Things tagged 'shared-use'

19 issues found for 'shared-use':

  • Dangerous Cycleway

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    A cycleway was built alongside Scania Way, but it is dangerous in many ways, including:

    • The north end is on the corner of a busy T-junction with HGVs turning. The cycleway was originally planned to turn north onto Oldmedow Road as cycle lanes but the "safety auditors" refused to allow that and instead insisted on this dangerous ending!
    • Some of the crossings of the car showroom accesses have no marked priority.
    • Some of the crossings of the car showroom accesses are blind for emerging motorists because of the showrooms' signs.
    • There are numerous sign legs in the cycleway.
    • The south end terminates in a pinch point corner with a lamp post because enabling fast turns and good lighting for motorists is more important than keeping crash hazards away from the cycleway.

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  • Trumpington busway - campaign for improvements

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    As described in the winter 2019 Camcycle magazine there is a group working on getting some improvements to the Trumpington busway.  The magazine concentrates on the northern end of the busway but we are also seeking upgrades to the Addenbrookes spur junction and the crossing at Hobson Avenue/Lime Avenue as well as adding pedestrian footpath from the Hills Road Bridge all the way to Drury Avenue.

    The group would like to start getting this out to users of the path for input, discussion and help with campaigning.  Many Biomedical Campus commuters presumably use this path frequently, even daily.  It would be great to get some input.

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  • Rushgrove Park Draft Masterplan

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Plans to improve Rushgrove Park include a new crossing of the Silkstream near Colindeep Lane, with a new access point on Colindeep Lane, joining with the existing route following the western side of the park to emerge on Crossway.  The draft masterplan describes this as the "primary shared cycle and footpath with seasonal tree avenue".

    Consultation details and online questionnaire on the link below...

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  • Colindale Park Draft Masterplan

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Plans to improve Colindale Park include a 3.2m wide shared-use pedestrian/cyclist path linking Colindale Station and Sheaveshill Avenue.

    It is described in the draft masterplan as a commuting route - it's actually the 250m long path at the NE edge of the park.

    Consultation details and online questionnaire on the link below...

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  • Buxhall School/Greanleas cycleway

    Tom McKeown // 1 thread

    A new path is being added to the west side of the B1049 to connect the Greanleas estate to the Buxhall farm school.  It is too narrow for shared used.  Can we improve this?

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  • Osidge Lane crossing for Waterfall Walk in Barnet

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Nothing to assist cyclists crossing busy Osidge Lane on signed cycle route. Not suitable for families. Pedestrian crossing is 70 metres to west, requiring cyclists to dismount and walk – poorly designed cycle route. Central reservation or crossing required.

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  • Girton to Oakington cycle path

    Created by Philip Garsed // 3 threads

    Cambridgeshire County Council have a project to upgrade the existing Girton-Oakington cycle path. The upgrade is planned between the northern end of Manor Farm Road in Girton and Mansell Farm in Oakington (start of 30 mph limit), between which the majority of the route will be widened to ~3 m. There are no real proposals to improve the junction with New Road.

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  • Quietway Consultation in Bromley

    Created by John H Wood // 1 thread

    Please forgive me if I've mucked this up, I am not very experienced at this.

    The London Borough of Bromley, working with Transport for London (TfL) is proposing to make a number of improvements to streets between Lower Sydenham and Bromley town centre to contribute to the development of a Quietway cycle route between Lower Sydenham and Bromley.

    Quietways are walking and cycling routes primarily on lightly trafficked back streets, through parks and alongside waterways providing quieter routes away from main roads designed to appeal, particularly, to new and inexperienced cyclists. They will provide safe and attractive links to shops, stations, schools, workplaces and destinations throughout London.
    This proposed route is from River Walk in the London Borough of Lewisham to Bromley town centre and will upgrade the section of the existing London Cycle Network route 27 between New Beckenham and Bromley town centre. The route will form part of a London wide network of Quietways and Superhighways being developed jointly by London Boroughs and TfL.

    Worsley Bridge Road
    The Quietway runs along Worsley Bridge Road which, due to the speed and volume of traffic, makes it an unattractive road to cycle on. We are therefore proposing to widen and convert the footway on the southern side of Worsley Bridge Road from the Junction of Copers Cope Road to the junction of South End Lane in Lewisham to a shared footway/cycleway.
    This will provide a high quality facility for cyclists and pedestrians, providing access to Lower Sydenham Station. By providing a shared path cyclists do not need to mix with general traffic thereby improving safety for all road users. The scheme will also introduce a zebra crossing between Meadowview Road and Montana Gardens as well as upgrading the existing refuge at the junction with Copers Cope Road.

    Southend Road
    As the Quietway is required to cross Southend Road, we are proposing to install a Parallel Zebra Crossing for pedestrians and cyclists crossing between Park Road and Foxgrove Road. This crossing will also be of benefit to existing pedestrians, especially for children crossing the road on their way to school.

    Ridley Road to Ravensbourne Road footpath
    In order to provide a safe continuous cycle route it is proposed to allow cycling along the short section of footpath between Ridley Road and Ravensbourne Road, which will be permitted via a Cycle Track Order. Access to the path will be provided via a new dropped kerb at the end of Ridley Road with a new tree or planter installed leading to the path. Vegetation will be cut back to provide additional width for both pedestrians and cyclists and special sinusoidal speed humps for cyclists will be installed at the Ravensbourne Road end of the path to reduce the potential for cyclists to speed entering the shared area.

