
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Suffolk CC consultation Wellesley Road and Fuschia Lane

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Both bridges have poor sightlines and problem parking near access to bridges esp for cyclists . Wellesley/Marlborough cycle lane is narrow and adjacent footpath has high ped traffic to school etc . Often pedestrains in cycle lane


    Responses to be in by the 3rd of March

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  • Bollards on Bradgers Hill cycle path

    Created by Alan T // 0 threads

    The spacing of the double bollards on the hill is too tight and they make if difficult for recumbents cycles and trikes to navigate the hill. Another issue this winter has been the amount of mud on the road. It is now getting very dangerous due to lack of grip in the wet combined with the narrow gaps in the bollards.

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  • Melvin Walk

    Created by FrenchyF // 1 thread

    Melvin Walk is a useful shared-use path between Fountainbridge and Morrison Crescent. It should have dropped kerbs to make it even better.

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  • Failing to maintain NCN paths

    Created by anna // 1 thread

    Over the past couple of years of regularly cycling between Waterbeach and Cambridge on NCN11 I have noticed that the path between Waterbeach and Baits Bite Lock is in really bad repair and is getting gradually worse. I have been in touch with the council to ask them to repair it, and they told me that as far as they are concerned the path is only a footpath, and they have no obligation to maintain it to a standard suitable for bikes. Sustrans tells me they have no responsibility for maintaining that section of the route, and that the council should be responsible for it.
    It seems absurd to allow the path to fall into total disrepair, but at the moment it doesn't seem like anyone recognises any obligation for its upkeep.
    I am happy to go out occasionally with some secateurs and chop off the more annoying bits of greenery, but the path needs resurfacing and that feels a bit beyond me!
    Does anyone have any experience with this sort of problem? Have they come across it on other sections of the NCN?

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  • Westminster's Civil Enforcement of Engine Idling experimental traffic order

    Created by Dominic Fee // 1 thread

    Westminster City Council has made the The City Of Westminster (Restriction Of Engine Idling) (No. 1) Experimental Order 2017 “which will come into force on an experimental basis on 4 February 2017" for a maximum of six months.

    “2. The Order will prohibit engine idling by waiting vehicles, with certain exceptions, to facilitate civil enforcement of the contravention (through the issue of penalty charge notices under the provisions of the Traffic Management Act 2004)
    3. The Order will apply to any area of carriageway in the City of Westminster designated as a parking place, loading bay, recharging point, taxi rank or terminal point, and to any length of street where waiting is restricted (shown by yellow lines).”

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  • Planning application : 17/00266/TEL mast Installation for telecoms

    Created by ken thomas // 2 threads

    Installation of 17.5m single stack pole base station and associated works
    Telcommunications Site Off Caldy Valley Road Great Boughton Chester Cheshire CH3 5PR
    Application reference : 17/00266/TEL

    No drawings or details are shown on the planning website.
    A recent drawing seen for the project shows the cabinets blocking half the available width of the cycle/footpath. Such siting is not acceptable on a recently developed cycleway designed to specific standards.

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  • Dangerous right turn onto cycle route

    Created by Donald Noble // 1 thread

    It can be dangerous to make the right turn from Russel Road northbound onto cycle route 1/76, because drivers often cut this corner.
    Problem exacerbated by parking on the northeast side of the corner.

    Would be good if a traffic island or bollards could be installed here

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  • Light up the Maindenbower path

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    The Maindebower path is very dark and is a barrier to people using the route in winter or later at night/early in the morning. Adding lighting along the route would improve it.

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  • Link Annan Road and Lockerbie Road

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    This is a well used route already but very muddy as there is no surfaced footpath across the playing field. A dropped kerb at the end of Noble Grove and a surfaced path around the football pitches to a dropped kerb on Parkhead Loaning would be a significant improvement. A type 1 and dust path as detailed in the attached link would perhaps be more suitable than a fully tarmacked path. Lighting at the points of entry to the grassed area would be an added benefit as this is currently a very dark route.

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  • St Marys Woodbridge Road

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Their are four barriers like the one pictured . see for more photos.
    It is a 250 m stretch of wide path 3m plus.
    I understand the need to slow down some people who may ride downhill too fast and conflict with cyclists coming up hill or pedestrians .
    But these barriers are over the top.

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  • Dangerous barrier on Fen Causeway pavement / cycle path.

