
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Lack of Priority for Cycle Routes Around Auckland Drive

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The (relatively new) shared-use pavements around Windward Way and Auckland Drive, have no priority over any of the numerous Cul-de-sacs, many of which are little more than communal driveways. The constant need to give way at each of these points makes cycling along the route uncomfortable and tedious, as well as making it harder to conserve momentum.

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  • Cut-through on Lugtrout Lane

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    Currently there are pedestrian fences, bollards and curbs separating the two sections of Lugtrout Lane, preventing easy access from one section to the next and avoiding cycling along the 40 mph plus Damson Parkway. This would be an ideal point for some dropped curbs and appropriately spaced bollards to increase permeability for cyclists. There is clearly latent demand for a decent cut-through as the area to the left of the railings has had the grass worn away by the imprint of bicycle tyres.

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  • Lack of cycle provision Lode Lane

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The off-road/ service road cycle provision ends at Rowood Drive and is replaced only be a short section of advisory cycle lane culminating at an advanced stop line at the junction with Cornyx Lane, leaving the last few miles to the town centre completely absent of cycling infrastructure. It is no doubt expected that cyclists use the alternative route via Glebe Road, however this is a more circuitous route consisting of narrow and badly surfaced shared-use alleyways. With the last quarter of a mile lacking even shared-use pathways or cycle crossings, as well as this way-finding and social safety is poor.
    Cyclists value direct route as much as, if not more than, drivers and failure to cater to this and provide safe infrastructure is unlikely to encourage cycling.

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  • Mona St / Grace Ave new Dismount signs

    Created by David Lally // 0 threads

    The path between Grace Avenue and Mona Street (Part of NCR 6) has had a ramp added for much better cycle access on the Mona Street end and a useful mirror at the other end to be able to see round the corner to and from Grace Avenue. All very good until... this was followed by the fitting of Dismount signs.

    Sustrans Rangers are aware of this.

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  • Proposed Zebra Crossing and Relocation of Residents Parking Bay, Albion Row and Mount Pleasant

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Cambridgeshire County Council as part of a Local Highways Improvement scheme proposes to install a Zebra Crossing on Albion Row, Cambridge. To allow for the Zebra Crossing, it is proposed to relocate the existing Residents Parking Bays onto the south east end of Mount Pleasant, replacing a length of the existing Pay and Display.

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  • Adam and Eve rat-running

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    A proposal has been put forward to add bollarded access in this cut-through from Adam and Eve Street through to Burleigh Street, to avoid rat-running in the area.

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  • North Newtown area: removing unnecessary traffic

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    The Newtown area (basically between the Botanic Gardens and Lensfield Road on the inner ring road) is a mass of one-way streets, rat-running vehicles, children being dropped off to the schools rather than cycling, and so on.

    We should take the opportunity to work with locals to improve the area.

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  • Humpback Bridge

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The humpback bridge over the stream at this point is highly unsuitable for a well trafficked bicycle route, the design with extremely steep access from both directions as well as areas of mud make the bridge quite a pain to cross. This is especially problematic for bicycles with small wheels or heavy loads, that may struggle with entry and exit of the bridge. An ideal solution would be a longer bridge with gentler slopes to minimise damage to bicycle wheels and smooth out the transition. No doubt this bridge also causes problems for less-able people and represents a significant barrier which is enough of a reason in itself to undertake improvements.

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  • 321 student flats, Cheddars Lane / Newmarket Road)

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    15/0398/FUL | Erection of student accommodation with 321 student rooms (following demolition of existing buildings), together with ancilliary accommodation comprising common/study rooms, porters lodge, laundry room, plant room, bin and bike enclosures, landscaping and associated infrastructure including a sub-station. | 8, 10 And 10A Cheddars Lane And 351-355 Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8LD

    Usual issues to check out:

    - Cycle parking (number, type and positioning)
    - Access, in particular need for improvements to Newmarket Road

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  • Broken Glass in front of the Birmingham Uni

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The cycle path alongside the University of Birmingham campus seems to be a magnet for broken glass, especially in the area opposite the petrol station and Oakfield Road. Avoiding all the broken glass is quite a trial especially for those with less robust tires. Regular sweeping would go a long way towards improving the quality of the route.

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  • Cycleway in Cassiobury Park

    Created by Clive // 0 threads

    The path that runs across the width of Cassiobury Park from Stratford Way to Cassiobury Park Avenue has not been resurfaced since I've been in Watford (13 years). Very poor condition especially in the vicinity of the j/w what seems to be known (on Google Maps) as Central Avenue.

    The problem is more than its surface - the path is far too narrow, esp in view of the high use it gets from cyclists and pedestrians.

