
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Planning app 14/0133/FUL: 72 student flats off Thompsons Lane

    Created by David Earl // 0 threads

    St Clements Gardens
    Thompsons Lane
    CB5 8AH

    Erection of new student accommodation comprising 72 study bedrooms
    together with ancillary kitchens, common rooms, porter's office, plant and store rooms, cycle parking (including 13 dedicated external spaces for Bishop Bateman Court) and associated external works following demolition of 1-8 St Clements Gardens.

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  • Hampton Wick High St mandatory cycle lane

    Created by Paul L // 0 threads

    There is a long-established cycle route via Broom Rd, lower Teddington Rd but that runs into congestion in Hampton Wick High Street. A cycle lane could join to the cycle track across Kingston Bridge. There is generally no room for 2 traffic lanes but a cycle lane + general traffic lane would fit.

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  • Teddington Railway Bridge

    Created by Paul L // 0 threads

    Tedington railway bridge is the steepest hill in Teddington and the roundabouts make cycling at busy times stop-start. There are sections of off-road track but they pushy you back onto the road at narrow sections. What is needed is a comprehensive scheme with protected crossings of Park Rd and Waldegrave rd parallel to the existing zebras.

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  • Jesmond Dene Road - crossing

    Created by Katja Leyendecker // 0 threads

    It's a busy ped / cycle route to school and the city centre. Yet the (toucan) crossing prioritises motor traffic hurtling past at 40mph (speed limit). Drivers frequently ignore red lights. The alignment, crossing space and phasing could be much fairer to pedestrians and cyclists using this crossing.

    Newcastle City Council said this crossing is looked at, but their wheels turn too slowly.

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  • Ilford Road / Rectory Drive - inconsiderate driving

    Created by Katja Leyendecker // 0 threads

    It's a route to school and a natural route for Gosforth residents to walk and cycle into the city centre. Yet it's incredibly over-run by inconsiderate drivers, speeding and blighted by pavement parking. It's 20mph but due to its rat-run nature feels like a motorway thorough-fare. There are blind spots at the metro bridge crossings either end which are dangerous to navigate too. Drivers turning into Ilford / Rectory are also cutting corner, so you'd find a situation of an oncoming cars in your traffic lane.

    Newcastle City Council have said there's nothing they can do. I don't believe that to be true. I think they are putting drivers needs before the needs of people walking and cycling.

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  • Quietway link needed

    Created by Paul L // 1 thread

    There is an existing cycleroute linking Stanley Rd and Fifth Cross Rd via a toucan. Putting a bidirectional cycle track adjacent to the footway on the E side of Hampton Rd would tie in Wellesey Rd with Strawberry Hill station and quiet routes to Twickenham.

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  • Blocked dropped kerb

    Created by Paul L // 0 threads

    The cycle route from Ranelaugh Drive towards Isleworth involves crossing the footway. A dropped kerb has been provided (but no other markings) but this is frequently blocked by parked cars. A solution would be to place a bollard either side of the dropped section.

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  • Travel Ipswich Barrack Corner changes

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 3 threads

    Barrack Corner
    Description: New toucan crossing. No entry at Barrack Lane
    Planned Start:Mid April 2014 Planned Finish Works due to last 6 weeks
    Expected Disruption:

    Scheme Information:
    One of the projects main objectives is to provide safe and convenient crossing facilities where the town’s main pedestrian and cycle routes cross busy main roads. This new scheme will link cycle facilities to the new Handford Road/ Portman Road junction.
    The main objective for Barrack Corner is to extend the Portman Road pedestrian and cycle route northwards across Norwich Road by installing a new toucan crossing at the Norwich Road / Barrack Lane junction. This will link the housing areas north of Norwich Road with Ipswich Village and the east side of the town centre. To provide the crossing at the bottom of Barrack Lane it will be necessary to prohibit all vehicles except emergency vehicles from turning in or out of Barrack Lane at its junction with Norwich Road. This means drivers will use alternative routes, therefore access to the Barrack Lane Medical Centre will be signed from the Civic Drive /Berners Street roundabout and from the Norwich Road / Orford Street junction. Cycle access to / from Portman Road would be from a footway build out, which would be protected from parked cars by double yellow lines.
    For further information, or to express comments, please contact us on

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  • Road markings missing and inconsistent

    Created by Andrew Clegg // 0 threads

    Heading south on Crescent Road (on NCN23), as you approach the traffic lights there is the beginnings of an ASL feeder lane which simply ends without any ASL box. This junction could particularly do with one, as many large vehicles take a wide swing at the junction when turning from Canute Road, and an ASL would help to make sure everyone is aware where bikes will be.

    See,-1.393559,3a,75y,96.45h,56.89t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sdo7nTVlIvExjQ3aYu-2Uxw!2e0!6m1!1e1 for a Streetview image of the feeder lane

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  • Network First

    Created by Simon Parker // 1 thread

    Tom Harrison writes:

    "Regarding the time frame for delivery. Of course I'm keen on getting it in place asap, but I'm reluctant to sacrifice quality for speed of implementation."


    Why the reluctance?

