23/03273/FUL and 23/03273/COND7 east of NMR P&R
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first:
Created by KW // 1 thread
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
Created by Gregory Williams // 2 threads
There isn't a dropped kerb at the northern end of the Legacy Park cycle path where it meets Chaucer Road. Therefore cyclists can't easily transition between the cycle path and the road here.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The signs at the junction between Mill Lane and St. Radigund's Street in Canterbury have gone missing.
The new shared-use path here is lovely except they've installed corduroy paving, with the very narrow bumps, on the newest stretch, to indicate the cycling and pedestrian halves, instead of the usual fat textured paving. Last week in the bad weather it caught my wheel and I skidded on it, only just avoided coming off completely. I couldn't get a photo because it was after dark, but you know the paving I mean. It's not suitable for cycle paths under any circumstances and I don't know why they've used it here. The section they installed previously, along Gregory Park up to the back entrance of the P&R, has the correct paving.
sound+fury // 1 thread
No cycle parking shown in the plans
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
How exactly more secure cycle parking will work.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cover has gone from the cycle parking opposite B&M Home Store, leaving cycles more exposed to the weather.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Each winter the Crab & Winkle Way gets a puddle across the full width of the route a little south of Tyler Hill Road. This can freeze over as ice and mask potholes in the surface beneath.
Created by Josh Grantham // 1 thread
Erection of new office building (use class E) and associated development, infrastructure and works.
Application reference : 23/04840/FUL
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04936/FUL | Full planning application for the construction of 91 new homes with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 within the Marleigh development as a modification to outline permission S/2682/13/OL to increase the overall unit numbers across the site to 1,391 homes. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04930/REM | Reserved matters application detailing, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 332 new homes and commercial space with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 pursuant to condition 5 (reserved matter) of outline permission S/2682/13/OL dated 30 November 2016. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
A tree has fallen blocking NCR1 at Duke's Meadow. In the meantime it is still possible to cut across the grass to continue the route.
23/04590/OUT Latest in a long sequence of attempts to develop landfill and 'lakes' either side of The Tins path.
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
First and second floor extension above the existing ground floor commercial Business and Service premises (Use Class E) and Library (Use Class F1(d)) to create 15 No. residential apartments including a communal terrace, together with an associated communal entrance/service building (including first and second floor commercial units (Use Class E)), cycle parking, refuse provision, landscaping, the reconfiguration of the established car park, substation and associated infrastructure works.
Land Adjacent To School Hill Histon Cambridgeshire CB24 9JE
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04537/FUL
Created by Edward Bainton // 1 thread
Crossing from Bright Street to Geneva Street, the cycle lights do not sense the bike. You can sit through 10 phases and you never get a green light.
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 2 threads
A place to gather threads about cycling issues in Peterborough and any consultations on active travel schemes in the area.
Created by Isaac // 1 thread
Recent roadworks have left the cycle lane entering Cambridge in an unusable state. There are large bumps across the width of the cycle lane which makes cycling along it dangerous. Needs to be fixed asap.
Erection of 12 dwellings, including 3 affordable dwellings, and associated works including alterations to access to the site and creation of second access.
Land At Ditton Walk Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04380/FUL
Not shown in the plans, but suggested in the D&A: a pedestrian link between Ditton Walk and the Trail
Created by Campbell Mccaig // 1 thread
A real lack of strimming too making some paths nearly unuseable.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Plans for the 2024 AGM are well-underway!
Please join us on Saturday 20 January, 2-5pm at Storey's Field Centre (main hall).
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The River Dour Greenway sign pointing into Lorne Road from the shared path beside Buckland Avenue is missing. Previous Google StreetView imagery shows the sign which has gone missing:
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Bollards on the path used by the River Dour Greenway between Alfred Road and Brookfield Place limit access for people with trailers or on tandems.
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
Absolutely disgraceful deposit of mud by tractor drivers hauling harvested beets on Fen Lane (the back way to the north of Swaffham Bulbeck which many of us use to bypass the unpleasant B1102 through the village). In my opinion it is not currently safely passable on a bike. I was on foot, in wellingtons, and found it hard to stay upright. The number of tractors and the aggressive speed at which they are being driven is an additional hazard. Until this is cleared up, the options are the main road through the village, or (somewhat longer but much less busy), divert via High Street, Quarry Lane and Heath Road back on to the B1102 and the Greenway to Swaffham Prior north of the village.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by Chris Peck // 1 thread
Route betweeen NCN 22 and Waverley Abbey - alternative to major road.
