Mill Road Winter Fair
Stall, Campaign materials and postcards, attendees, helpers.
18 issues found for 'event':
Created by // 10 threads
Stall, Campaign materials and postcards, attendees, helpers.
Created by David Green // 1 thread
I will be running four Wheel Building Workshops in Cambridge during 2020 (dates on website). It makes a great Christmas present for anyone who is a keen cyclist, or interested in cycle maintenance and repair.
Anon // 1 thread
At the end of this blog post, it's reported that the segregated cycle path from Cambridge North station to the north of the Business Park will be closed to cyclists from March 2019 to December 2020 (a period of 21 months), for utility works relating to development on the Cambridge North site. Cyclists are to be diverted to the south side path (along the busway); pedestrian access on the north side will apparently be maintained.
In particular, this appears to prevent cyclist use of the recently opened gate at the south end of the Business Park for the duration of the works (unless perhaps one pushes one's cycle). Getting from or through Cambridge North to the Science Park will be less convenient, too.
Full text from Camcycle blog post. (Robin Heydon tells me this information originally came from Brookgate.)
Development at Cambridge North
Early works have begun on the further development around Cambridge North, where new offices and a hotel will be built. Within the next couple of months, a major cyclist diversion will be put in place which reroutes cyclists accessing the station via the segregated path along Cowley Road. This will be closed to allow utility works from Milton Road down to the station. Cyclists will be redirected along the Busway cycleway from Milton Road. There will continue to be road access for cyclists to the industrial and residential units off Cowley Road (including the Camcycle office), but not beyond this point. Note that there will be a signifidant increase in construction traffic along Cowley Road.
Extra blue and black bins have been put along Gonville Place, near where the cyclist counter used to be. They narrow the cycle lane in real, and effectively. Their location generally is poorly thought through (if at all). They are clearly intended for visitors to the winter fun fair on Prkers Piece, who will be on foot, but to use the bins they need to cross the cycle lane.
Created by David Green // 1 thread
There are places available on the 'Wheel Building 1' course in Cambridge on Sat 13/10/18. This is aimed at people with little or no experience of wheel building.
For information and to enrol, please visit:
David Green
Created by David Green // 1 thread
There are places available on the 'Wheel Building 1' course in Cambridge on Sat 7 July 2018. This is aimed at people with little or no experience of wheel building.
For information and to enrol, please visit:
David Green
Created by Hilary Costello // 1 thread
My friend was knocked off her bike by a grey taxi on Milton Road on Friday Feb 2 2018 between 8:40-8:45 am. She ended up in the middle of the road and no one stopped. She went to A&E and is thankfully OK, mostly just shaken up and bruised.
She has reported the accident to the police who said they will mark it as an incident but not investigate. I've walked out to where it happened and there are cameras at the green end road/milton road intersection and at the guided busway that could help identify the taxi. Does anyone have any advice on how we could push the matter forward? It seems wrong that a taxi driver can hit someone, drive away and not even a little effort is put in to investigate?
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
There are various events on Parker's Piece which impact cycle access. What issues do we have and how do we think the various events should deal with them.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 19 threads
The Reach Fair ride takes place on the early Bank Holiday Monday (May Day) in May.
The web page for it is:
The planning overview is summarised:
I've created this issue to help plan this event.
There have been problems before with unsatisfactory cycle parking and obstruction of the paths across this busy green space. New people are providing the ice rink this year though.
By-election for the Romsey Division in June 2015
Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads
The annual university societies' fair is an opportunity to suggest to the student body the existence of the campaign.
Historically we get few students joining, but it can be a useful networking opportunity.
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
I'm just working out that it seems hard to start a thread without an issue, and something that doesn't have a specific location (actually, I think having to provide a location for something when not appropriate counts as a bug).
Last Thursday (so Maundy Thursday so the day before the double Bank Holiday weekend), there were people on Riverside between the new Riverside Bridge and the path up to Tesco, doing a traffic survey. I can't think of a less appropriate day to do one (maybe Christmas Eve which is also not a Bank Holiday but might as well be), unless the aim was "to show no-one really commutes along Riverside, and no school children travel along there". As far as I can tell, every state school was having a teacher training day even though their holidays were supposed to start on the Friday, all the private schools were off, there are no students around, and no rowers, and even lots of normal workers were presumably taking a day's holiday judging from how full my place of employment and the general traffic levels everywhere during "rush" hour. The location of this survey is irrelevant, as the data generated, wherever it was, will be irrelevant unless the question was "how little traffic is there on a day when all the schools are closed and lots of people have taken the day off work?".
Is there any logic to when traffic surveys are done? Since they generate data that the Council use to decide on road maintenance, gritting etc, it's important that these data are meaningful.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
Road closures - but will cycle parking be OK?
Created by // 1 thread
Jim C raised this in an email to SUSTRANS: ...if staff from the London office would find an 'Awayday' in Cambridge an interesting outing?
> Cambridge can be great in the spring, and if a trip is in term time
you can see just the sorts of diverse cycles and cyclists (diversity)
> I'm sure we can create a good itinerary, covering innovative
locations, tourist hotspots, and key cycle facilities.
> As I said at the time, why go 'Dutch' to see examples of cycle
culture, when in Cambridge you can see what can be achieved in the UK.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads
Talk by local historian about cycling in Cambridge
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
We'll hold a stall at this event, sign up for slots!
Energise Cambridge is an exciting campaign to get Cambridge students engaged
on climate change and persuade the university to change their energy supply
to renewable options. We are holding a massive rally on Parker's Piece on
February 10th at 12pm to show student support for the issues we are raising
and to generate publicity.
Find out more at
Sign up at:
2 threads found for 'event':
Cambridge Cycling Campaign
A discussion on issue
Reach Fair Ride
Cambridge Cycling Campaign
A discussion on issue
Campaign events
Simon Nuttall
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