
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Upper Orwell Crossings Consultation

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Suffolk County Council are currently consulting on the proposal for 3 new crossings in Ipswich on the River Orwell. Cycle Ipswich would like as many people as possible to respond to this consultation, particularly noting the importance of cycle crossings, and protected cycle tracks, without cyclists and pedestrians having to share space, on any crossing which has motor vehicles.

    You can take part in the survey on the Suffolk County Council website.

    There are a variety of staffed public exhibitions from Sunday 3rd July until Friday 22 July. Details of the exhibitions are on the SCC website.

    There are also two threads on our Google group about this.!topic/cycle-ipswich/-X1OasclqCM and!topic/cycle-ipswich/e1wQFQWmBAE

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  • failure to keep clear HARMSTOM ROAD

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    driver understanding lacking. Does the council need to release a youtube video say of a traffic cop driving around pointing out how to behave around these areas.

    Or a sign: "treat as a zebra crossing, Give way and keep clear at all times."

    Second part for the same reason crocodile teeth are present on the approach to zebra crossings does a similar approach with yellow lines need to stop drivers blocking the visibility.

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  • Highams Park Town Centre Mini-Holland consultation

    Created by Paul Gasson // 1 thread

    From the commonplace introduction:

    "Waltham Forest is changing and we want you to be part of it. Thanks to a funding pot of £27 million from Transport for London, we’re delivering the Mini-Holland Programme to make our streets fit for everyone to use, whether you walk, cycle, use public transport or drive.

    The Highams Park Town Centre scheme area has over 6,500 addresses and includes the area framed by North Circular Road, Hatch Lane, Woodford New Road and other minor roads. We want to make it easier for you to walk and cycle local journeys should you choose to. We also want to improve the look and feel of the area, making it an even more enjoyable place, boosting business and giving residents a sense of pride in their community."

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  • Meadrow Improvements

    Created by Ian taylor // 1 thread

    With the resurfacing on Meadrow there is an opportunity change the cycle track markings. The cycle track from Peasmarsh to Farncombe Kings Road Junction is dangerous in a few places, including

    1) Double pedestrian refugees near the garage at the Farncombe end - currently the cycle track continues through this area making it look as though there is space for a cyclists and a vehicle which there is not (I personally have been through there and an overtaking car has hit the second refuge within there wheel dislodging there hub cap that then went dangerously in front of my path). Here the cycle track needs removing some distance before the first refuge and return after the second refuge with no markings in-between

    2) Catteshall Road Junction - here the cycle track keeps cyclists too close to the kerbside where they are not seen by vehicle coming out of Catteshall Road and makes the right turn into Kings Road harder for cyclists. Here the cycle path should finish some distance short of the junction and not restart till after the junction.

    Other improvements would include

    1) Making the whole stretch from the corner before the first refuge 30 MPH
    2) Remove the centre line.
    3) Continue new offroad road on on existing wide footway to Cattershall Road Junction.
    4) Further improvements to the Kings Road/Meadrow/Catteshall Road junctions

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  • Planning application : 16/1054/FUL Change of use from dwelling to 6 bed HMO with up to 8 persons (Sui Generis) and first floor rear extension. Ancillary garden room in rear garden.

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Change of use from dwelling to 6 bed HMO with up to 8 persons (Sui Generis) and first floor rear extension. Ancillary garden room in rear garden.

    63 Darwin Drive Cambridge CB4 3HQ


    Application reference : 16/1054/FUL

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  • Addition of barrier at SPRI site 16/0950/FUL

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Installation of new car park control barrier, at Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1ER

    This is a heavily-used entrance for cycling and walking. The proposed cycle/walk section seems far too small.

    This might not be a problem if closed only at night, but during the day would cause an obstruction.

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  • Kerb needs to be dropped

    Created by JohnED // 0 threads

    The kerb needs to be dropped lower. Though already dropped, the height is such that it will oftern pop my pannier when I mount the kerb.

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  • Belgrave Road consultation

    Created by Mat Scull // 1 thread

    Consultation on the Belgrave Rd options.

    28th June to 4th August

    In short, it's a choice between one and two lanes in each direction. The images released (23rd June) have no visible evidence of space for cycling unless you count advanced stop lines.

