
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Cycle crossing on Barton Road roundabout

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    I am writing to point your attention to a "danger spot" on the Barton Road cycle route.

    I and many others cycle this route every day and really appreciate how safe it is. However, there have been a number of near accidents at the sliproad from the M11 southbound onto the Barton roundabout. The problem is that the cycle path means that all cyclists must cross the road leading onto the roundabout. This is fine when the traffic is not busy. However, during rush hour the left lane going onto the roundabout is always queued up. This means that, to cross the the road, a cyclist needs to wait for a car to let them out. However, the problem lies with the right lane going onto the roundabout. If there is a queue in the left lane, you are unable to see into the right lane and so quite a few cyclists are nearly knocked off at this point

    The problem is that:

    a. The right lane is too short and so cyclists are unable to get out of the way in time if a car does not does turn onto it. It seems to me that there shouldn't be a right lane as it's too short to be of any use and poses more of a danger to cyclists.

    b. Cars tends to (understandably) be going quite fast as they've just come off the M11 and also are usually looking onto the roundabout rather than the road in front of them. This has meant that I've seen lots of cars having to break very heavily having only seen a bike crossing in front of them at the very last minute.

    I, and the other cyclists that routinely use this otherwise very safe route, would hugely appreciate it if this problem could be looked at.

    [RL; sent by post, 27th June 2015]

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  • Sycamore Road / Laburnum Road Junction

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 0 threads

    If cycling up the hill to Raddlebarn Road, the right turn into Laburnum Road is tricky on a slow-moving bike. This is because Sycamore Road is used as a through-route, which means it is far busier than it should be. The 20mph limit is often ignored (because it's being used by through-traffic). Really it should be closed to make it useless as a through-route for motor traffic, but a simple first step would be to make the section shown inaccessible to north-bound traffic using the simple expedient of bollards across the north-bound lane and a "no entry except cycles" sign. This would mean cyclists using the naturally quieter Laburnum Road would be spared the uphill right turn, whilst simultaneously making the entire road intrinsically slower for motor traffic. Priority would need to be changed at the junction in favour of the the Sycamore Road-Laburnum Road route. Cyclists heading north could of course pass through the bollards if they so wished.

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  • Bournville Lane Dual Carriageway

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 1 thread

    This section of of dual carriageway with an additional lane for parking is not only ludicrous, it results in serious problems for pedestrians on the zebra-crossing, because motorists simply don't notice them commencing their lengthy crossing from the opposite side of the carriageway. This isn't helped by some motorists using the central reservation as a car park, blocking sight-lines to the crossing. Reduce the road to a single carriageway and provide a segregated cycle path to make it possible for cyclists to get from the Cadbury recreation ground to Franklin Way without having to negotiate a dual-carriageway used by articulated trucks accessing the Cadbury factory.

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  • One-Way Road Blocking Cycle Route

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 2 threads

    The tunnel under the railway is narrow, and the road is one-way for all traffic. This means that cyclists using NCN5 cannot get to Bunbury Road (and Bournville Estate) here without dismounting for a considerable distance. Two years ago BCC proposed that cyclists heading towards Bunbury Road (via the short section of cycle path that leads from Bunbury Gardens) hop on to the pavement, but the pavement is very narrow and will be blocked by a single pedestrian. The simple solution is to close the road to the few motorists that use it, and make it two-way for bikes and pedestrians. That's what the Dutch would do, because it encourages people to use a bike for short journeys rather than a car. However, BCC is once again in a state of paralysis and have done neither.

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  • Badly Designed Junction

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 0 threads

    Bunbury Road is busy, but road users emerging from Woodlands Park Road and Northfield Road have to play a game of chicken as they try to judge the best moment to make a rapid exit without crashing into each other. Adding to the processing overload, the following must also be taken into account by road users:

    * A service road opposite Woodlands Park Road connects with Bunbury Road at this point.
    * A cycle path runs from the junction down to Bunbury Gardens.
    * A zebra crossing, one that many motorists (including police drivers) fail to stop for, presumably because of the processing overload.

    Lacking acceleration, cyclists face a long wait either at the junction or the zebra crossing. Either way they risk being mown down by a motorist lacking the superhuman skills required to negotiate this junction safely. Since even police drivers make dangerous mistakes here, then it is clearly hopelessly wrong.

    There is quite a bit of space here. I would suggest as a minimum a single lane roundabout be created, but since Bunbury Road is busy and there is already a cycle path here it should be made a proper Dutch-style roundabout. To ease the design, close Northfield Road at this point to motor traffic (Northfield Road runs parallel to Bunbury Road).

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  • Welwyn Garden City north south route

    Created by Adam Edwards // 2 threads

    Following discussion at a recent WelHatCycling meeting a possible route accross WGC north-south.

    Biggest issue is crossing The Campus gyratory, so a route round the edge makes most sense. I've included links over the White Bridge and to the Gresley Way cycle path

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  • Queensway Hatfield

    Created by Adam Edwards // 2 threads

    Shared use cycle path under construction but delayed completion now set for the end of February 2016. The path with extend the route from Hatfield station up to the town centre and then via the not so good on road lanes to the University and Business Park.