    Ravensbourne Road
    In order to allow cyclists to access Bromley South Station using the Quietway, it is proposed to allow contra-flow cycling on Ravensbourne Road, which would be achieved by exempting cyclists from the one-way restriction on the street through a combination of signs and markings. Cycle contra-flows provide more direct routes for cyclists and can allow them to avoid travelling on busy roads and are quite common across the UK with several already in place across the Borough.

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  • Shared use path

    Created by FrenchyF // 2 threads

    The pavement here should be designated shared use, so that cyclists can go from the cycle paths on East Kilngate Wynd to the shared use path at the top of Lasswade Road without using the main carriageway. Ideally the pavement would be widened at the same time, but it's a quiet enough pavement that I don't think it'd cause many problems if it's not possible to widen it.

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  • London Rd to Peronne Rd Cycle Route LTP3 2017/18

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Old London Rd/London Rd Gyratory Junction - The Gyratory and London Rd/Northern Parade Junction are high cycle casualty sites (numbers 8 and 4 based on recent data) which lead into the Portsbridge Roundabout.

    This scheme will provide a convenient alternative route to using all three of those junctions. Install a shared cycle route in London Rd at the junction with Curtis Mead.

    This route will take cyclists around the eastern side of the gyratory on the pavement and link in with the Peronne Rd A27 bridge into Cosham.

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  • Improving Barton Road cycle provision

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 3 threads

    The county council is reviewing parking arrangements along the Barton Road, between Newnham Road and Grantchester Street (do they not mean Grantchester Road?). They say that in some places - parking restricts traffic flow along Barton Road, although the only restrictions I've ever seen have been due to tail-backs from Fen Causeway.

    They are proposing three options, one with minor changes and the loss of 3-5 parking spaces; one with more yellow lines in narrower sections, the loss of 10-12 parking spaces and signs prohibiting coach parking in places; and one replacing all parking on the south (westbound) side with an on-road cycle path, and the loss of about 50 parking spaces.

    I assume we would push for the third option, but why not Dutch-style hybrid lanes (on both sides, perhaps)? Ah yes, that'll cost more than painting a white line. Oh well.

    There's an exhibition at Cambridge Rugby Club on Grantchester Rd on Nov 7th (1-8pm) and you can respond online at
    until Nov 23rd.

    - Tim

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  • Petersfield Green - Widening of path

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The path running in front of Petersfield Mansions (identified below in red) is only 1.2m wide. This means that when passing each other pedestrians and cyclists often have to use the grass which is problematic when it is wet and muddy. It is also difficult for residents of Petersfield Mansions when exiting their properties as there is very little space for people to manoeuvre around each other.

    Usage of this path has increased over the years with more cyclists using the path to access the cycle racks which have been installed on Bradmore Street as part of the expansion of Anglia Ruskin University. It is therefore proposed to widen the path by 1metre to cater for this increased usage and to improve access from Mill Road with the removal of a short section of railing and the installation of a flush kerb.

    Petersfield is owned by the City Council and the path in question is maintained by the County Council as highway.

    The cost of these works is approximately £20,000 and this project will be joint funded by Cambridge City Council and Anglia Ruskin University.

    The path marked in blue is maintained by the City Council and we hope to improve the surface of this path at the same time if funding can be identified.

    If you have any comments regarding the widening of this path or would like more information please contact cyclingconsultations @ by 14th September 2015.

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  • Stratford Road Cycle Provision

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    Cycle infrastructure is disjointed and confusing, there is no clear and consistent level of infrastructure along the Stratford route. What little infrastructure there is, is mostly made up of narrow shared-use pavements. Unless you approach Shirley High Street from the west (through the park), safe access to the shopping district by bicycle is limited.

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  • No cycling in Abergavenny's "Red Square"

    Created by Jack Thurston // 1 thread

    Cycling is not permitted in 'Red Square', the red-paved pedestrian area of the centre of Abergavenny.

    Even so, cycle route 42 runs through it...

    An interesting blog post on cycling in pedestrianised areas:

    One solution is to make the entire area 'shared use'. Another would be to restrict the prohibition on cycling to the busies times of day, eg. Mon-Sat 10am-4pm, and allowing unrestricted cycling at all other times.

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  • Parking in cycle lane by car hire

    Created by Matthew Phillips // 0 threads

    As the shared-use pavement on the east side of the A167 passes the Enterprise Car Hire site, there is a wide driveway leading onto the care hire forecourt which is often blocked by parked vehicles, forcing pedestrians and cyclists into the main road.

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  • Active travel in A10 corridor (south)

    Created by Jim Chisholm // 5 threads

    There is a suggestion of a group looking at issues for those cycling in the A10 corridor between M11 J11 and Royston. This is, in part about cycling along the corridor, but mainly about access between villages and access to rail stations. Of course the A10 north of Cambridge has LSTF money, but there are currently few funds available for improvements in this area.

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11 threads found for 'shared-use':

No planning applications found for 'shared-use'.

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