
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Quietway 19 - Cambridge Circus

    Created by Colin Wing // 4 threads

    There has never been a satisfactory cycle route from Soho into Covent Garden. The right turn from Old Compton Street into Charing Cross Road is prohibited. Moor Street lands cyclists at an inconvenient part of the junction. Using Greek Street and Shaftesbury Avenue means a difficult right turn into Charing Cross Road.

    In April 2015 Westminster's contractors are consulting the public about improvements to Cambridge Circus. The consultation period ends on 8th May 2015. Subject to approvals, it is planned to start the works on site in August 2015 and to be completed by February 2016.

    The scheme takes into account the need for Quietway 19 to pass through the junction between Soho and Covent Garden.

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  • Consultation on Central Somers Town proposals, March 2015

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 3 threads

    Camden Council proposes some changes in Somers Town including:

    - new buildings for Edith Neville Primary school with the entrance moved to the corner of Purchese Street and Polygon Road

    - new housing

    - closure of Polygon Road between Ossulston Street and Chalton Street

    - new landscaped park and open spaces

    See the consultation at:

    A model and exhibition about the proposals is on display at Somers Town Community Association until April 27th


    The plans show what looks like a wooded park enclosing the cycle route on Polygon Road between Purchese Street and Ossulston Street as well as the little square at the southern end of Charringon Street.

    Angela and I have met with the Louise Trewavas (the officer responsible); she assures us that Camden intends to provide total permeability for cycling through the area. But she was talking of cycling slowly through the wooded part. We pointed out that this is a major N-S route that uses the safe crossing over Euston Road to Mabledon Place and quoted figures from the RCS counter. (She is a cyclist and did understand that point).

    We noted that when the RCS southern extension down Pancras Road is extended down Midland Road to a safe crossing over Euston Road to Judd Street that many cyclists may prefer that route which will decrease pressure on the Somers Town route.

    We discussed two alternatives to improving the route through Somers Town between Goldington and Ossulston Street:

    - a route down Charrington Street provides a good straight run but would require something like the Ampton Street track through the square. It would avoid the new entrance to Edith Neville school. But there is an issue as to how cycles will cross the footway in Polygon Road where there will be many pedestrians at school opening and closing times

    - a route down Purchese Street as far as Brill Place which will only be acceptable if the cobbles are covered with a smooth surface of an acceptable width with one track in each direction. 

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  • Trafford Waters

    Created by Jonathan Keenan // 1 thread

    Large housing development near to Trafford centre, Manchester Ship Canal and Bridgewater Canal. There is potential for huge increase in traffic and the plans have very little/no cycle infrastructure planned in.

    The plans show 5 lane roads and roundabouts with a simple ASL and no other infrastructure. This is an opportunity for the developers to connect the new estate into a wider cycle network, particularly the cycle path on Barton Dock Road (which needs improvement). The Bridgewater Canal will not have enough capacity in the future and is not suitable for year round commuting.

    Urgent attention needs to be given to the main roads surrounding the site and the development used as a catalyst to improve the below standard infrastructure already in place nearby.

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  • Dropped curb

    Created by SRF // 0 threads

    A dropped kerb where the path meets the pavement at the Glebe would be very handy here for people heading to the school on bike via the path. It's the only off-road route for cycling to the school.

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  • Towpath Potholed

    Created by Cook // 1 thread

    The Grand Union canal towpath from Lincoln Road, Olton to Catherine de Barnes is full of potholes and becomes full of mud and puddles when it rains. The alternative is the busy Warwick Rd or Coventry Rd. This is the only off road route from Solihull to Birmingham so is suitable for families and young children.

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  • 15/0503/FUL Alterations to car and cycle parking, The Leys School

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Alterations to car and cycle parking and vehicular access (part retrospective). Resurfacing of access road and provision of 3.5m high acoustic fence.

    The Leys School The Fen Causeway Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 7AD

    Application reference: 15/0503/FUL

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  • Teddington Lock Bridge - End of Route ??

    Created by Paul L // 0 threads

    Richmond Council have installed a " End of Route" "Cyclists Dismount" sign

    This is highly misleading as NCR4 continues on the far side of the bridge.

    The London Cycle Design Standards have :

    A cycle route should never disappear abruptly

    ‘End’ signing and ‘Cyclists Dismount’ signs should not be used because they showthat consideration for cyclists has simply ended.

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  • Loading motors on Bath Street cycle lane (LCN0)

    Created by ma499 // 1 thread

    I ride through Bath Street daily and am getting cheesed off by the regular occurrence of motor vehicles loading at the southern end of Bath Street. They are a combination of deliveries for the supermarket and other shops on Old Street (north side, east of Bath Street) and mini-cabs waiting to pick-up.

