
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Loss of cycle parking on Long Causeway

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    There's a plan to redesign this street which has quite a bit of covered cycle parking at the moment, but no cycle parking is shown on the proposed layout.

    An analysis appears at

    Comments on/to by 20 December

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  • Belmont Viaduct

    Created by Gregory // 1 thread

    I know this has been proposed before, but I wanted to add an issue to Cyclescapes in the hope that it might come up again. We can collect reports and evidence here.

    Reopening the Belmont Viaduct to cyclists and pedestrians could greatly shorten and improve a lot of journeys into and across Durham.
    Previously Durham Council (before the County Council?) were awarded lottery funding for this. I think the issue was with landowners, and so the funding got diverted to projects outside of the city.

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  • New road layout

    Created by Gregory // 0 threads

    New road layout has been finished here, unfortunately I didn't get a chance to look at any plans before they started work. Despite cycling past on a weekly basis, I saw no notices.

    It's not too bad, and extra lanes mean more space. However, I think it would be good to paint an ASL (cycle box) on at the Belmont Industrial Estate Junction. This will make cyclists feel a lot safer and give them a chance to cross the junction then get into a left-hand lane so motorists/lorries can over take after the junction (not dangerously overtake while turning).

    On the industrial estate is a local church, two sports centres, the Royal Mail sorting office, and a number of small businesses. As a result, there is a lot more cycling here than there was 5 years ago. Yet there are lorries and now buses(the bus depot has moved here) causing possible space-tensions between road users.

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  • TfL Consultation: Proposed improvements at the Nag’s Head on A1 Holloway Road

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    A1 Holloway Road - Nag's Head
    Transport for London (TfL) has developed proposals to improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists on the A1 Holloway Road in the Nag’s Head area.

    The main objective of the scheme is to put in place a pedestrian crossing on the A1 Holloway Road, enabling people to cross the road easily and safely and to improve access to businesses on the south-western side of the road.

    In summary, the proposed measures include the following:

    New signalised pedestrian crossing outside the Nag’s Head Shopping Centre

    New cycle lanes in both directions

    Advanced stop lines added to the junctions of Holloway Road and Tollington Road/Camden Road and Seven Sisters/Parkhurst Road

    Resurfacing of the footway and carriageway
    In order to make space for these improvements some other changes are required. These include

    Relocation of the northbound bus stop (Stop L) approximately 50m north of its existing location

    Changes to parking and loading provision, with and overall slight reduction in parking and loading availability

    Loss of one small tree on the median island where the crossing will be located. There may also be the potential loss of one other small tree and two relatively mature trees due to kerb cutbacks required in order to relocate the bus stop.

    Relocation of several items of street furniture including the removal of a redundant telephone box
    The proposals are shown on the attached map. In addition to these proposals, an informal pedestrian crossing with a central refuge island is planned for the A1 Holloway Road adjacent to Jackson Road.

    All of the measures that we propose are subject to change as a result of this consultation. Given no unforeseen issues, it is anticipated that the scheme will be implemented in Spring 2014.

    Please gives us your views by completing our online consultation form below by Monday 6 January 2014.

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  • Update on light timings, Nursling street

    Created by DavidC // 1 thread

    It has been brought to the attention of SCC that the time given at these traffic lights does not allow for slower moving traffic to given for slower moving traffic to exit from Nursling street onto Romsey Road.

    A member of the campaign has informed Hampshire County Highways of this.

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  • Barnes Residents want 20mph

    Created by Mel Grech // 1 thread

    A community consultation 'The Barnes Ponder' in October 2013 has show strong support for making Barnes a 20 mph neighbourhood .
    “20mph is plenty enough speed on the roads!”

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  • Building sites

    Created by Heather Coleman // 4 threads

    I'm creating this as a general "issue" in the hope that people will put different threads here for problems they have with building sites, generally associated with deliveries. Listing those problems and any action or complaints they've taken personally, and also asking how further complaints can be made.

    I can't help feeling we should be talking to the council about making it a condition of planning permission that deliveries that either require "odd" movements of HGVs eg, reversing and taking ages doing so, or parking on the street eg while delivering scaffolding, should not take place during "rush hour", especially on roads that are busy and are major cycle routes.

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  • Addenbrooke's "forum"

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads

    The members' list has just had a post from a Tess Jones saying:

    > FYI
    > I wasn't able to go to the exhibition, but proposals are here:

    I've replied that as someone who works on site, this is the first I've heard about this. There are various implications, that need looking at, before we decide if and what we need to say in the consulation.

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  • Tibbetts Corner to Telegraph pub path maintenance

    Created by MB // 0 threads

    The cycle (and pedestrian) path between the Telegraph pub & Tibbetts corner needs repair & maintenance. Undergrowth has grown over it, narrowing the path, there are cracks & ridges where tree roots or wear & tear have deteriorated the path & the path markings are no longer clear.

    In addition, the route through the car park is often strewn with broken glass and pot holes.

    If the path were widened back to its original width, resurfaced & remarked, there would be less conflict between pedestrians & cyclists.

