
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Cycle Proofing falls at the first hurdle

    Created by TonyNorwich // 1 thread

    The Norwich Northern Distributor Road has been given the go-ahead by Secretary of State for Transport.

    The decision letter (see below) contains an extra-ordinary statement about “cycle proofing”.

    I understood we are waiting for the UK Cycle Proofing Working Group to publish details of what the term will mean and how it will be applied.

    However, we have the Government’s “Reponse …” of March 2015

    1.17 page 10
    The Group has already devised a clear definition of cycle proofing for stakeholders and interested bodies to note, as follows;

     Cycle proofing is a process which over time ensures that the built environment generally, and roads specifically, are seen to be safe, convenient and pleasant for cycle use by people of all ages and abilities.
     Cycling proofing involves:
     consideration of the extent and quality of existing cycling conditions on urban and rural networks of roads, streets, junctions, crossings, off-highway cycle-routes and public transport networks; and
     identification and prioritisation of measures to improve cycling conditions in the context of all transport and other infrastructure schemes and programmes, including planned road maintenance works, new developments and the creation or management of rights of way and other off highway
    routes; its aim is to progressively create comprehensive and coherent transport networks for cycle

    I have set out the document trail below:

    Planning portal site

    Secretary of State’s Decision Letter

    para 36
    36. The Secretary of State has considered the Examining Authority’s assessment of the effects of the NDR project on non-motorised users at ER 4.473-485. With regard to the
    suitability of the provision that would be made for cyclists, the Secretary of State agrees with the Examining Authority that the applicant has taken a reasonable approach to cycleproofing the project (ER 4.480).

    Examining Authorities report

    Effects on non-motorised users (NMUs) 4.473

    Norfolk County Council response:
    “However, the extensive provision of new facilities for NMUs as part of the scheme, together with mitigation for any adverse effects, is sufficient evidence that the applicant has taken a reasonable approach to cycle-proofing the scheme.”

    In evidence to the Inquiry NNC submitted the following:

    The Norfolk County Council (Norwich Northern Distributor Road (A1067 to A47(T))) Order
    6.1 Environmental Statement: Volume I

    Page 788 Non-Motorised Users

    And then page 790 Table 1.17 Permanent impact of the NDR for the NMU network

    Note only one of the works is “Beneficial”, while some are even “adverse” – is this what “Cycle-Proofing” will mean?. These assessments are subjective judgements by the developer - no objective evidence is provided.

    The NCC further state:

    12.6.12 Traffic increases for some rural and radial routes within the Norwich area would result in some localised adverse impacts for NMUs due to potential increases in community severance. This is because some NMUs may be deterred from making their existing journeys where roads with traffic increases would need to be crossed or where existing footways, cycleways and bridleways run adjacent to roads with traffic increases. Locations include:

    # Traffic increases on Holt Road as it passes through Horsford;
    # Traffic increases on North Walsham Road as it passes through Crostwick;
    # Traffic increases on the Buxton Road where it passes through Old Catton (affecting the Spixworth cycleway); and,
    # Traffic increases on Wroxham Road.

    and at 12.6.13

    In addition, some slight increases in journey times for NMUs would be experienced as a result of the proposed junctions included within the NDR,
    such as at Cromer Road. This would be particularly relevant for cyclists, where navigating junctions may deter some users from making their journeys.

    Does this meet the requirements of Government policy to increase cycling? It seems to me that those cynics who saw the Governments announcements on cycle proofing and cycling policy as hot air and headline grabing were right.

    Is there is anything that can be done ?

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  • Cambridge Station Eastern Entrance

    Created by John Hall // 1 thread

    The Greater Anglia franchise is due for renewal in October 2016 and the process has already started. It is quite unsusal to have a station serving such a large number of passengers with access on only one side o the tracks. This situation leads to many more and longer car journeys along Mill Road, Cherry Hinton Road and Hills Road.

    There is an existing access via (non-residential) Clifton Road to the east side of the station and there is vacant land. We need to argue the case for an eastern entrance to the station, along with cycle parking and pedestrian access. There is a mainly empty car park on the other side of the tracks. We should also try to include a link from the Carter bridge to the new cycle park.

    Interested parties
    3 shortlisted franchises
    local MPs
    Minister responsible (Clare Perry MP)

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  • Outside Barmy Arms

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    The road outside the Barmy Arms pub, Twickenham Embankment, used to be closed to motor traffic by a single line of posts with cycle logos painted on the road between two of these, clearly showing there is a cycle route there.
    Recently this has been replaced with two lines of posts about 3m apart and there are no cycle route markers. This is leading pedestrians to reasonably assume that the area between the posts is for pedestrians only and to stand there in groups with drinks from the pub, creating conflicts with cyclists trying to ride through the area. The existence of the cycle route should once again be indicated by signs or painted cycle symbols.

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  • Twickenham Embankment 2-way

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    The Embankment, Twickenham is a two-way street. Many driver sseem to think it is one-way Westbound. Even the Cyclescape map wrongly marks it as one-way! It needs signage clarifying it is two-way, to avoid motorists being obstructive or abusive to cyclists lawfully riding Eastward along it.

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  • Bell Lane 2-way

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    Bell Lane is two-way. Most drivers using it go Northward and many seem to think it is one-way that way. It needs signage clarifying it is two-way, to avoid motorists being obstructive or abusive to cyclists lawfully riding South along it.

