainham Station is sorted out it is useless!!

    Created by Jeff @ Havering Cyclists // 1 thread

    Until road access to Rainham Station is made safe for cycling it is pointless plus Beam Valley Country Park is not maintained by Barking & Dagenham Council, therefore, cycling to Dagenham East Station is also impossible.

    So, what is the point of building a new estate and making it available for sustainable transport when there is no way of cycling safely to a station that gives access to Central London?

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  • Sniperley roundabout - danger crossing Southfield Way

    F. A. // 1 thread

    When Crossing Southfield Way in NE direction (from Whitesmocks towards
    Dryburn Park) pedestrians are unable to see if there are any vehicles approaching the roundabout because the crossing is located after a bend and the foliage on the SW side of Southfield Way blocks the view. It is equally worryingly that it is not possible for drivers approaching the roundabout to see if there are any pedestrians attempting to cross the road until only a few metres before the crossing, therefore
    giving drivers very little time to stop.

    Crossing Southfield Way in a SW direction towards Whitesmocks is also difficult for pedestrians and cyclists because the road markings allow two lanes of traffic to enter Southfield Way from the roundabout and there are vehicles that enter Southfield Way from the inner lane of the roundabout. Sometimes a lane can be stationary while the other lane can be moving. This is a busy junction in the
    morning and evening.

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  • B6532 roundabout - difficult to negotiate for cyclists

    F. A. // 1 thread

    Cyclists trying to cross the B6532 from either Dryburn Park or the Front Street are forced to enter the inner lane exposing them to passing cars on the outer lane at different speeds. Once they enter the roundabout there are cars coming from the B6532 at fairly high speed.
    It would be much better for cyclists if there could be a painted dash bike lane that would allow cyclist enter the roundabout from the outer lane - at least they would be protected on one side from moving cars!

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  • Hobson Av / Busway

    Created by Daniel Dignam // 1 thread

    I complained to the council about the recent introduction of lights on the busway at Hobson Av. They're red for cyclists/pedestrians and don't appear to be triggered by bikes. There are 2 buses per hour that use Hobson Av so it seems entirely perverse for the priority to be as it is.

    In the reply justifying the priority for motor traffic it was stated that cars will soon start using this road to access a car park. Has anybody got knowledge about this, as I understood the planning consent access was going to be restricted to buses and emergency vehicles.

    I do think it's an accident waiting to happen, cyclists are going to get used to there being no traffic, and will cross on red (as they're allowed to if it's safe). If it was green all the time then it would be more obvious when they did change.

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  • Recent changes in Oakley Square west

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    A few months ago, TfL introduced an 18 month trial of measures in Oakley Square that are intended to reduce motor vehicle speeds to go with a new 20 mph limit.

    They have narrowed the traffic lanes to 3m by applying a strip of fake paving on each side of the road as shown in the photo. These strips are not intended to be cycle lanes. People are expected to 'take the lane' as indicated by the Cycle logos in the traffic lane.

    Camden Cyclists have had complaints on Twitter and by email about the new layout:

    - although there are cycle logos in the traffic lane, drivers tell cyclists that 'take the lane' that they should use the cycle lane.

    - the nearside strip is much too narrow to be an adequate cycle lane.

    Today we met with TfL officers to discuss the problem. The possible short term measures would be either
    1. remove the dashed lines that separate the kerbside strip from the nearside lane so that motors and bikes share a wider kerbside lane (only up to 4m)
    2. make the kerbside strip part of the footway

    We rejected (2) because many cyclists are using the kerbside strip and would find it very unpleasant to share a 3m wide motor lane.

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  • Headstart / advanced stop line for cyclists required

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    This signal-controlled roundabout could be easily made safer for south-bound cyclists if the traffic lights granted them a few seconds head start or if the stop line on the segregated cycle lane was physically moved forward. This would prevent conflict between motor vehicles turning into Cross Stamford Street and cyclists continuing along Regent Street.

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  • Tipner Lake Shared Path Closure / Diversion

    Ian S // 1 thread

    The shared path alongside Tipner Lake will be closed from April 2017 while flood defence upgrade work takes place for the next 30 months.

    The proposal is to divert cyclists (and pedestrians!) along the busier Northern Parade road on a 'temporary cycle path' which has not been specified at the time of applying for planning permission application.

    PCF believe that there has been no attempt to calculate the number of cyclists using the path on a daily basis, and the issues around placing them on a busy road as a diversion.

    PCF would like to see a segregated on-road lane created to allow cyclists to continue to cycle safely to and from the north west gateway of the island. This could be created easily by using wands for the duration of the work.

    The existing southbound shared path on the pavement is not suitable for most commuting cyclists.

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  • Blind Dangerous bend on Hope Street Path

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Continual issue of visibility on this blind corner next to a fast road and with lamp posts impeding the little space provided. Has been brought up with PCC a number of times e.g. re-siting lamp posts to other side of the road;
    Adding a mirror to the lamppost on corner for some visibility

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  • Cosham High Street Contra Flow

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Persistent issue of drivers unaware of cycle contra flow in this section of high street. Better marking and clearer signage required.

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  • Bus stop in need of redesign

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    Inbound cyclists frequently have to wait for a considerable time behind buses at this well-used stop or pull out into the right-hand lane on what is a section of dual carriageway.

    A bus-stop bypass is likely to be impractical here, as its exit would be close to the junction with Cliff Road, unless it continued as a cycle track parallel with Woodhouse Lane for 500m until rejoining the main carriageway near the junction with Clarendon Road.

    An alternative solution, namely a bus lay-by (as on the other side of the road), may be possible but would have to take into account the mature trees in this location.

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  • Aggressive drivers when trying to cross Mare Street to access Tudor Road

    Created by goodlegs // 1 thread

    More than once I have been waiting at Warburton Road as it meets Mare Street for a break in traffic so that I can cross to Tudor Road (which is filtered for motor traffic so a nice way to reach Victoria Park) when a car behind me has been very agressive. On one occasion I was "nudged" by the driver literally driving into my back wheel.

    I think the aggression stems from:
    a) drivers using this route precisely because they are in a hurry / rat running to avoid the traffic lights on Mare Street, so not being willing to be held up
    b) drivers not understanding "why doesn't he go?" when it would have been possible for me to turn left (as the driver wants to). I need enough clear space on both sides of the road to go straight across.

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  • Westley Road Level Crossing Closure

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Cycling UK have advised us of this issue:

    We’ve just been made of a potential downgrading of a level crossing close to the wonderfully named village Six Mile Bottom, which is about 11 miles from the centre of Cambridge.

    Network Rail are looking to downgrade it to either a footpath or bridleway. We’re obviously keen to see any downgrade be to a bridleway so cyclists can continue to use it legally, and will be flagging up with our local campaigner networks in the area, and in addition on social media too.

    Full details are here:

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One thread found for 'cycle-safety':

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