Things tagged 'car-parking'

14 issues found for 'car-parking':

  • Missing section of cycleway

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    The Hardwick Road cycleway abruptly terminates at the corner of Beech Road, within sight of the next section at South Gates roundabout. Cyclists wishing to continue towards town without being obstructed by motorists need to either use six beg-button crossings of the A149 Hardwick Road to cross over and back, or use four beg-button crossings to head towards Hardings Way (where another three beg-buttons and currently a dismount greets them), or they can illegally slalom contraflow through a parking bay, footway and oncoming traffic - and unsurprisingly many do the latter.

    All of the houses by the parking bay blocking the way have their own drives and it is not that much used. It could be repainted as a two-way cycleway, protected with posts and the slopes into the ends made shallower.

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  • Rotherhithe Movement Plan - Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks CPZ

    Anon // 1 thread


    We want to hear your views on the planned controlled parking zone for the Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks area.

    Up to 3,000 new homes in  the area mean that a controlled parking zone is essential - in particular, this is the only way to enforce the permit-free planning conditions for the Canada Water development, and prevent intolerable additional parking pressures. 

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  • Sutton's Parking Consultation Stage 1

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread

    From the council page (Note says this is South of Sutton, map not that clear so don't trust the area used here on cyclescape)

    With the fourth highest car ownership levels in London, and residents telling us that parking is a major and growing concern, our Parking Strategy aims to improve local parking and traffic situations across the borough.

    Our parking consultation will be rolled out in three phases, with each phase covering different locations across the borough. This Stage 1 Parking Consultation kicks off the second phase, where we'll be consulting with some residents in the Sutton South, Cheam & Belmont and Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee areas, as shown in the map below.

    Responses to this Parking Survey will help us understand about parking on your street. Whether you have parking problems or not, we’d like to hear from you as all feedback will be fed into parking and traffic management proposals being made for your street.

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  • 'Peckham West' parking zone and healthier streets

    Anon // 1 thread

    Southwark Council is conducting a parking and healthier streets study in the 'Peckham West' area, shown in orange in cyclescape picture.

    We have received many requests for permit parking from residents in this area since 2015 and parking pressure has increased since the adjacent Dog Kennel Hill parking zone was implemented in December 2018, as evidenced by photos of double parking below sent by a resident and reports of parking on kerbs and in front of drop kerbs. In addition, should the East Dulwich zone to the South be implemented (also in consultation) parking stress will increase further.

    We are therefore carrying out a study on the potential introduction of a parking zone in 'Peckham West', to improve parking for residents and support businesses while creating more healthy streets for people from all walks of life.

    We expect for the zone to result in freeing up roughly 40% of the kerbside space and are therefore proposing ‘healthy streets’ proposals to encourage walking and cycling for people from all walks of life: ‘parklets’ (planting and communal seating in the place of a parking space), seating along walking routes for places to stop and rest, and cycle parking with reserved spaces for cargo bikes and disability adapted cycles. The Southwark Spine cycle route soon to be implemented along Maxted and Adys Road is expected to further encourage cycling in the area.

    Why We Are Consulting

    A parking and healthier streets study is an opportunity for the council to assess the parking issues in a certain area by asking the local residents and businesses how they view parking on their street and whether they would like a parking zone and street improvements to be introduced.

    The council will analyse all responses on a road by road basis and make a recommendation to the decision maker.

    Any parking controls or street improvements that we introduce will take into account the results of the consultation as well as existing highway safety issues in the proposed zone, feedback from emergency services, and our wider transport policies reflecting our responsibilities to air quality and active travel.

    We would like to hear your views on the proposals. Please read the background documents below and consider the proposed layout and preliminary healthy street imrpovements before completing the questionnaire online or by post via the freepost address, by 31 January 2019.

    For the background information see the documents below and for more information about parking and the decision making process in Southwark visit

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  • parking on Heslington Road

    Kate Ravilious // 1 thread

    New parking provision for cars is extremely dangerous for cyclists, forcing cyclists out into the road. Illegal parking still persists along this road too.

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  • parked cars blocking access to cycle lane

    Created by Mia // 0 threads

    cars (particularly cars with blue badges) like to park here two abreast blocking access to cycle lane to cyclists and electric wheelchair users too forcing them to go on to the pavement (if they can) or a long detour

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  • City Council car parking charges consultation

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Consultation on changes to Cambridge City Council’s car park prices from 1 April 2018.

    We wish to consult with as wide a cross section of the community as possible to highlight the changes we would like to make to car park prices and season ticket costs on 1 April 2018.

    We continue to look for effective ways to manage congestion, especially during the 8 to 10am morning rush hour, and so this year propose the introduction of an additional charge for vehicles parking between these times together with a high increase in car park season tickets for business users.

    We hope this will help to encourage the use of vehicles in the less busy periods of the day, and ideally help people transfer to alternative methods of accessing the city that cause less congestion and pollution.

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  • Cycle lane in car door zone - Warneford Lane

    Created by RichyP // 1 thread

    Cycle lanes on both sides of Warneford Lane between Morrell Avenue and Cheney Lane are narrow and usually encroached by adjacent parked cars. The cycle lane being 120 cm wide, it is located fully within the car door zone.

    It is difficult even for confident cyclists to use the road safely here, due to the likelihood/frequency of aggressive drivers approaching close behind and/or sounding horns.

    One solution would be to locate parking on the outside of the carriageway with cycle lanes on the inside, adjacent to the footway.

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  • Cars blocking dropped kerb

    Created by GinaroZ // 1 thread

    Under the Forth Road Bridge there is a shared use section with a dropped kerb from Hopetoun Road.

    When I last cycled there it was blocked by a parked car, and you can see there's normally a car near it if not blocking it on street view: - double yellows or something needed.

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  • Cycle path behind Dumfries High School

    Created by JohnSch // 1 thread

    At certain high usage times for the games area, such as on a Sunday morning, despite there two large car parks adjacent to the High school and a very large amount of on-road parking, the cycle itself becomes a car park. Also cars park across the dropped kerbs and along side the path, meaning that access is almost impossible for bicycles, prams and motobility scooters to squeeze through. Parking on the cycle path also blocks the path for users and also damages the surface.
    Also surrounding pavements are blocked making it very difficult for the local community to use them and this causes road safety issues.

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  • Meadowhall station car park extension

    Created by Dexter Johnstone // 3 threads

    £8.2million expansion of Meadowhall car park.

    part funded by £1.45million of Sustainable Transport Exemplar Program (STEP) which is intended for ‘improving cycling links and other sustainable transport links across the area’.

    This has been put back until 16/17 due to a delay with a funding bid.

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3 threads found for 'car-parking':

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