Things tagged 'volume'

2 issues found for 'volume':

  • South Gloucestershire A38 consultation

    Created by christhebull // 1 thread

    South Gloucestershire have released plans of their proposed changes to their section of the A38 Gloucester Road. Several locations will be altered, namely:

    Northville Road Roundabout
    Filton Roundabout
    A38 / Filton Avenue Junction
    A38 Patchway Slips

    The proposals can be viewed here and the consultation closes on the 29th July.

    What is being proposed is, in my mind, inadequate, as the modifications are mostly tinkering with junctions, with cyclists still expected to use the mainline carriageway (which has a 40 mph speed limit north of the Air Balloon). This route forms part of Bristol Cycling Campaign's proposed "cycle freeways" and the proposals are nowhere near adequate for this road to be called such - so make your voice known at consultation!

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  • Manor Road traffic speeds

    Created by christhebull // 1 thread

    This section of road is surprisingly hostile to cycle along on account of the restricted width, parked vehicles and high traffic speeds. I have had drivers behind me screech to a halt when they realised that they are likely to collide with me or an oncoming vehicle, and moving out to pass parked vehicles is needlessly stressful.

    There is a vehicle activated "30 mph" light-up sign along this road but it is hopelessly inadequate, and more substantial methods of reducing traffic speed are going to be necessary.

    Note also that the option of using Snowdon Road and then Fishponds Road is not only longer and steeper, but still involves awkward pinch points northbound along Fishponds Road. This is an important route linking the Hollies (halls of residence) and UWE Glenside with the centre of Fishponds and thus ought to be a priority within this area.

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2 threads found for 'volume':

No planning applications found for 'volume'.

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