    Consultation -

    Leicester Merc article 23rd June (usual caveat re the comments)

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  • Poor design at fire gate, The Bittoms, Kingston upon Thames

    Created by Jon Fray // 1 thread

    The design of the route at 'The Bittoms' allows cycling both ways. The 'shared use' signs on the lamp column are turned so not visible in the photo. The width of the access does not allow two cyclists to pass each other at this point and the alignment is difficulty because of the location of the tree and tree-pit. It would be better to remove the gate and replace it with removable bollards.

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  • Planning application : 16/1071/FUL for 8 one bedroom studio apartments.

    Created by Rose Eichenberger // 2 threads

    The proposed conversion and new residential development of 48 Verulam Way/15 Ellesmere Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HL to form 8 one bedroom studio apartments.

    Eight secure cycle spaces are provided but only at the rear of the development. Is there a risk that cycles are left on the pavement? the proposal includes 6 off-road car parking spaces.
    Consultation closes Thu 07 Jul 2016

    see link to Council website:

    Application reference : 16/1071/FUL

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  • Harmston Rise failure to stop

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    As discussed at pedals meetings I confidently step out onto pedestrian crossings...
    I keep it in mind that the car may not stop...

    Really need to challenge powers that be over this one.
    Either its enforceable and the driver needs to be cautioned by NP suggest Driving with due care and attention.
    NCC need to get their act together with the level side road treatments.

    Be that rumble strips better approach warnings plastic wands to tighten the space.

    silver lining: video shows the driver is riding the brakes around the whole corner through the crossing. He is already braking when I enter the challenge. shows the feeder speed of 40mph is too high.

    Suggested action: enter formal notice (for legal purposes) to NCC regarding inherent danger to vulnerable road users at side road treatments suggest it will apply to all 42 prosed and actual sites.

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  • Heatherly Drive vol 2 Transit van

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    see youtube

    Not happy at all about this one.

    Knew it was a failure to yield from approach speed and road position so came off it early to maintain safety margin.

    Very little real protection if a vehicle swings like this. I suspect his fuse has gone on both reversing lights to be out. Driver states "oh they don't matter" when informed.

    Suggested action point would be two nice big white bollards on the left by the pedestrian tactile surface (shop side). wouldn't prevent the shop getting deliveries but would make drivers respect the road layout.

    KM contact set as 30jun16

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  • Poor drainage Harmston Rise

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    Harmston Rise.
    Inadequate drainage.

    Any other side road treatments failing already? do they need to be laying drainage kerbing?

    Ranty Highwayman has a note on them. Given the flooding that is prone on the ring road probably need to be pushing this with KM for the side roads that will be built to get them spec'd up to include the drainage.

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  • Right turn into Scotland Road

    Created by Trothben // 1 thread

    I use Scotland road as a lower NOx route. and its easier to join than going on the ring road side of Heathfield primary.

    Problem arises from vehicles waiting for the Nottingham Rd & ring road junction at the futurist blocking visibility of the junction. Makes it harder to turn and increases the threat.

    Suggested solution: Keep clear markings across the junction.

    If agreeable will email KM about it.

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  • Fahrradständer für die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

    kalle // 0 threads

    Anregung an den Magistrat vom 10.12.2015, OM 4841

    Zunehmend benutzen die Besucherinnen und Besucher ein Fahrrad, um die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek an der Eckenheimer Landstraße/Ecke Adickesallee zu erreichen. Außerdem haben die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Hauses beobachtet, dass die bestehenden Fahrradparkplätze auf dem Grundstück zum Parken von Fahrrädern genutzt werden, um anschließend mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (Bus und Stadtbahn) die Innenstadt zu erreichen. Diese Entwicklung führt an die Kapazitätsgrenzen der Nationalbibliothek.

    Dies vorausgeschickt, wird der Magistrat aufgefordert, zu prüfen und zu berichten, ob durch die zuständigen Stellen Fahrradparkplätze auf den freien Flächen neben dem Gleisbett Richtung Innenstadt eingerichtet werden können.


    Die Maßnahme würde den bestehenden Bedarf an zusätzlichen Fahrradparkplätzen für die stark besuchte Bibliothek spürbar entlasten.

