Things tagged 'tro'

12 issues found for 'tro':

  • Prohibition of motor vehicles on road between Oakington and Longstanton

    Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 1 thread

    Cambridgeshire County Council proposes to make the above Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police the effect of which will be to :-

    Prohibit all motorised vehicles on Oakington Road, Longstanton from a point 460 metres south east of its junction with Wilson’s Road to Longstanton Road, Oakington and Westwick at a point 370 metres north west of its junction with Lowbury Crescent.

    Access for pedestrians, cyclists & equestrians will be maintained with provision for access for adjacent agricultural landowners and emergency service vehicles.

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  • TRAF/7506 - One Way - St Nicholas Street, Colchester

    Created by Steven Moseley // 1 thread

    he Essex County Council (St Nicholas Street, Colchester) (One Way) Order 202*Statement of ReasonsSummary of the LocationSt Nicholas Street, Colchester, illustrated on drawingref. 169_HAT_GA_110 Rev. B.Reasons for the Proposed ChangesThis one-way restriction is part of a wider public realm improvement project proposed by Colchester Borough Council for the area around St Nicholas Square. For details of the proposed development, visit their webpage of the Proposed ChangesTo enhance the public realm in St Nicholas Square, and minimise carriageway to create enhanced footways and space availablefor outdoor seating. The key aims of the St Nicholas Square project are to:• Create a more pedestrian friendly environment, less dominated by car anddelivery traffic• Create more outdoor seating space for cafés and restaurants to spill out• Createspace for market stalls and events to happen• Ensure the space is accessible to all usersA number of local Councillors have been supportive of the scheme and the overall ambition to create a more pedestrian friendly and open square, which supports local businesses through the creation of more external seating areas, more space for markets and events, and increased footfall in the long term.CBC have secured central government funding enabling the project to move forward.

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  • PR0597 Amend loading restrictions on Mill Road

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Cambridgeshire County Council proposes to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police the effect of which will be to :-


    Amend the no loading and unloading restrictions on Mill Road, Cambridge from Monday to Saturday 8.15 – 9.15am and 5pm – 6pm to Monday to Saturday 7.30 - 9.30am and 4.30 - 6.30pm in the follow locations;


    • South side from a point 8 metres south east of its junction with Argyle Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 41 metres.
    • South side from a point 18 metres south east of its junction with Stockwell Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 35 metres.
    • North side from its junction with Sedgwick Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 55 metres.
    • South side from a point 27.5 metres south east of its junction with Cockburn Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 52 metres.
    • North side from a point 6.5 metres south east of its junction Catharine Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 40 metres.
    • South side from a point 11 south east of its junction with Thoday Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 39 metres.
    • South side from a point 19 metres east of its junction with Romsey Terrace in an easterly direction for a distance of 46.
    • North side from a point 16 metres east of its junction with Ross Street in an easterly direction for a distance of 47 metres.


    I have attached a copy of the public notice and plan, showing the location and extent of the proposed restrictions.


    A copy of the draft Order and plans can also be seen online from Wednesday 20th November 2019 at 


    If you wish to make any comments on these proposals we would appreciate them in writing to the address below or by email to  no later than the 11th December 2019 quoting reference PR0594.


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  • Roding Valley Way cycle route extension (CAP App. I.2.2)

    Created by Chris Lord // 1 thread

    Provide cycling infrastructure from Buckhurst Hill Tube Station and improve connectivity to the Roding Valley Way route at Cherry Tree Rise (Roding Valley Tube Station) in LB Redbridge.
    * Existing/planned Roding Valley Way infrastructure to the south of the District in LB Redbridge should be linked up with cycling route options in Essex / Epping Forest District.
    * Provide on-road cycling route in both directions and consider parking restrictions / TRO to formalise car parking on the footway, and remove central hatching/wide centrelines along Buckhurst Way to enable road space to be better utilised and allow cycle lanes to be created up to Elm Close.
    * Unsegregated shared-use footway / cycleway alongside the northbound Buckhurst Way north of Elm Close to just south of the bridge over the Central Line Tube.
    * Alternatively a quieter parallel on-road route could be created along Chestnut Avenue, Oak Rise and a footpath conversion leading to Cascade Road and Lower Queen’s Road.

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  • Proposed one-way traffic on Hyde Park Road

    Created by M Stanley // 1 thread

    Received from a member:

    I’ve received a TRO proposing to make a section of Hyde Park Road into a one-way street

    See plan here:

    The reason for the proposal is because with cars parked on both sides of the road there is only one effective lane, and apparently there are often traffic jams necessitating the attendance of the police.

    There is no exemption for cyclists included in the proposed order.

    My view is that there should be an exemption for cyclists, although I can see that Highways will have difficulty with that proposal on safety grounds. I therefore thought I would seek your views before making a formal objection. Maybe we should seek views from the membership generally?

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  • Nottingham City Council (Radford Road Area, Nottingham) (Prohibitions of Waiting and Parking Places (Specified Classes of Vehicles)) Traffic Regulation Order 2015 (TMP 7115)

    Created by Iain Lane // 2 threads

    Dear Consultee,

    Nottingham City Council (Radford Road Area, Nottingham) (Prohibitions of Waiting and Parking Places (Specified Classes of Vehicles)) Traffic Regulation Order 2015 (TMP 7115)

    Please find attached a consultation letter and associated drawings, SN/TMP7115/01/A, SN/TMP7115/01/B and SN/TMP7115/01/C which relates to the above Radford Road Area, Nottingham – Traffic Regulation Order (TMP 7115).

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  • Proposals for Traffic Regulation Order TMP 7109 Amesbury Circus Area

    Created by Iain Lane // 1 thread

    From email:

    Nottingham City Council (Amesbury Circus Area, Aspley, Nottingham) (Prohibitions of Waiting and Entrance Clearway) Traffic Regulation Order 2015 (TMP 7109)

    Please find attached a consultation letter and associated Drawings, Numbers TM/TMP7109 which relates to the above areas, Amesbury Circus Area, Aspley , Nottingham - Traffic Regulation Order (TMP 7109). If you have any concerns in relation to the TRO proposals can you please let me have your comments by 31st March 2015.

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  • No Right turn from Newnham Croft

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    In the Environmental Improvements Programme for the West Area Committee, (1st March) they are considering whether to adopt the proposal to ban right turns from Newnham Croft Street.

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No planning applications found for 'tro'.

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