
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Richmond Hill and Ormond Road - 2 way for cycling

    Created by Ross // 1 thread

    Richmond Hiil and Ormond Road provide direct routes into Richmond town centre. However they are one way and force cyclists to take detours to get into town. Making these roads 2 way for cycling with contraflow cycle lanes would improve movement for cycles and remove some conflict which exists where cyclists ride on the pavement.

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  • Eton Street, George Street and Paradise Road - Make 2 way for cycling

    Created by Ross // 1 thread

    Cycling around Richmond town centre is tortuous on a bicycle due to the one way system. To encourage even greater cycling journeys to Richmond town centre business the one way system should be redesigned to allow 2 way cycling for bicycles on Eton Street, Paradise Road and George Street. Ideally this should be achieved with segregated cycle contraflows

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  • "Sustrans’ Cycle-Friendly Design Manual" COMMENTS PLEASE

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    Sustrans invites comments by 30 June on its draft chapters of a "Cycle-friendly Design Manual".

    This document, once published, could influence local authorities to provide better, safer cycle routes, and so persuade people who are not yet cycling their every day journeys to do so.

    Your comments please to by 30 June.

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  • One Way Streets - Make 2 way for Bicycles

    Created by Ross // 3 threads

    At the April '15 cycling liason group, Richmond Council asked members of the public to submit one way streets that would benefit from a treatment to make them 2 way for bicycles. When implemented correctly this can be a great way to facilitate bicycle journeys over other modes. The list that RCC are submitting is below, if you know of others post here and RCC will add them to the list.

    Somerton Avenue @ Clifford
    South Worple Way East End
    Richmond Hill
    Ormond Road
    Paradise Road
    George Street
    Eton Street
    Richmond Green
    Grove Road
    Park Road
    Glebe Way
    1st Cross Road
    Kew Station Approach
    Wiggins Lane Ham
    The Vineyard
    Cumberland Road
    Leybourne Park
    Priests Bridge

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  • Poor cycle signage through South Lowestoft housing area

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The area bounded by Castleton Avenue, Bloodmoor Road, and Lowestoft Road is good for having lots of little footpath cut throughs however, there is no signage highlighting for example how to get to the nearest station or Lowestoft town centre. There is a local route 5 that runs through the area, however it's easy to loose track of it, and few of the signs have destinations to for example the nearest station, or Lowestoft Town Centre.

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  • Sustrans "Handbook" - comment on new chapters by 30 June

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 4 threads

    Sustrans' "Handbook for cycle-friendly design", intended as a non-aligned expression of standards and processes for cycling provision, for public and specialist guidance, was published at the same time as the Campaign's "Making Space for Cycling". It received some criticism from members of CCyC.

    Sixteen draft new chapters are at and comments invited.

    Subjects include: new developments; parking; design concepts; network planning; community involvement; signing; cycle-rail integration; and more...

    Deadline for comments: 30 June

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  • Cycle route from Unthank Road to city centre

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    From casual observations there are a number of cycles using the pair of roundabouts at the Unthank Road-Grapes Hill-Chapelfield Road junctions rather than using the suggested route via Essex Street and Rupert Street.

    These roundabouts are potentially hazardous to cyclists yet they have traffic signals and a large amount of space. Should these junctions be remodelled to give cyclists a route on their desire line?

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  • Bicycle Friendly Awards

    Campaign to issue annual Bicycle Friendly Awards to business, colleges, universities, departments, shops, employers, delivery business, taxi companies, places of worship etc.

    This process frames, develops and establishes local bicycle "culture," gives positive feedback and publicity.

    Evaluation could focus on
    1) support for employees and customers who cycle
    2) education of (professional) drivers on how to safely interact with cyclists on the road

    Precedent could be the League of American Bicyclists They issue such recognition annually to cities, campus, business etc and involve local members in the evaluation process

    Threads on various categories of recipients to design process and assemble contacts

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  • "Street Pod" cycle parking - your feedback please

    Created by Funrider // 1 thread

    What do you think of Street Pod cycle parking, as user or local authority installer?
    Street Pods enable you to secure front and back of standard-size cycle with only one lock.
    Is there an issue of keeping them clean and of the ease of getting bikes into position adjacent to others... They may be more obvious from a distance than hoops, but how do they look in a community streetscape?

    Photo shows pods north end of Peterborough bus station, installed abt 5 years ago.

    Comments, for or against Street Pods?

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  • Proposed Cycle Improvements to Eastfield Road

    Created by Peterborough Matt // 1 thread

    At the recent Cycle Forum meeting, PCC provided detailed plans of proposed improvements for cyclists along Eastfield Road, from the junction with Broadway to the junction with Oxney Road / Sainsburys turn off.

    I hope that PCC will forward the plans onto Cycle Forum members so everyone can have a detailed look, however, in the meantime I thought it may be useful to open this thread to begin an open discussion about our own views of Eastfield Road - what would we like to see, what do we think are the main issues?

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  • Shelfords and Stapleford School Bus Cancellation

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    We have been contacted by a parent with the following concern.

