Things tagged 'cambridge-circus'

One issue found for 'cambridge-circus':

  • Quietway 19 - Cambridge Circus

    Created by Colin Wing // 4 threads

    There has never been a satisfactory cycle route from Soho into Covent Garden. The right turn from Old Compton Street into Charing Cross Road is prohibited. Moor Street lands cyclists at an inconvenient part of the junction. Using Greek Street and Shaftesbury Avenue means a difficult right turn into Charing Cross Road.

    In April 2015 Westminster's contractors are consulting the public about improvements to Cambridge Circus. The consultation period ends on 8th May 2015. Subject to approvals, it is planned to start the works on site in August 2015 and to be completed by February 2016.

    The scheme takes into account the need for Quietway 19 to pass through the junction between Soho and Covent Garden.

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2 threads found for 'cambridge-circus':

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