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  • Cricket Ln 2-way

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    Cricket Lane is a dead end and therefore two-way. Since an exit from a car park was built leading into it, many drivers seem to think it is a one-way street from the car park. In fact it is used by cyclists going in both directions between High St and Bushy Park.
    It needs signs clarifying that it is two-way, as drivers are being obstructive or abusive to cyclists legitimately using it.

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  • Proposed extra pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park.

    Created by Richard Taylor // 1 thread

    Proposal for three new pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park. The proposals are being made in light of the plans for an new station nearby.

    Representations from companies with premises on the business park - Redgate and Autonomy - have expressed concerns about security and the potential for people to try and park on the business park and then get on a train.

    The proposals are for the new accesses to be gated to restrict general public access.

    The proposals include a connection to the potential cycleway along the line of the disused railway.

    Cambridge Business Park Cowley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WZ

    Application reference: 15/0919/FUL

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  • Sign at end of Ferry Lane

    Created by Violinist John // 1 thread

    Noticed this a couple of weeks ago. As you will see the sign is incomplete and misleading given that the place to see all the details is the end of Ferry Lane waiting to join High Street. High Street at this point is both Route 51 and Route 11.

    Major points:

    Left turn to go to Impington on Route 51 - I think not.
    Abbey and Fen Ditton to the left when you could just go back across Green Dragon bridge.
    No directions to Histon, Milton, Waterbeach probably others.

    Also the lack of any idea where route 11 goes to the right.

    This appears to be one of a number of new signs that have recently appeared. If anyone has seen any more let's get the info out there and try to get them fixed.

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  • Lighting columns

    Created by Iain Lane // 1 thread

    Some new lamp posts have been installed on the pedestrian side of this split ped/cycle path. This reduces the effective width of the path and creates conflict.

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  • 15/0988/FUL Chemistry dept tank relocation: inc. cycle parking facilities

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 3 threads

    Relocation of the existing liquid nitrogen (LN2) tank, Denios unit and cycle parking facilities.

    Department Of Chemistry Lensfield Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1EW

    Application reference: 15/0988/FUL

    Introduction of two tiered cycle parking to maintain the same number of parking spaces.

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  • Collision on Roundabout - From Trumpington Road North onto Fens Causeway

    Created by holmestm // 1 thread

    Just wanted to report a collision on 1/6/15 at about 1700 between myself and a car in Cambridge.

    Travelling South on Trumpington Road, turning into Fens Causeway I was hit by a car travelling North at the roundabout. There are three lanes of traffic heading north, the outmost car gave way correctly but the car in the second lane for whatever reason chose to accelerate onto the roundabout and hit me square on. I heard the noise of a revving engine, turned and watched the car drive straight into me. I felt the bonnet of the car as it hit and heard the sound of the impact, have a vague recollection about spinning through the air then hitting the tarmac. Although I was wearing a helmet it didn't help as I landed on my right buttock, back and leg.

    Fortunately there were several witnesses including medically trained people who left their cars to help; the driver of the car involved remained in his car.

    The police took about 25 minutes to arrive and the ambulance about 10 minutes after that.

    I have nothing but praise for everyone who stopped and helped, the police, the paramedics and the A&E staff at Addenbrookes. The driver of the car knows what I think of him as I was quite vocal when he tried to get involved. He apparently told the police that I had 'cut the corner' of the roundabout. I'm not sure what he meant by this, nor was the police officer.

    I count myself very lucky. Although I've been off work since the collision, I have no broken bones - just serious bruising, a lot of pain in my back and hip which I'm assuming will go away eventually. The ironic thing is that I'd been cycling from Melbourn to Hills Road since the previous week up and down the A10, and had decided to try a different route over Chapel Hill as I thought it might be safer.

    I'm curious though, does this junction not have a history of collisions? I can recall seeing at least one there myself in the past. What is the recommended route for cyclists travelling this route?

    I took the advice of the Campaign website and contacted Cycleaid for legal advice. I'll report back the outcome as things progress if anyone is interested.

    BTW not sure how to draw a route on the map AND mark the collision point, so I've just done the latter.

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  • Create cycle link from London Road to Columbine Gardens and Lupin Road

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    There is a footpath linking London Road to Columbine Gardens and Lupin Road, which has a series of barriers. Removing the barriers, ensuring there are dropped kerbs are on Columbine Gardens and Cowslip Close. Signs need to be added to sign post the route to the town centre, London Road, and appropriate other places.

    This would mean that there would be direct link from Chantry on to London Road and into town along a potentially safer route than Gippeswk Avenue/Birkfield Drive.

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  • Extend cycle path parallel to A92 south of Stonehaven to be full distance between junctions

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The A92 here has some very fast traffic. Considering this is the flagship National Cycle Route 1, and there is already a cycle path of part of the way between these 2 junctions. It would be much better if this cycle path was continued to the next junction, with some crossing aid in the form of traffic lights, bridge or tunnel. This would open this part of the route to a wider range of participants, as it would be significantly safer.

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  • Queen Edith's Way and Cherry Hinton Road improvement plans

    Created by Al Storer // 2 threads

    The County Council have launched an initial consultation on improvements to Queen Edith's Way and Cherry Hinton Road (Hills Road to Mowbray Road). Very positively, what they're asking about is separated cycling facilities and bus stop bypasses. The devil will be in the detail as always, but the principle is good

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  • Richmond Hill and Ormond Road - 2 way for cycling

    Created by Ross // 1 thread

    Richmond Hiil and Ormond Road provide direct routes into Richmond town centre. However they are one way and force cyclists to take detours to get into town. Making these roads 2 way for cycling with contraflow cycle lanes would improve movement for cycles and remove some conflict which exists where cyclists ride on the pavement.

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