    Created by olwen williams // 1 thread

    A cycleway runs along the pavement on the S side of Fen Causeway. There are various metal barriers, placed to prevent pedestrians coming off a footpath and going straight onto the road. 2-3 years ago, I collided with a barrier in the cycleway.because I was blinded by on-coming car headlights to my left. This barrier is uniquely dangerous because the oncoming cars are mounting the bridge over the river. In addition, oncoming cyclists on the right may both add to the difficulty in seeing the barrier and also narrow the cycleway. In rush hour, the barrier is obscured and invisible for about 25% of the time.
    I am aware of one other person who has run into the barrier, but I suspect there must be more. If you have done so, please get in touch! I have so far been unsuccessful in persuading the council that this barrier must be removed.

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  • Opportunity for funding for Frodsham Marsh cyclle path

    Created by Chris Neston // 1 thread

    The NCN 5 route over Frodsham Marshes is very badly surfaced such that can only be used by proficient cyclists with MTBs. As a result most people use the unpleasant main road alternative on the A56.
    An opportunity exists to get funding to surface this as a result of community funding from the Marshes Windfarm development. Closing date Feb 28.

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  • Ommision of lights creates danger on cyclepath

    Created by Chris Neston // 2 threads

    The cycle path crosses the soutbound exit from the M53 at Cheshire Oaks. The exit is light controlled for traffic as they enter the roundabout. This provides a safe time for cyclists to ride across the sliproad. However the lights are not visible to cyclist on the path and there is no light provided to advise cyclists when they can cross.

    This makes it very difficult and dangerous for cyclists to know when they can safely cross. This would require no physical change to the road layout simply a new light to show cyclists when to cross.

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  • Bishop King's Road proposed traffic improvements

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Council says:

    We are seeking your views about how traffic is controlled in your area and to see if you would like measures put in to reduce the number of motorists using your roads as a ‘rat run’.

    Why are we proposing measures in your area?

    A number of residents have contacted us with concerns about rat running causing congestion throughout the day particularly on Bishop King’s Road. Results of traffic surveys undertaken in September 2016 have confirmed that rat running occurs in both directions and particularly eastbound.

    In response, we are consulting on three options which are:

    - Option 1 - ‘No right turn’ from North End Road into Bishop King’s Road.
    - Option 2 - A gated road closure on Bishop King’s Road. This will stop cars and lorries, but pedestrians and cyclists can still access the road.
    - Option 3 - No change

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  • Buck Lane and Hoyle Court, Baildon

    Created by James Craig // 0 threads

    No current safe cycle/ family cycle route connects the NCN on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal Towpath route, with lower Baildon (Hoyle Court etc) and Esholt Lane, via Buck Lane. Need for joint use provision, toucans etc. Current bridleway from Buck Lane includes a horse style and is not suitable for families with bikes. tandems etc. Jctn Roundwood Road/ Otley Road is a nightmare to cross at the best of times, and lack of traffic signals at so busy a junction, is ludicrous. Site visit arranged with Road Safety Officer, July 2016. BMDC advises (Oct 2016) cost for improvements to be £12k (not including traffic signals at bottom of Roundwood Road) and is on schedule for Area Committee. BMDC since indicated that they would survey the jct with Roundwood Road to ascertain whether traffic signals might be justified there.


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  • Planning application : 17/0101/FUL Five self-contained studios cycle parking

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Erection of five self-contained studios and associated works.

    150 Catharine Street Cambridge CB1 3AR


    Application reference : 17/0101/FUL

    Cycle parking will be covered Sheffield stands providing parking "for at least 5 cycles". (See Design and Access Statement)

    While this may meet the Council guidelines, it is insufficient for this location especially if there may be 2 people living in some of the studios or if they will have visitors.

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  • Link to Tarff and Heathhall forest

    Created by Rhian // 1 thread

    Currently the footpath finishes at Tesco. A shared use path to Tarff would be brilliant as there is no footway at all and the road becomes a 60mph limit. From here it's a stone's throw to an access point in to Heathhall forest. There is a bridge crossing the A75 which could be utilised as a pedestrian and cyclist crossing, with a shared footway from Lockerbie Road up to the access to the bridge along Brownrigg Loaning. A safe crossing point would have to be installed to cross Lockerbie Road to Heathhall forest on the E side of the roundabout. Reducing the speed limit on Brownrigg Loaning to 30mph would improve access for cyclists to this point, but a path is also needed for people on foot travelling from Noblehill, Calside and Georgetown.

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