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  • Queensway Hatfield

    Created by Adam Edwards // 0 threads

    Route currently underconstruction. Completion is delayed until end February 2016. When finished there will be continuous off road cycling along this route linking up with the existing cycle path to the station.

    The problem will then be the section west of this route where the cycle route is on road and includes a dreaful section round the Woods Ave / Queensway roundabout. We'll keep campaigning.

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  • Footbridge over Railway path at Whitehall school

    Created by BCyC Chair // 1 thread

    Persistent conflict between cycling and pedestrians on busy crossing by school. This is a downhill section of the path on a major commuting route so speeds are often high. There used to be a bridge over the railway here and could easily be again. Would need to be shared use but people on bikes won't use it much as they're entering or leaving the Railway Path.

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  • Leeds Station South Entrance - Request for cycle parking delay

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    "Condition 14 currently states:
    Prior to the opening of the Station Entrance to the public, details of facilities to be provided for the parking of up to 20 cycles, to be used by members of the public, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details shall include the location and method of securing cycles. The approved facilities shall then be provided prior to the building being brought into use and, thereafter, retained in full working order, in accordance with the approved details or any subsequent revisions that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.
    The revised condition proposed is as below (additional/altered wording in red):
    No later than three months after the opening of the Station Entrance to the public, details of facilities to be provided for the parking of up to 20 cycles, to be used by members of the public, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details shall
    include the location and method of securing cycles. The approved facilities shall then be provided no later than six months after the building being brought into use and, thereafter, retained in full working order, in accordance with the approved details or any subsequent revisions that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.
    The provision of cycle facilities is linked to the works covered by condition 22 (enhancement to arches on Dark Neville Street) and is critically linked in terms of funding availability. As the funding route is yet to be confirmed we seek a small amendment to the delivery of both the design and implementation of the installation of cycle facilities. "

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  • Bartholomew Road Area Proposals consultation

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    In this consultation, Camden proposes some turn restrictions with a view to eliminating rat running through the residential streets in an area north bounded by Leighton Road, Torriano Avenue, Camden Road, Rochester Road and Kentish Town Road.

    The consultation leaflet includes a map showing the main rat runs identified from traffic surveys in 2013 (see image). These included the following:

    A: southbound along Bartholomew Road and out via Patshull Road or Sandall Road (AM peak).

    B: northbound on Bartholomew Road and out at Sandall Road or Leighton Road (PM peak).

    The proposals include the following:

    Junction of Leighton Road and Bartholomew Road
    - "No Right Turn (Except Cyclists) " from Leighton Road into Bartholomew Road

    - "No Left Turn (Except Cyclists)" from Bartholomew Road into Leighton Road

    The AM counts show 316 motors SB between 8 and 9 am (with 152 NB). This is far above LCC's criterion of less than 200 per hour for safe and comfortable sharing of the road by cycles and motors. In the AM peak, 241 motors turned right from Leighton Road into Bartholomew Road - so the "No Right Turn" from Leighton Road into Bartholomew Road is potentially very effective in reducing rat runs.

    The PM peak figures show 159 motors making the left turn from Bartholomew Road into Leighton Road.

    Junction of Sandall Road and Camden Road

    - "No right turn (Except Cyclists" from Camden Road into Sandall Road.

    - " No right turn (Except Cyclists)" from Sandall Road into Camden Road.

    - Extend the central traffic island on Camden Road at the junction with Sandall Road to stop the above manoeuvres. There will be a gap in the island to allow cyclists to make these turns.

    The Sandall Road changes will make the junction with Camden Road a lot safer for pedestrians and people who cycle and will also reduce rat running on lines B1 and C.

    Kentish Town Road/ Patshull Road

    - Convert to two way traffic on Patshull Road between Kentish Town Road and Bartholomew Villas. Widen the carriageway at Patshull Road junction with Kentish Town Road to accommodate two way.

    - Relocate the ‘No Entry’ signs at Patshull Road/ Kentish Town Road junction to Patshull Road at the junction with Bartholomew Villas.

    The change is to enable traders e.g. Earth to use a storage place accessible via a little access road running behind the shop. That's why the proposal is to move the No Entry.

    But I think it would be better to place the No Entry just east of the little access road to avoid rat-running via Bartholomew Villas.

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  • Root Infested Path Surface

    Created by acsimpson // 0 threads

    The surface of the path here has been badly broken up by roots from the adjacent trees. This makes any use by wheels (Bike, pram, wheelchair) tricky.

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  • Root Infested Path Surface

    Created by acsimpson // 0 threads

    The surface of the path here has been badly broken up by roots from the adjacent trees. This makes any use by wheels (Bike, pram, wheelchair) tricky.

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  • East Road-safe cycle route needed to ARU and Petersfield

    Created by jennifer Kirner // 1 thread

    I am bringing up the problem that cyclists and pedestrians have crossing East Road to get to ARU and the neighbouring residential area. It would be helpful have a discussion about how to create safe routes in this area and how to get them implemented.