    (1) Think in terms of a network
    (2) Plan the network
    (3) Study the feasibility of the network
    (4) Introduce the network
    (5) Develop the network further "on the basis of priority interventions and a timetable" (the key here is sustained investment).

    Why would you not set about completing Step (4) as quickly as possible, establishing a solid foundation, and then building up from there?

    Why would you not do that?

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  • Cycle contraflow

    Created by Frenchie // 0 threads

    This is one of the prime candidate for a cycle contraflow in Newcastle City Centre. Currently one way for all traffic from Percy Street to Strawberry place. Allowing cyclists down from Strawberry Place to Percy Street would improve permeability and connectivity for cyclists. Note: not a lot of traffic, space not an issue, short uphill section so speeding not an issue.

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  • Missing link, West End Rd to Waterfront

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    As you can see in the photo there is a shared use path on river side of West End Rd just east of Bobby Robson bridge. But then where ? How far does it go ? It is certainly no good if you want to cross Princes Street- you cant unless you go up to the Burrel Road end of the bridge. And anyway once you get over Princes Street along Commercial Road and Grafton Way it is a narrow footpath which is not shared use.
    It would be good to connect Bobby Robson Bridge and the Waterfront.
    Directly and not by switching over to the other path and then over two toucans. Perhaps even a wide cycle crossing of the 4 lanes of Stoke St ? That would be brilliant.

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  • King Harry Lane - Shared footway Consultation

    Created by John Metcalf // 1 thread

    "Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) has recently undertaken a feasibility report to investigate cycle links to the new Verulamium Park (Ver Park) Route link to NCN 6 from the King Harry Lane area. We have looked at ways to improve the cycling and walking environment; particularly where this would improve the continuity of cycle routes and the movement of people via active modes around your area. A section of shared use cycle route has been recently provided by the developer Linden Homes and the intention is to extend this facility to Abbey Avenue and northwards towards The Ramparts via an upgraded traffic signal crossing point into Verulamium Park.

    The proposals include the following:

    · Upgrade the existing traffic signal controlled crossing near Verulamium Park access to a Toucan Crossing,

    · To provide improvements to the footway areas on both sides of the traffic signal controlled crossing to make it both suitable for pedestrians and cyclists, and linking into the new section of shared use footway/ cycleway that the developer has recently provided.

    · To the south of the new roundabout, on the western side, the existing footway will be widened from 0.9-1.1m to 2.5m to continue the shared use route towards Abbey Avenue.

    To upgrade the existing uncontrolled crossing at King Harry Lane jw Abbey Avenue by increasing the widths of the existing pedestrian refuge to widths that can accommodate both cyclists and pedestrians.

    This option has been carefully evaluated and full consideration has been given to the likely effects that it may have on residents.

    Please find attached a plan which shows details of the proposed scheme for Ver Park Highway Link (Cycleway/ Footway).

    At this stage we are intending to implement the proposals during the next financial year, 2014/15.

    As such we are now finalising the design and we are interested in hearing your views or any comments you may have regarding the proposals"

    Initial comments by John Metcalf

    Overall to be welcomed as better than what is there already. But, it could be improved?
    1. Traffic entering Abbey Avenue is likely to be going too fast for a safe crossing for those walking or cycling. This is a rat-run to avoid the King Harry roundabouts. Therefore tighten the radii of the junction and make a raised crossing (on a hump). Do we want a Tiger (Zebra for walkers and cyclists) crossing?
    2. The crossing of the new roundabout exit into King Harry Park is hazardous. It needs to be upgraded with a humped crossing (and a Tiger?). Is this sufficient or should there also be measures to slow down the traffic entering and leaving King Harry Park.
    3. The best solution would be to upgrade the ROW footpath from the toucan crossing of King Harry Lane to Rowlatt Drive

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  • 'Stop nuisance bikers' cutting through Petersfield bollards

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Spotted at the walking/cycling junction cut-through between Hooper Street and Kingston Arms:

    "Stop nuisance bikers"

    Personally I don't think this is a huge issue, and it would be better to have a simpler bollard arrangement and just accept there will be some biker use.

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  • Mariner's Way underpass (Cutter Ferry path)

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    From: Old Chesterton Residents Association
    Sent: ‎01/‎02/‎2014 15:19
    To: ...
    Subject: Consultation on 5th February

    If you have views on the Mariners Way/Cutter Ferry Lane underpass, you have an opportunity to make them known at a consultation arranged at St Andrew's Hall on 5th February. Details are attached.

