Things tagged 'shareduse'

8 issues found for 'shareduse':

  • Lynnsport Northern Access Road NCN1/EV12/NSCR

    Created by MJR // 4 threads

    The Sandringham Railway Path is the main cycle route from Lynn town centre to the north, as well as part of National Route 1, EuroVelo route 12 and the North Sea Cycle Route. The councils tried to sneak a bit to the Local Pinch Point Fund to turn part of the cycleway into a fast 30mph drag strip of a road, open to all traffic, to serve the sports centre(!!) and some new housing developments to be built on scrub, sports fields and allotments. As far as we can ascertain, this was the only section of the National Cycle Network under threat from such downgrading. To proceed with that scheme would set a precedent which could have national implications. At the time of reporting this issue, it's now only one option of three possibilities.

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  • S/3551/17/OL Cottenham: outline app for 137 dwellings including access

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Outline Planning Application for residential development comprising 137 dwellings including matters of access with all other matters reserved.

    Land north east of Rampton Road, Cottenham, CB24 8TJ

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/3551/17/OL

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  • Petersfield Green - Widening of path

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The path running in front of Petersfield Mansions (identified below in red) is only 1.2m wide. This means that when passing each other pedestrians and cyclists often have to use the grass which is problematic when it is wet and muddy. It is also difficult for residents of Petersfield Mansions when exiting their properties as there is very little space for people to manoeuvre around each other.

    Usage of this path has increased over the years with more cyclists using the path to access the cycle racks which have been installed on Bradmore Street as part of the expansion of Anglia Ruskin University. It is therefore proposed to widen the path by 1metre to cater for this increased usage and to improve access from Mill Road with the removal of a short section of railing and the installation of a flush kerb.

    Petersfield is owned by the City Council and the path in question is maintained by the County Council as highway.

    The cost of these works is approximately £20,000 and this project will be joint funded by Cambridge City Council and Anglia Ruskin University.

    The path marked in blue is maintained by the City Council and we hope to improve the surface of this path at the same time if funding can be identified.

    If you have any comments regarding the widening of this path or would like more information please contact cyclingconsultations @ by 14th September 2015.

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  • Conversion of Footpath to Shared Use

    Created by Dawes Jaguar // 0 threads

    Converting this path to shared-use (with appropriate signage) is a simple way to encourage cycling. There is plenty of space to widen it, and this would be especially beneficial at the lower end. Hint: people, including police officers, are already cycling on this path.

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  • Shared path and toucan

    Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 0 threads

    The hill from the Braidburn Inn across Liberton Road up Kirk Brae is very difficult (steep and much traffic).

    Cyclists should be allowed to use the pavement from opposite the Braidburn Inn (at the end of the cycle lane), then cross Liberton Rd at the pedestrian lights (to be converted into toucan) and then continue on the pavement up Kirk Brae, at least to the Fire Station.

    Dropped kerbs are needed:
    - at the end of the cycle lane in Mayfield Road
    - at the end of Mayfield Rd, before the lights
    - at the bottom of Kirk Brae
    - at Double Hedges Row

    Many cyclists already use the pavement in this way, but lack of dropped kerbs makes it difficult (and of course it would be better if it's made legal).

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  • Segregated cycle path/shared use

    Created by Stephan Matthiesen // 3 threads

    Create a cycle path on the pavement or make it shared use, from after the bus stop in Liberton Road around the corner to the junction Gordon Terrace/Esslemont Rd.
    This would allow cyclists who want to turn left from Liberton Rd towards KB to bypass the traffic lights, then continue onto Gordon terrace or rejoin the other traffic in Esslemont Rd.

    Currently it's dangerous because:
    (1) this route is uphills and cyclists are going slow, but cars turning left can't see ahead if there are cyclists.
    (2) cyclists have to wait at the light and then are in front of cars, so drivers get quite annoyed having to trundle along until safe overtaking is possible in Esslemont Rd, many attempt dangerous overtakes earlier. If cyclists can bypass the red lights they have a chance to go up the difficult bit during quieter phases
    (3) cyclists who are not in the ASL (but also those in the ASL) are in danger of being left-hooked (see also

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  • King's Lynn Transport Interchange

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    Some of (the last of?) the s106 money from two out-of-town big box supermarkets is being used to remodel the connections between the bus and rail stations. National Route 1 runs through this area and the bus station may also be Lynn's biggest cycle park, so there's quite a lot of potential for this to do good - or to do harm.

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9 threads found for 'shareduse':

No planning applications found for 'shareduse'.

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