    Antragstellender Ortsbeirat: Ortsbeirat 3

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  • Radfahrstreifen in der Maßbornstraße zwischen Am Römerbrunnen und Ortsende

    kalle // 0 threads

    Stellungnahme des Magistrats vom 05.02.2016, ST 253

    Um den Bedenken des Ortsbeirates Rechnung zu tragen, schlägt der Magistrat vor, im genannten Straßenabschnitt eine sogenannte Fahrrad-Piktogrammspur zu markieren. Dies meint, dass in regelmäßigen Abständen Fahrradsymbole in beiden Fahrtrichtungen auf die Fahrbahn markiert werden. Die Fahrbahnverengungen in der Nähe des Supermarktes könnten dann zurückgebaut werden. In diesem Kontext wäre eine Veränderung des Beginns der Tempo-30-Zone nicht mehr erforderlich.

    Dem Vorschlag, farbige Schutzstreifen zu markieren, möchte der Magistrat nicht folgen, da eingefärbte Schutzstreifen im Frankfurter Stadtgebiet ausschließlich an unfallträchtigen Kreuzungen markiert werden um einen entsprechenden Aufmerksamkeitswert zu erzielen.

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  • Zeilsheim: Fahrradständer für das Radsporthaus

    kalle // 0 threads

    Anregung an den Magistrat vom 16.02.2016, OM 5009

    Der Magistrat wird gebeten, die Möglichkeiten für einen Fahrradständer oder ähnliche Maßnahmen zu schaffen, die es dem Geschäft in der Hofheimer Straße ermöglichen, seinen Fahrrad fahrenden Kunden einen "Parkplatz" anzubieten.

    Das Radsporthaus bietet hierzu auf eigene Kosten an, einen transportablen Fahrradständer zu verwenden, der den Gehweg nach Geschäftsschluss freilässt.

    Sollten Hinderungsgründe für den Wunsch des Ortsbeirates bestehen, erwartet der Ortsbeirat vor der abschließenden Stellungnahme, diese im Rahmen eines Ortstermins erläutert zu bekommen.


    Ein Fahrradgeschäft ohne Fahrradständer ist undenkbar, aber in Zeilsheim Realität. Die Inhaber des Radsporthauses Kriegelstein, welches am Standort Hofheimer Straße seit 1975 existiert, haben vergeblich versucht, eine Sondernutzungserlaubnis zu erlangen. Die Fläche vor dem Geschäft ist sehr wohl ausreichend für eine Koexistenz von Fahrrädern, Fußgängern und den parkenden Kraftfahrzeugen.

    Der Magistrat sollte sich bewusst sein, dass er sich mit dem Radfahrbüro und seinen Leitlinien eine Förderung des Radverkehrs vorgenommen hat und keine - wie an diesem Beispiel - Verhinderung inklusive der daraus resultierenden Schädigung des Gewerbetreibenden zulasten der Servicefreundlichkeit und Kundenorientierung.

    Antragstellender Ortsbeirat: Ortsbeirat 6

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  • Gehweg auf der Burgstraße und der Martin-Luther-Straße für Fußgänger frei halten und Fahrradabstellmöglichkeiten schaffen

    kalle // 0 threads

    Stellungnahme des Magistrats vom 30.05.2016, ST 842

    Der Magistrat wird im Einmündungsbereich Martin-Luther-Straße / Rothschildallee sowie in Höhe der Martin-Luther-Straße 16 auf dem Gehweg (gegenüber den Gewerbetreibenden) Fahrradsammelstationen, durch das Setzen von Fahrradbügeln, einrichten.

    Darüber hinaus werden Fahrradbügel im Einmündungsbereich Martin-Luther-Straße/Martin-Luther-Platz ergänzt.

    Im Einmündungsbereich Burgstraße/Rotschildallee werden weitere Fahrradbügel gesetzt und die fehlenden Poller im Bereich der Fußgängerquerung wieder eingesetzt.

    Im Einmündungsbereich Leibnitzstraße/Burgstraße wird eine Sperrfläche markiert, um das ungenehmigte Parken zu verhindern.

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