Things tagged 'signage'

57 issues found for 'signage':

  • Small sign pointing wrong way at Westgate Court Avenue / Fisher Road junction

    Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread

    The small cycle sign at the Westgate Court Avenue / Fisher Road junction, part of the cycle route between Archbishop's School and Canterbury Academy, is facing the wrong direction. Thus cyclists may get lost. It should be facing south into Fisher Road for cyclists approaching along Westgate Court Avenue from past the cemetery.

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  • Stream Walk / Old Bridge Road sign visibility

    Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread

    When emerging from Stream Walk onto Old Bridge Road the NE-bound sign isn't visible. The sign is hidden behind a large hedge. Thus cyclists not familiar with the route may need to stop to find the sign in order to avoid getting lost.

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  • Directions from London-bound A2 Wincheap offslip

    Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread

    Signs towards Sustrans routes to help divert cyclists away from the dangerous A2 dual carriageway.

    However, the routes shown aren't totally accurate. All of the best routes for these destinations will head towards and onto NCR18. First, turn right onto the A28 at the traffic lights (walk across using the nearby controlled crossing if needed), then turn left into Ten Perch Road. Head across at the first roundabout, then almost across (11 o'clock position) onto shared cycle path at the second roundabout. This leads to NCR18 (Great Stour Way). At the T-junction with the Great Stour Way, turn left to head towards Chartham and Ashford. Turn right to head into Canterbury and towards Whitstable (via NCR1) and RCR16 (via NCR1 bound towards Sandwich (Not towards Whitstable when you see the signs)).

    The pictured sign needs correcting, and the onward signs need to be added, since they're not present.

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  • Hazard near Cambridge North Station

    Created by Joseph Tucker // 1 thread

    A friend recently smashed her shoulder by cycling into the car trap which awaits anyone who misses the "Except guided buses" sign and then misses the "Car trap" sign, while heading from North Station towards Milton Rd.

    In the dark, this is actually an easy mistake for an inexperienced rider, since

    a) you believe that you're on a road when actually you're on a piece of Guided Busway

    b) these signs can appear to belong to the cycle path, where they are mounted.

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  • Empty signposts

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    These sign posts have been put up long ago but there are no cycle route signs on them yet.

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  • No Entry at Clay Farm Centre

    Created by Eleanor Blair // 1 thread

    Bus gate at Clay Farm Centre is marked with a "no entry except buses" sign - this route it used by many bikes, and should probably be changed. I'd rather not go through no-entry signs, but I do at the moment as it's the only sensible route by bike from Trumpington Park Primary to Lime Avenue.

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  • Route via playing field and Aldermanhill Rd

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    Signpost a route as shown from Calside to Brooms Road. This is the quietest and least hilly route and coupled with the other suggestions would make a more pleasant route into town by bike.

    Remove the chicanes along the playing fields at the points shown so people using bikes, wheelchairs and pushchairs can use this path.

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  • Signpost routes to Maidenbower path from Calside 2

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    Another hidden away route for accessing the Maindenbower path from Calside. Signposting this would be a quick win. The path would also benefit form being widened to allow cyclists and pedestrians to pass comfortable. Widening the chicane  or replacing with a bollard at the top would enable people using bikes, wheelchairs or pushchairs to get through too.

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  • inaccurate "no through road" signs, missing "except cycles/pedestrians"

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    I've noticed a few of these around Cambridge where there's a "no through road" sign but it's a through road for cyclists and pedestrians. As there's a post already, if the council had a ready-made stock of plates saying "except cycles", "except pedestrians", a single operative could affix the plate below the sign to made it correct. It is highly deceptive and not serving those using non-motorised transport if they go the long way round not realising they can get through a quicker route.

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  • New development Town Street Stanningley Leeds

    Created by David Dowden // 1 thread

    New Lidi retail development taking place next to cycle superhighway ,which will have improvements .

    At East side of development there is a footway connecting Grangefield road and Richardshaw road which is on Leeds cycle map as a cycle route. This is used as a quiet/quicker short cut from Pudsey saving using busy Richardshaw Lane.

    However there is no signage to use this route and also footpath /bridleway is in poor condition , rubbish , lighting issues , Could funding from this new development be used to improve this /cycleway/footpath.

    16/06865/COND | Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 6, 14 and 33 of Planning Application 15/05095/FU | Former Belgrave Works Town Street Stanningley Pudsey LS28 6HB

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  • 'Except cyclists' Greenbrae Loaning suggestion

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    There is a short section of one way road at the end of Greenbrae Loaning. This road appears wide enough to accommodate a contraflow cycle lane which would make travelling across town by bike easier.

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  • Twickenham Embankment 2-way

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    The Embankment, Twickenham is a two-way street. Many driver sseem to think it is one-way Westbound. Even the Cyclescape map wrongly marks it as one-way! It needs signage clarifying it is two-way, to avoid motorists being obstructive or abusive to cyclists lawfully riding Eastward along it.

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15 threads found for 'signage':

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