    The motors are invariably parked on the southbound (contraflow) cycle lane despite the presence of both a double yellow line and double yellow flashings (meaning no loading). Because of the proximity of the Old Street junction this is particularly dangerous because when you cycle out into the northbound lane to bypass the motor vehicle, you may run into a vehicle entering from Old Street at speed.

    How do we get London Borough of Islington to properly enforce waiting and loading restrictions here?

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  • Barrier very tight for bikes

    Created by Donald Noble // 0 threads

    This barrier is quite a tight squeeze for a normal bike without panniers, and would be very difficult/impossible to get though with an accessible bike/panniers/trailer etc.

    Presume bollards could be used here to stop vehicles entering the path without causing an obstruction for bikes/wheelchairs etc.

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  • Cycle Superhighway 5 in Westminster (via Vauxhall Bridge Road)

    Created by Colin Wing // 2 threads

    Vauxhall Bridge Road was originally the proposed route of Cycle Superhighway 5. After Westminster objected that it would displace traffic onto local roads, a number of other routes were investigated and put out to public consultation. Although a two-way route on Belgrave Road proved the most popular with cyclists, Westminster doubted whether it was feasible. So attention has now turned back to Vauxhall Bridge Road.

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  • New cycle racks at cambridge station

    Created by Colin Rosenstiel // 1 thread

    Apart from the miserable remote location, has anyone else been having issues with the new exclusively double stack cycle parking?

    1. My bike, a pretty normal size town bike, won't fit on the lower level because the basket won't fit under the beam mounting the upper level of the rack
    2. Twice my bike has fallen out when removing it from the upper level. The wheel, also a standard size, isn't held firmly enough in the sliding rack when unlocked. The frist time it fell on me, causing minor injuries
    3. The level of maintenance is abysmal, with obvious work required being left undone for weeks. The first instance of my bike falling out was a rack that wouldn't slide in so I was removing my bike to put elsewhere. Another time the bolts hoding a rack in had come off so the frame was loose and unusable. There are two frames on the side by the back of the racks which need refixing and have done as long as the racks have been where they now are
    4. Why has the roadway got those obstructive plastic barriers all the way along, making access to the cycle parking very awkward? Such barriers are not placed between carriageway and pavements elsewhere

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  • abandoned bikes at Trumpington P&R

    Richard G // 1 thread

    Noticed recently there are a good number (>15) of bikes that look abandoned - rusty & flat perished tyres, at Trumpington P&R

    I've not seen any notes about any clear outs for years

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  • Crab & Winkle Way surface deteriotating

    Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread

    The surface of the Crab & Winkle Way following the old railway alignment between the two tarmac sections is getting very bad. The exposed sub base is making the surface potentially unsafe and quite unconfortable to use. The comfort aspect will be detracting from encouraging further people to choose to cycle commute via this route.

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  • Lack of Priority for Cycle Routes Around Auckland Drive

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The (relatively new) shared-use pavements around Windward Way and Auckland Drive, have no priority over any of the numerous Cul-de-sacs, many of which are little more than communal driveways. The constant need to give way at each of these points makes cycling along the route uncomfortable and tedious, as well as making it harder to conserve momentum.

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  • Cut-through on Lugtrout Lane

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    Currently there are pedestrian fences, bollards and curbs separating the two sections of Lugtrout Lane, preventing easy access from one section to the next and avoiding cycling along the 40 mph plus Damson Parkway. This would be an ideal point for some dropped curbs and appropriately spaced bollards to increase permeability for cyclists. There is clearly latent demand for a decent cut-through as the area to the left of the railings has had the grass worn away by the imprint of bicycle tyres.

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  • Lack of cycle provision Lode Lane

    Created by Bracken VanRyssen // 0 threads

    The off-road/ service road cycle provision ends at Rowood Drive and is replaced only be a short section of advisory cycle lane culminating at an advanced stop line at the junction with Cornyx Lane, leaving the last few miles to the town centre completely absent of cycling infrastructure. It is no doubt expected that cyclists use the alternative route via Glebe Road, however this is a more circuitous route consisting of narrow and badly surfaced shared-use alleyways. With the last quarter of a mile lacking even shared-use pathways or cycle crossings, as well as this way-finding and social safety is poor.
    Cyclists value direct route as much as, if not more than, drivers and failure to cater to this and provide safe infrastructure is unlikely to encourage cycling.

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