    When I am cycling, I find it dangerous and difficult to cross East Road from Petersfield or Bradmore Street and I resort to using the pedestrian crossings with my bike because it is.
    This area that really needs addressing for improvements to safe cycling and I don’t understand why given the expansion of ARU this has not been addressed.

    The junction of Mill Road/East Road is also pretty scary for cyclists and pedestrians. The crossing at the slip road at the corner of Petersfield is difficult for pedestrians because it has no traffic controls and cars come quickly round this corner making it dangerous for anyone who is not alert , who is not tall enough to see, or who can't move quickly. This includes the young, the old, someone in a wheelchair. I wouldn't fancy pushing a child in a buggy across either.
    Basically, it seems to me that the Junction and East road are designed for motor vehicles and traffic flow not for pedestrians and cyclists. Can we try and address this?

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  • Wandsworth Gyratory - TfL scheme with zero cycle lanes!

    Created by CycleSi // 2 threads

    TfL are undertaking major junction improvements at several gyratory systems. All of them include protected cycle lanes/tracks, except Wandsworth!

    The local London Cycle Campaign group is not campaigning and virtually defunct. We desperately need to organise local cyclists and campaigners all over London and beyond to challenge this bizarre scheme.

    Oval, Vauxhall, Elephant & Castle, Stockwell, Archway, Aldgate, etc, etc are all getting extensive safe space for cycling.

    TfL for some reason (I suspect the blame lies with the borough) have instead decided to claim that the awful shared footpaths and streets with no cycling infrastructure at all that have been designated as 'cycle routes' form part of a 'cycle network'. They are even planning to have Cycle Superhighway 8 run along Wandsworth High Street with not even a painted cycle lane - cyclists will be mixed in with extremely heavy bus traffic.

    It seems like no-one is talking about this other than me!! Seriously-argh!!!!

    Suggestions, ideas, offers to help campaign all welcome.

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  • Teversham bike route entrance blocked off

    Created by Claire Taylor // 1 thread

    I can't see a thread/issue about this, although it has been there for 9 months now.

    At the end of march this year, the metal barriers shown appeared in Teversham, by the school, along with a sign indicating that the bike route starts at the barriers.

    Previously the path started earlier, near the school. I can understand this wasn't ideal, due to the school being there, however, there is now no way to access the bike path legally except by riding up a kerb and across the grass.

    I have therefore been carefully riding up to the gate since then when using this route.

    I was annoyed about this an considered complaining at the time but I foolishly assumed as long as I was careful this was a live and let live situation and everyone would be fine with it, but today someone gave me abuse for this, so now I am annoyed and wondering who I can complain to about the restriction of the cycle route that was there previously.

    Incidentally there was nothing up in the area about this happening, although I cycle through there regularly. (I don't live in Teversham though).

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  • Planning application : 15/04189/FUL Erection of 12 no. dwellings to provide affordable housing (4 x 1 bed flats and 8 x 2 bed houses) with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing lock-up garages

    Created by jpennycook // 0 threads

    May Street is a short road that connects Lower Brook Street to the Toucan crossing of Churchill Way West.

    Erection of 12 no. dwellings to provide affordable housing (4 x 1 bed flats and 8 x 2 bed houses) with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing lock-up garages

    Lock-Up Garage Site At May Street Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 7RX


    Application reference : 15/04189/FUL

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  • Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council Draft Cycling Strategy consultation

    "Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has commissioned Sustrans, a leading UK charity that aims to encourage people to travel by foot, bicycle or public transport for more of their local journeys to help create a ‘cycling strategy’ and new cycle network map in consultation with the people who live in, work in or visit the borough."

    The strategy ignores most of the Borough, has low aims (lowest common denominator rather than facilities suitable for all riders), and is being made irrelevant by new housing developments.

    Responses to the consultation should be in by 11th December.

    Here is a map showing the Borough Council's boundaries:

    By zooming in to this map, you can see the proposed corridors as dashed blue highlights:

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  • Dangerous cycle lane on Worting Road, Basingstoke

    Created by jpennycook // 0 threads

    Drivers are unaware/don't care/don't see cyclists in the cycle lane, so pull out of Lidl an Old Worting Road turning left, or turn right from Worting Road to Old Worting Road leading to very near misses. The cycle lane should be replaced with access to Old Worting Road near the bus stop, and improved access to Lidl provided.

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  • The Narrow Way proposals

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 0 threads

    Hackney Council removed southbound buses from the Narrow Way recently. Having made these changes permanent, they are now proposing to redesign and improve the streets.

    They propose 'removing the existing conventional road layout and replace it with a new, accessible pedestrian friendly street.

    'Simplifying the street by removing the current clutter and providing new seating and cycle parking.

    'Creating a new public spaces that are flexible and adaptable, and will allow for events and other activities to be hosted.'

    The proposals shown here do not address difficulties people cycling have accessing the Narrow Way from the south.

    Please let us know your thoughts - all contributions will help us formulate Hackney Cycling Campaign's formal response to the council on the issue.

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This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:

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