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  • Crossing roundabouts on A167

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread

    The route on the east side of the A167 past Crossgate Moor and Framwellgate Moor crosses a number of roundabouts. The cycle-path leads you across the roads very close to the roundabout, via the central refuge in the middle of the road. Some of these roads have two lane entry to the roundabout. Crossing both lanes at once is tricky as you have to have an eye on whether the traffic is about to move out onto the roundabout. If you have a longer vehicle, such as a bus, waiting, then the route to the refuge is blocked. There are no road markings to warn motorists that cyclists might be expected.

    The route is probably going to be improved as part of the Great North Cycleway. If these roundabouts are to be made safe enough for children to use, major alterations will be required. (The route goes past Durham Johnston School so should be available to children.) The route should cross further from the mouth of the roundabout, preferably on a different-coloured surface, maybe raised.

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  • Improvong route from University to Belmont

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread

    There is a demand for access to the University from Belmont and areas to the east of Durham. Creating a route across the playing fields towards Old Durham would shorten journeys and give a mostly off-road route.

    It would require a new bridge and a tarmac surface. Note sure if there would be issues of potential flooding. Not sure if the University would co-operate with route across its land.

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  • A47 Alliance / Upgrade

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    There is a group of councils and others (including the RAC) calling itself A47 Alliance with a website at calling for a road upgrade.

    The A47 is a significant barrier to cycling in many places, such as the single-carriageway stretch from Tilney All Saints near King's Lynn to Swaffham that blocks several desired east-west cycle routes - it is narrow with much heavy HGV traffic, so it's a challenge to cross and feels no fun for most people to ride along. It is possible that any upgrades could be "cycle-proofed" (to use current jargon) to unblock these routes.

    KLWNBUG has asked if CycleNation and CTC groups can be be invited to join the alliance.

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  • Access to Minster Quarter (Townscape Heritage Initiative)

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    There was a Heritage Lottery Fund stage 1 project hoping to progress to stage 2 and work for 5 years from June 2014 to regenerate the "old town" around the Saturday Market Place. The initial draft contains no cycle measures but does mention cycle access policy, so may be persuaded to reinstate lost public cycle parking in places like opposite the old Post Office and might even be a way to fill in the missing link in National Cycle Network Route 1. The consultation papers are online at and open until 16 December.

    The key cycling problem in this area is the difficulty of accessing Saturday Market Place without passing through the poor junction at its east end and the lack of signs telling cyclists to use Priory Lane to reach SMP.

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  • Ashwicken School Rebuild

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    This is Norfolk county matters application due to be heard in a meeting starting Fri 6 Dec 2013 10am at County Hall, Norwich. 7 cycle parking spaces were proposed. I objected for KLWNBUG on the grounds that 26 should be provided. Norfolk County Council Highways suggested 14 spaces and a Standard Highway Condition (27 I think) which would leave it to the Borough Council to enforce, who don't have a great track record on that in my experience. The Borough Green Infrastructure Officer didn't comment on cycle parking. Norfolk Police seem OK with the final revision. NCC planning officer suggested that if the 14 are used then it could be expanded without further application and confirmed that as a county development, there's no scope for section 106 funds for building cycle tracks to neighbouring villages.

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  • Pinch point A65 Rawdon

    Created by WillC // 0 threads

    Road narrows at pedestrian island; pavement cut away but insufficient and not usable because of surface. Creates danger as it suggest to vehicles that there is more space than there is. Passing cyclists is dangerous.

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  • Swavesey to Buckingway Business Park cycleway

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    County Council is building a cycleway that will run for a mile from Boxworth End in Swavesey to Buckingway Business Park and over the A14 to Cambridge Services. This will also be available for horse riders, as it links to bridleways in the area.

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  • Progressing the LCC 2014 election campaign 'asks'

    Created by George Coulouris // 7 threads

    This issue is intended to act a repository for material that can be used to back-up the LCC's 2014 Local Election Campaign 'Asks'. There are 6 'asks' that were finalised and agreed at the LCC's AGM on 19 October 2013:

    1. Safe routes to schools
    2. Areas without through motor traffic (AWTTs)
    3. Protected space on main roads/major junctions
    4. Safe cycle routes via parks and canals (Greenways)
    5. 20mph speed limits
    6. Liveable town centres

    so we'll have 6 threads under this Cyclescape issue where we can collect explanations, discussions and most importantly concrete illustrations of what is meant by each ask.

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  • Zizzi Restaurant on Bene't St - website

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    Sorry, being a bit tongue in cheek here, but this just made me cross. And no-one has to follow this issue if they don't want to!

    website here

    I've been "in touch" and left these comments:

    "Your Cambridge Bene't St restaurant is allegedly "inspired by the huge cycling community". Therefore how come, in the "get directions" bit of the page, the only transport options are "car", "walk" or "train"? I know how to get from my place of employment to Bene't St by bike and even that there's a large underground cycle park just around the corner but, frankly, this is poor, and your marketing people need a rocket.

    I will be posting the url of the restaurant and these comments on Cyclescape to see what the rest of the huge cycling community think."

    I'll see what reply I get from their "customer experience team" and post it here as a thread when I do hear back from them.

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  • Deep crack - Very dangerous

    Created by Jose Ferraro // 1 thread

    As the cycle lane on Twickenham Road only goes into Park Road you need to leave the cycle lane to continue along Twickenham Road. At these two roads split there is a very deep crack that almost threw me over my handlebars as my front wheel dropped down it.

    This must have been there for quite a while as it is visible on google maps at the allocated point!!

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