Created by Chris Peck // 0 threads
The railway bridge over Ockford Ridge results in a narrowing, just as the road bends. The footway here is left narrow, sightlines are poor and the surface is in a poor state.
this old fashioned barrier on a major cycleway needs a rethink
Created by North Devon Cycling Forum // 0 threads
This sign in "Newport Life and Cycle" area has been wrong aligned for several months; encourages vandalism and feeling of neglect in area
Created by Simon Still // 2 threads
For pedestrians
Relocate the crossing at the junction. At the moment pedestrians on the eastern side of Streatham High Road cannot see oncoming traffic around the bend and vehicles cannot see people crossing. By relocating the crossing that is currently north of the junction on Streatham High Road to where demand is higher and making it a straight-across signal-controlled crossing we can make it safer for all road users. This relocated crossing would replace the existing unsignalised crossing on the southern arm of the junction where there is significantly lower demand
Create a raised imprint block-paved effect crossing on Gleneldon Road indicating to drivers that pedestrians are likely to be crossing making it easier and safer for people approaching the relocated crossing.
For cyclists
Cycling would be permitted in the proposed bus lane on Tooting Bec Gardens (see below).
For bus passengers
Introduce a bus lane on Tooting Bec Gardens approaching the junction by removing some parking. 15 high-frequency bus routes pass through the junction. Delays resulting from the new crossing would be mitigated by a new 170 metre bus lane on Tooting Bec Gardens approaching the junction. There are often gaps in the parking so the proposal minimises the overall loss of parking spaces and makes more efficient use of the space (see the drawing for the location)
Ban the right-turn into and out of Shrubbery Road on Streatham High Road. Northbound buses are currently delayed by vehicles turning right into Shrubbery Road, approximately 150 metres north of the junction, because of a short right-turn pocket in the road. We therefore propose to ban the right-turn from Streatham High Road into Shrubbery Road for all traffic. There would also be a longer right-turn pocket to allow vehicles to queue without blocking traffic when turning into Sunnyhill Road. Vehicles turning right out of Shrubbery Road can also delay southbound traffic including buses so it is proposed that is banned too. Before we make the banned turns permanent we would monitor congestion and bus delays to confirm if it is necessary to mitigate the impact of the relocated crossing and making it controlled and will publish our findings
We would need to extend the right-turn ban from Mitcham Lane into Streatham High Road southbound to include buses. This wont have an impact on bus passengers as this turn is only used by buses 'not in service'. By fully banning the turn we reduce the traffic impact of the relocated crossing and making it controlled.
Created by Eric Booth // 2 threads
Tighter corners to favour pedestrians and manage speed.
Suggested points:
1. This is a 'gateway' to the 20mph area and the opportunity to mark this and make it work should not be missed. It's not enough to just narrow and reshape the carriageway. It should feel different.
2. Central islands and build-outs introduce pinch points that make cycling feel less safe. There should be a cycle lane through the pinch point in line with guidance.
3. A better option to emphasise pedestrian priority would be a zebra crossing
Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread
Camden proposes the following measures:
Sam // 1 thread
The site for the new building between in the triangle between the cycle path the busway, and non-busway road has a solid hoarding around it. To help visibility, the solid hoardings have been removed for 3 panels on the cycle path side, and only 2 on the road side, so traffic has greater visibility of cyclists that cyclists have of motor vehicles - so vehicles assume there is nothing coming and slow down less than they should.
To increase visibility on the corner, the third solid panel should be replaced with the mesh fencing, as has already been done for the first two on the other side.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 1 thread
Rather than providing adequate cycle parking for their pupils this Sixth Form college is discouraging cycling and increasing the likelihood of cycle theft. The bikes that were previously attached to these railings are now left on the opposite side of the road where they are not so securely parked. See http://cambridge.cyclestreets.net/location/27865/ #27865 or #27866
Although some cycle parking does seem to have been provided: http://cambridge.cyclestreets.net/location/28093/ #28093, #28092 it is clearly not enough
Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread
Since the horrific attacks that took place on Westminster Bridge, and most recently London Bridge, the Metropolitan Police have installed temporary barriers on many central London bridges.
LCC is fully supportive of the need to take urgent steps to provide extra protection for Londoners and visitors to our city. But we also believe it's right that we look at these measures, that have had to go in very rapidly, to see both what lessons need to be learned for future Highways schemes in the capital, and to see what, if any, tweaks can be undertaken to ensure these barriers can provide the extra security needed as well as allow people, especially London's large number of cycling commuters, to continue to cycle safely with minimal disruption - ideally even with enhanced safety and/or provision.
