Things tagged 'maintenance'

20 issues found for 'maintenance':

  • Wheel Building courses in Cambridge

    Created by David Green // 2 threads

    I run 1-day Wheel Building Courses in Cambridge

    These are well-established intensive 1-day practical courses offered at 'level 1 (beginner) and level 2* (refresher/intermediate) level.

    You learn how to build strong and durable bicycle wheels in a controlled, supportive environment. Group size is kept small to ensure a high student-teacher ratio. All equipment is provided, but you can bring your own components to build if you want to.

    For fully information, dates and booking details please visit

    * dependent on demand.

    David Green

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  • Barton Road Conduit Subsidence

    Created by Finlay KM // 1 thread

    The brook conduit has partially collapsed under the road and the shared-use path. It is currently being repaired (after nearly a year) but the contractors have made use of a very interesting "Cyclists dismount and get an escort" sign. A yellow ramp also makes passing on any non-standard cycle a real challenge. Both of these items are really bad practice and actively discriminate against anyone on a non-standard cycle.

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  • Cambridge Station Bridge maintenance (Carter bridge)

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The Carter Bridge is looking worse for wear in many ways. 

    We've had a question about who is responsible for maintenance. Network Rail and Cambridge County Council, Cambridge City Council have apparently denied responsibility and there has been a suggestion that Essex County Council may be responsible. 

    What do we know about responsibility and previous actions to keep the bridge maintained? 

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  • Vandalism of Riverside Bridge cables - 2019-12-12

    Created by ClareM // 1 thread

    Back on 12th December 2019, I cycled over Riverside Bridge and noticed that one of the bridge cables had been cut.

    I've just uploaded 2 photos to CycleStreets:

    I would like to know if it is since been repaired -so if anyone here cycles over Riverside Bridge, please could you take a look.

    And if it has not been fixed, who/how show I report it, please?

    Or has anyone else reported it already?



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  • Cowley Road potholes

    Created by David Green // 1 thread

    There is a dangerous group of cavities developing around the ironworks at the 'T junction' which cyclists have to negotiate every morning, while the new cyclepath to the SciencePark is unavailable.

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  • Steps in kerb on new Arbury Road cycle paths

    Created by Rick // 1 thread

    The new cycle lanes on Arbury Road are great but I'm worried the asphalt height hasn't been done to a tight enough tolerance. In places the step from the road up the kerb to the cycle path is quite large, so I'm reluctant to move over from the road to the cycle lane until I reach a flat part.

    I may be being over-cautious but I've had bad experiences in the past with falling off and bucked wheels from riding up kerbs at too shallow an angle, and I'm reluctant to experiment too hard!

    Does anyone know what the tolerance is meant to be, and whether it has been met here?

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  • Maidenbower cycle path

    Created by Cycling Dumfries // 1 thread

    Path never gets sweeper over it unlike other cycle tracks. Horse s**t covers path in parts from Calside farm. No lighting on path makes winter travel ‘challenging’. Path has not yet been adopted by the council – why not? Grass cutting is absolutely horrendous when it is done twice a year, glass clippings all over path and not blown up making pavement very slippy. Too long between cuts, path down to two foot in the middle

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  • Cycle route maintenance

    Created by Monica Frisch // 8 threads

    Cycle routes and cycle paths need maintenance. This issue is somewhere to raise matters relating to standards of path maintenance, problems of poor maintenance, and examples of good maintenance.

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  • Community maintenance of cycleways

    Created by Philip Shore // 2 threads

    With very limited maintenance on cyclepaths, should the local community:

    - volunteer time and effort to increase maintainance eg cutting back hedgerows?

    - if desired, how could volunteer effort be arranged?

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  • Tibbetts Corner to Telegraph pub path maintenance

    Created by MB // 0 threads

    The cycle (and pedestrian) path between the Telegraph pub & Tibbetts corner needs repair & maintenance. Undergrowth has grown over it, narrowing the path, there are cracks & ridges where tree roots or wear & tear have deteriorated the path & the path markings are no longer clear.

    In addition, the route through the car park is often strewn with broken glass and pot holes.

    If the path were widened back to its original width, resurfaced & remarked, there would be less conflict between pedestrians & cyclists.

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  • Catholic Church junction surfacing

    Created by Aidan Van de Weyer // 0 threads

    The Hills Road / Regent Street axis of the Catholic Church junction was resurfaced overnight (28-29 August) as part of the junction upgrade.

    Many of the damaged iron works (manhole covers, etc) have not been changed. Some are in a bad state and quite dangerous because they have worn smooth, sunk or tilted.

    I have contacted the Traffic Signals team at CCC, as they seem to be responsible for the works, and they should be getting back to me.

    If anyone else fancies having a go at finding out what is going on and whether anything can now be done, it would be very welcome.

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  • Hills Road - roadworks chaos

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    General chaos in this area due to the roadworks. How can this be better managed to make cycle access as easy as possible?

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  • Incredibly bumpy surface on East Road

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Now that the East Road gas works have finished, the road has been patched up, but in a very bumpy way. Although the tarmac is smooth, it is not at the same height as the original road so riding along is continually bumpy.

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6 threads found for 'maintenance':

One library item found for 'maintenance':

No planning applications found for 'maintenance'.

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