    Dear Sir/ Madam

    I'm in need of some expert advice/ opinions regarding a shared stretch of national cycle route in South Cambridge.
    Cambridge County Council have notified hundreds of parents, myself included, that they are withdrawing the home to school buses from the Shelfords and Stapleford areas to Sawston Village College. They have assessed the route and claim it is safe for a child accompanied by an adult to walk to school. It is this criteria that I'm challenging, on the grounds of safety.
    I'm in the process of appealing the decision along with many others. The particular stretch of path that I feel is highly dangerous is on the way out of Stapleford on A1301 after the bridge over the river Cam, I'll attach some pictures that I lifted from google streetmaps which should give an idea of the dangers. This is a single pass stretch with limited field of vision next to a 50mph limit main A road into Cambridge.
    Ideally it would be great to have the recommended 2.1m for each cycle lane plus footpath, but obviously CCC prefer to cut and not spend and in doing so endanger young peoples lives.
    I rack up 100 miles most weeks on my bike, so this is very much from an experienced cyclists perspective and I know this decision will only put more cars on the road, as well as make the cycle route more dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians alike.
    Is this something you think you could help with? and are there any other campaigners/ experts who might be interested too?
    I have until 11 May to submit the appeal form, the appeal hearing is mid June I think.

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  • City Deal funding for restrictions to car parking

    Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread

    The Greater Cambridge City Deal has allocated £22 million over the next 5 years for:
    "City Centre capacity improvements/cross-city cycle improvements"

    Removal of car parking is an easily achievable way of making cycling more pleasant (and safer) Both the removal/relocation of Pay and Display and restrictions to all day commuter car parking on residential roads that form part of 'quiet roads' for cycling should form part of this funding stream.

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  • Unsafe environment on Norfolk Street near St. Matthew's School

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Norfolk Street is narrowed considerably by the car parking on both sides.

    At school dropping-off and collection time, there is absolute chaos, with all kinds of dodgy reversing manoeuvres with little children around. This is a shame, as there is really fantastic new cycle parking at the school. Also, the pay-and-display parking effectively makes this important contraflow route less safe than it should be.

    The car parking by CB2 should be removed also. This is particularly hazardous.

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  • Tennis Court Road temporary closure for scaffolding works

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    In preparation for the extension to Cambridge Judge Business School, demolition work to Nightingale and Bridget Hostels needs to take place. This will cause an element of disruption on Tennis Court Road as a temporary closure of the footpath, cyclepath and highway is required for the erection of scaffolding.

    1st June 2015 - 15th June 2015

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  • Planning application: 15/0448/FUL Reduce grass verge on pavement outside propery.

    Created by Al Storer // 1 thread

    An application to pave over part of the very wide verge on Tendon Road (verge parking is banned) for additional parking space. We may not need to add our own objection, but it is interesting to note- especially should there be a future proposal for segregated cycling facilities here.

    Application reference: 15/0448/FUL

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  • 15/0519/OUT: 27 homes off Histon Rd

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    See p26 of D+A Statement.
    It's "bikes and bins", with cycles shown in garden sheds or to the rear of tandem car parking, ie inaccessible. The developer claims high sustainability and to favour walking and cycling. This being outline application an objection might produce improvement.

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  • Extremely poor cycle provision for crossing the Coventry Road

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    Cycle provision before this junction vanishes entirely and the only option beyond navigating this extremely busy junction are unappealing subways beneath the junction. For the less confident cyclist this junction would pose a significant barrier as mixing with three lanes of heavy bus, HGV and motor traffic is a daunting prospect for most people. The dank and dirty subways are even less appealing with poor sight-lines, long walks and poor social safety as a result.
    This junction is frequently used by cyclists and could be part of an effective links between the north and south of Solihull, as well as this there is clearly enough space for a full Dutch style junction with proper protection for bicycle users to enable them to pass this barrier.

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  • No/very little cycle provision

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    Beyond a single ASL there is no cycling provision for this section of the signposted route from the Coventry Road to Solihull town centre, despite cycling provision being of a decent off-road/ quiet road standard before and after this section.
    The short section of road before the turn into Moat Lane is pretty daunting as this is a major traffic and bus route; a barrier that could easily lead to less confident cyclists being forced onto the footway.
    A possible solution could be the continuation of the off-road cycle path up to Moat Lane (or indeed directly to the town centre) and a 20mph limit and traffic calming beyond there.

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  • Badly signposted route section

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    This section of cycle route has only sporadic signposting and also diverts through a narrow underpass with poor social safety. While this route does provide a decent alternative to the other busier roads, the way-finding is poor and the route is very rarely used by cyclists and as such has a poor feeling of social safety.

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  • Narrow shared-use path

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The shared-use path between Union Road and Grove Road is only wide enough for two people walking side by side and is frequently used by pedestrians, effectively designing in conflict. The path surface itself is also heavily damaged by weathering and tree roots and makes for a rather uncomfortable ride.
    This route would benefit significantly from widening and resurfacing. There is a stretch of grassy bank on the east side of the fence that could be appropriated from the Hospital to create this additional space.

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