Things tagged 'northstowe'

5 issues found for 'northstowe':

  • Consultation on a proposal to re-surface part of Longstanton Bridleway 10

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    From the county:

    In addition to the notification which I sent to you on Monday 11 April 2022 regarding the order to divert part of Longstanton Bridleway 10, I am emailing you to consult you on a proposal to re-surface the northern part of Longstanton Bridleway 10 between the new bridge across the access road to Northstowe and the southern end of the Wilsons Road by Falcon Park.


    The proposal to re-surface the northern part of Longstanton Bridleway 10 is related to Condition 59 of Northstowe Phase 2 (S/2011/14/OL) which is subject to submission of details to Greater Cambridge Shared Planning consultation S/2011/14/COND59.  In order to achieve a continuous all-weather NMU link between Longstanton, Bar Hill and the new A14 NMU path I am consulting you on what type of surfacing you would like to see on the route (coloured in pink on the attached plan).  The route will need to provide an upgraded route that caters for all non-motorised users (walkers, cyclists and horse-riders) all year round.    


    The southern section of Longstanton Bridleway 10 between the A1307 and the new NMU bridge over the Northstowe access road was surfaced last year and I am interested in whether a similar type of surface would be suitable on the northern section of the bridleway.  The northern section of Longstanton Bridleway 10 is generally quite wide and located between tree/hedge lines.  I am proposing that any re-surfacing on the northern part of the bridleway follows the principle of providing a 50-50 parallel surface (50% retaining grass/natural surface next to 50% smooth surface suitable for cyclists and pedestrians such as the surface which is in place on the southern part of Longstanton Bridleway 10 or the surface which has just been completed on Reynolds Drove, Rampton north of the busway).  Between the boundary features on the northern part of Longstanton Bridleway 10 there is generally at least 5 metres of width available which in theory could accommodate 2.5 metres of natural surface next to 2.5 metres of foot/cycling surface.   


    The re-surfacing of the bridleway associated with the planning condition is for the developer (Homes England) to deliver, but I am seeking your opinions on what you would like to see in this location which I will then use to inform my feedback to Homes England and Greater Cambridge Planning on the condition which needs to deliver improvements to the northern part of Longstanton Bridleway 10. 


    I would be much obliged if I could have your comments back on this matter by Friday 29 April 2022.

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  • S/4208/18/RM Northstowe Phase 2 strategic engineering works

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Northstowe Phase 2 strategic engineering elements including cycleways.

    See 'Town General Plans'

    Interesting that they plan significant stretches of protected & segregated bidirectional cycleway including protected & segregated junctions. Although in some sections these mysteriously turn into shared-use pavements, and it's not clear why, since there's plenty of space...

    Cycleway / footway kerb is a 45-degree type, better than 90-degree but still steeper than a forgiving kerb.

    There's also a link from Dry Drayton Road included & also an overpass of that road for some reason (part of A14 works?).


    Reserved Matters for landscaping and layout for Strategic Engineering Elements in relation to Phase 2 following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL. An Environmental Impact Assessment was required at the time of the Outline submission and an Environmental Statement was submitted at that time.

    Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington, Cambs, CB24 3AB

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/4208/18/RM

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