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  • Roehampton Gate Cafe

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Comment from RCC correspondence: The only question to ask is: What would the Dutch do? There is far too much unrestricted tarmac area for vehicles, and the Mini-roundabout does not slow down cars sufficiently. Restricting the space for cars so as to slow them down, and increasing the protected space for cyclists and pedestrians is a must. But, why stop at Richmond Hill? The Roehampton Gate is also dangerous. Maybe make the park access-only for motor vehicles, so you can only get to the nearest car park. That could easily be achieved by placing no entry and right/left turn only signs ( except cycles) around the park, so that you would simply have to pick the appropriate entrance to visit a specific area of the park, or even better, just park and walk. That would make it safer by reducing a lot of the through traffic that makes it dangerous. I'd also like it to be closed to motor vehicles on Saturday mornings between 8 and 12 noon, but you can't have everything. One final thought. The car park at the Roehampton Cafe is dangerous on a Saturday morning. So many cyclists and cars pushing through. The space in front of the cafe is especially dangerous with lots of excited kids on hire bikes . That space was recently blocked off to cars whilst the cafe was refurbished, but alas it's now been re-opened. Should have kept it shut for safety. Plus, it could be used for bike parking to ease the pressure on space outside the cafe. Unfortunately, the Royal Parks don't seem to have a clue.

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  • TfL Consultation: Cycle and pedestrian improvements on the A21 Bromley Road from its junction with Canadian Avenue and Bargery Road, to Culverley Road

    Transport for London (TfL) would like your views on our proposals to make cycle and pedestrian improvements at the above location.

    Why We Are Consulting
    Canadian Avenue and Bargery Road form part of the London Cycle Network (LCN) in Lewisham. However, cyclists and pedestrians find it difficult to cross the A21 Bromley Road in the area, and there are a high number of cycle collisions on Bromley Road at its junction with Canadian Avenue. These proposals are aimed at reducing traffic speeds and making the area safer for cyclists and pedestrians.


    A mandatory 2 metre wide cycle lane is proposed on Bromley Road southbound, from Culverley Road to the bus stop just south of Bargery Road. Bromley Road will be reduced from two to one lane southbound to accommodate the cycle lane. Traffic islands on Bromley Road around Bargery Road will allow physical segregation between the mandatory southbound cycle lane and other traffic, and kerb build-outs on Bargery Road will slow traffic at the junction itself.

    A 1.5 metre mandatory northbound cycle lane, widening to 2 metres, is proposed from south of Canadian Avenue to north of the junction where it merges with the existing bus lane on Bromley Road. The Canadian Avenue exit lanes onto Bromley Road will be reduced from two to one lane by building-out the kerb and providing a raised table to reduce the speed of those turning left towards Catford.


    A staggered zebra crossing across Bromley Road is proposed south of the junction with Canadian Avenue, with shared use areas on either side for pedestrians and cyclists (although cyclists must dismount to use the crossing). A new informal crossing is also proposed just north of the junction with dropped kerbs and tactile paving.

    The pedestrian refuge opposite St Laurence Church will be relocated further south towards Penerley Road where the road is slightly wider, so that the proposed cycle lane is a consistent 2 metres in width.

    Please see the drawing for more details:

    The width restriction into Canadian Avenue will remain.

    Given no unforeseen delays we intend to make these improvements in Autumn 2014.

    How to comment on the proposals:

    Please give us your views by completing the online form below by Friday 28 February 2014.

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  • Francis Crick Avenue

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    At yesterday's BUG-WAG meeting, it was clear that Addenbrooke's themselves have heard dissatisfaction about this area. I said I'd forward comments from members, of which I remember many, but in no detail at all, just a lot of comments. However, doing a search for "Francis" or "Crick" pulls up no results, so either any thread on this is so obscurely labelled I can't find it, or all the traffic I remember seeing is on the members' email list which I don't have archives for.

    I've been asked to send comments asap, as I get the feeling they want to lean on the developers to fix snags.

    Either, can someone point me to the correct Cyclescape thread, or, assuming that doesn't exist, can people, if they can remember what they said (or think every day), can they repost here. I will collate comments anonymously into a file and send to Katharine Smith. The new LMB already had comments about how you are supposed to actually get a bike to the cycle parking from the road as that didn't seem to have been thought of!

    I get the feeling this is needed fairly soon, hence the plea so early on a Saturday morning, so I can try to do a dossier tomorrow or Monday.

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  • Bad path surface in Cut Throat Alley, Ham

    Created by Kate // 1 thread

    This alley connects Ham Street with The Ham Avenues and is an excellent way to avoid the fast traffic in Sandy Lane. It is a cut through which is particularly useful as a safe car-free route for parents and kids on foot and bikes to get to the German School and the Russell School.

    It is also creates a link to help people avoid a stretch of the busy Petersham Road, as it connects with Riverside Drive and on to Kingston.

    It is a dirt track which becomes dangerously and unappealingly muddy for autumn/ winter/ spring. I know some people choose to drive to school rather than attempt this route with children (and buggies).

    If changing the surface is not an option due to drainage then this path should be included in the council's leaf clearing schedule so that the mud does not have the opportunity to develop each autumn. I have tried advising the council to clear the mud - no reponse as yet. Two years ago the Council put down stones on the worst affected part but that created a skidding hazard.

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  • Former Neville's Cross College student housing

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread

    A full planning application has gone in for the conversion of one of the buildings of the old Neville's Cross College and the demolition of the other to make room for student flats.

    Issues to consider:
    1) adequacy of cycle parking provision at the development
    2) routes to the university and to shops, both cycle and pedestrian and whether these could be improved, either at the cost of the council or the developer.

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