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  • Poor Bourne Park cycle path surface

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The surface of the cycle path, which is also National Cycle Route 1 through Bourne Park is of an extremely poor quality. This really needs to have a smooth tarmac surface, and potentially widened.

    I would expect kids to be learning to ride a bike along here, however that's not currently possible as its' touch going for an adult to cycle here never mind a child who is just learning to cycle. If this path is upgraded it would be even better if the surfacing was extended to create a circle around the park which is reasonably smooth, so that people can learn to cycle by cycling around this park.

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  • Poor reinstatement left trench across path

    Created by Donald Noble // 1 thread

    A trench has been dug across the cycle path close to the substation, and has not been properly reinstated, leaving a 0.5m wide 5cm deep rut right across the tarmac path,

    This should have been reinstated properly at the time, but would be good if it could be fixed soon

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  • Poor Cycle Path and Pavement Surfacing

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 1 thread

    The pavement and marked cycle path is in pretty bad shape due to root damage and weathering and could really do with some resurfacing. As well as this the numerous side roads and the narrow pavement sections beyond the bus stop create numerous conflict points.

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  • Stratford Road Cycle Provision

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    Cycle infrastructure is disjointed and confusing, there is no clear and consistent level of infrastructure along the Stratford route. What little infrastructure there is, is mostly made up of narrow shared-use pavements. Unless you approach Shirley High Street from the west (through the park), safe access to the shopping district by bicycle is limited.

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  • Ridgeons Cromwell Road

    Created by Monica Frisch // 2 threads

    The site used by Ridgeons (builders' merchants) on Cromwell Road in Cambridge has been identified by Cambridge City Council as a potential location for new housing in the future. As a part of this, Ridgeons and their team of consultants, along with Cambridge City Council, are working to develop a document called the Ridgeons Cromwell Road Development and Planning Brief (Supplementary Planning Document, SPD). This will provide guidance on access, land use, building types, open space and character for all future planning applications on the site.

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  • Shared path and toucan

    Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 0 threads

    The hill from the Braidburn Inn across Liberton Road up Kirk Brae is very difficult (steep and much traffic).

    Cyclists should be allowed to use the pavement from opposite the Braidburn Inn (at the end of the cycle lane), then cross Liberton Rd at the pedestrian lights (to be converted into toucan) and then continue on the pavement up Kirk Brae, at least to the Fire Station.

    Dropped kerbs are needed:
    - at the end of the cycle lane in Mayfield Road
    - at the end of Mayfield Rd, before the lights
    - at the bottom of Kirk Brae
    - at Double Hedges Row

    Many cyclists already use the pavement in this way, but lack of dropped kerbs makes it difficult (and of course it would be better if it's made legal).

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  • Cambridge Community Speedwatch

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 2 threads

    The Speedwatch scheme allows the public to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling through their neighbourhood. It is used in areas where speeding has been identified as a priority at quarterly neighbourhood panel meetings. The scheme is run by the force alongside the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership. It is about educating motorists in the law in relation to speeding and monitoring any trends in speeding in neighbourhoods.

    Volunteers are trained to use speed indicator devices which displays vehicle speed. The registered owner of any vehicle seen exceeding the speed limit is sent an advisory letter from their local neighbourhood policing team, explaining that speeding is unacceptable to the local community.

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  • New path in Inch Park

    Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 2 threads

    Have a new shared path on the Est side of Inch Park, connecting Glenallan Drive, Old Dalkeith Road and Cameron Toll.

    This would be a very useful connection that allows cyclists (and pedestrians) to avoid parts of busy Old Dalkeith Road.

    There is no real reason why a proper path can't be built there; dog walkers walk along the suggested route all the time (on the grass).

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  • Path connection

    Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 2 threads

    There is a strange muddy puddle where the path from Burdiehouse Burn meets the footpath along Burdiehouse Rd., and the right-angle corner is very narrow anyway.

    The paths should be connected in a more gentle curve - there is a desire line on top of the wall in the left half of the image.

    This is an important point as the footpath does not continue along Burdiehouse Rd northwards, so all cyclists and pedestrians have to walk through the puddle.

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  • Proposals for Traffic Regulation Order TMP 7109 Amesbury Circus Area

    Created by Iain Lane // 1 thread

    From email:

    Nottingham City Council (Amesbury Circus Area, Aspley, Nottingham) (Prohibitions of Waiting and Entrance Clearway) Traffic Regulation Order 2015 (TMP 7109)

    Please find attached a consultation letter and associated Drawings, Numbers TM/TMP7109 which relates to the above areas, Amesbury Circus Area, Aspley , Nottingham - Traffic Regulation Order (TMP 7109). If you have any concerns in relation to the TRO proposals can you please let me have your comments by 31st March 2015.

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