Things tagged 'newdevelopment'

13 issues found for 'newdevelopment':

  • Land At Sutton New Hall Farm Ledsham Road Little Sutton Ellesmere Port

    Created by Simon B // 1 thread

    A large area of land to be developed for residential housing near Ledsham/Little Sutton Ellesmere Port is the subject of ongoing planning applications by the developer.

    The area, once developed for housing, offers the opportunity to access Capenhurst Station via a new shared use route that could be created as part of the development and also making use of an existing track in the ownership of National Grid which leads to a electricity distribution substation from Capenhurst Lane.

    The proposal is for a residential development of up to 2,000 homes, up to 400 sqm of retail floor space for a local shop, a new primary school, a community building, a new linear park, playing fields and other public open space, new allotments, together with new accesses, streets and other related infrastructure.

    A Full Outline Application 12/02091/OUT (approved on appeal by the developer) and a 'Reserved Matters Application' 16/05464/REM (currently awaiting decision) refers to the area in question. and can be viewed on the Cheshire West and Chester Council Planning portal.

    Currently there are no plans by the developer or planning authority to create access to Capenhurst Station from the development affording opportunities for accessing employment in Liverpool/Wirral/Chester through use of public transport.

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  • Planning application: 16/1181/FUL Residential dvlpt 57 dwellings Hatherdene Clos

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Proposed residential development comprising 57 dwellings including houses and apartments, open space, landscaping and new vehicular access.

    Field At Corner Of Norman Way And Hatherdene Close Cambridge Cambridgeshire


    Application reference : 16/1181/FUL

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  • 321 student flats, Cheddars Lane / Newmarket Road)

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    15/0398/FUL | Erection of student accommodation with 321 student rooms (following demolition of existing buildings), together with ancilliary accommodation comprising common/study rooms, porters lodge, laundry room, plant room, bin and bike enclosures, landscaping and associated infrastructure including a sub-station. | 8, 10 And 10A Cheddars Lane And 351-355 Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8LD

    Usual issues to check out:

    - Cycle parking (number, type and positioning)
    - Access, in particular need for improvements to Newmarket Road

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  • Milton Road Housing Development in Back Gardens 12/1537/FUL

    Created by Richard Taylor // 1 thread

    A new development is proposed behind 231-247 Milton Road in Cambridge.

    The entrance driveway / road will need to cross the popular off-road cyclepath on Milton Road.

    The crossing needs to be designed to be cycle friendly; ie. level for cyclists, with good visibility for cars to be able to see cyclists on the path, and with cars required to give way for cyclists.

    There is a need to watch this development through the planning process.

    Alternatively an access to the development from Woodhead Drive might be the safer option.

    There appears to be potential for a cycle and pedestrian route through the site; but that is not currently planned for.

    My article on the proposals is at:

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  • New developments on the Moor

    Created by WildNorthlands // 1 thread

    Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a three/four storey building (including Cinema at third floor level) for use within Classes A1 (Shops), A2 (Financial and Professional Services), A3 (Restaurants and Cafes), A4 (Drinking Establishments), A5 (Hot Food Takeaways) and D2 (Assembly and Leisure), associated infrastructure and ancillary facilities
    Location: Block 1 The Moor, Sheffield S1, (Land And Buildings At 16-18, 28-54 The Moor, 25-33 Charter Square, 15 Charter Row, Rockingham Gate And Multi Storey Car Park Rockingham Way), ,
    Applicant: Ms Kerri Hunter
    Grid Ref: Easting 435137 Northing 386821


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  • Bell School development

    Created by cobweb // 3 threads

    Outline planning permission was given in 2008 for this development of up to 347 houses. In 2011 a reserved matter relating to the design on the junction was refused by the Joint Development Control forum. This is still a subject of debate. Another concern is the path adjacent to Babraham Road which is much used by staff at Addenbrooke's either on foot on by bike.

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  • NIAB development

    Created by cobweb // 7 threads

    A development of 1,780 houses, including community facilities, roads, footpaths and cycleways. Frontage land has already been built on (this is the land facing Huntingdon Road) and outline planning permission given.

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3 threads found for 'newdevelopment':

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No planning applications found for 'newdevelopment'.

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