Now we want your ideas of any tweaks, modifications or other measures that can be brought forward on the bridges affected so far, and given the measures in so far, to provide vital measures to protect against terrorist attacks, but also to enhance safety and provision for those walking and cycling, and to mitigate the negative effects of the measures so far.
Created by Jack Thurston // 0 threads
We want widen and redesignate this footpath as a safe, dual use, route, especially to enable children to ride to school safely. This would allow cyclists to avoid a stretch of the Brecon Road and Pen-y-Pound, which are both fast and hostile roads.
Created by timlennon // 1 thread
No entrance to the school is accessible by bicycle for children, unless they cycle on the pavement. Even when they do, there are busy roads to be crossed with poor sightlines, or simply conflict with pedestrians.
Created by Clare Rogers // 17 threads
Enfield Council through Cycle Enfield are seeking views from the public on a number of ideas for the area shown in the map. In their words:
"We have a number of ideas that will not only help more people to walk and cycle but will also enhance community spaces, making Haselbury Neighbourhood a better place to live. Help shape our designs before we carry out a consultation later in the year. You have until Sunday 1 July to share your views."
***Note that there are separate threads below for each of the 13 drawings***
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The road between Kingston and Barham is rural and has fast-moving traffic despite the majority of it having a 30 mph speed limit. There are no accompanying footpaths beside the road and the road is relatively narrow. A cycle and pedestrian link is required, particularly to allow schoolchildren from Kingston to safely reach the primary school in Barham.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
Serious safety concerns on this stretch cyclepath crosses side-roads. See the main thread at
Created by Fraser Stephens // 0 threads
1) More clear directions from Waitrose to the cyclepaths.
2) Many missed opportunities at Waitrose to encourage cycling:
a) Cycle stands often blocked with trolleys and equipment from the "garden" section.
b) No easy pedestrian/cycle access direct to Route 46 (west) when it would be easy to provide one.
c) anti-trolley bumps on main road in do have a flat path for cyclists, but they are not exactly friendly. How about actually having a cycle lane in and around the site?
Created by Stephen Lawrence // 1 thread
Some people are especially sensitive to lights, including flashing lights, and lights which point directly into their eyes. Both these two situations can result in migraines for the unfortunate observer.I am glad to read that German law mandates downward-focussed lights. We should do the same.
Flashing lights used to be illegal (i.e. when incandescant lights were the norm) but the law was changed to specifically allow them. However, for the reason above, and also because judging the speed (and to some extent the position) of a bicycle is impossible when the light is flashing could actually make flashing lights less safe. Batteries have improved and LEDs are more efficient, and the battery life even on 'steady' mode is way more than in the 'days of yore' hat some of us knew.
Created by Dexter Johnstone // 1 thread
There have been a number of accidents here where the tram lines curve across Sheffield Road to the Birley Moor tram stop. The rails cannot be crossed at right angles.
There is loads of open space around here where off road cycle paths could be installed.
Created by Simon here // 2 threads
Complete separation of cyclists and cars can't always be achieved. To make sharing of the road safer I would like to propose using rumble strips instead of flat paint to separate the bike lane from the rest of the road. It would act as a physical reminder for car-drivers that they are encroaching the bike lane. This happens particularly near pinch points like road bends or crossroads. So even just a selective application of rumble strips could have a very positive effect, I believe. What's the view of the cycling community? Has it been tested?
Created by Paul James // 0 threads
The carpark entrance cuts across the cycleway and has shallow corner radii encouraging fast entrance and exit speeds which are a danger to cyclists using the cycleway.
The cycleway should be curved away from the roadway at the junction and a marked crossing put in place a cars length from the roadway allowing space for entering and exiting cars to giveway to cyclists moving along the cycleway.
Created by Simon Still // 3 threads
Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood
Healthier and safer streets for Brixton. Join the conversation to develop ideas for your neighbourhood.
Engagement for
Railton Neighbourhood
Loughborough Neighbourhood
Ferndale Neighbourhood
Created by JonC // 2 threads
Blake Hall Road is an important and pleasant north-south route for cyclists and is often used by groups avoiding the busy roads in North Weald and in Ongar. However, crossing the A414 can be very difficult due to fast moving traffic from both directions.
The A1 route requires improvement for safer cycling to provide continuity from the A1000 cycle route in Barnet.
The A1 red route has an unprotected bike lane for the first half of the ascent, although traffic is single file until just before the lights and tends to leave room on the left for most of the climb. However, between the lights at Muswell Hill Road and Shepherds Hill the road has two congested traffic lanes leaving no space for cyclists (see photo). South of this it’s single lane with parking, then a bus lane and then cycle tracks appear at Archway gyratory. The issues south of Muswell Hill Road also affect Haringey cyclists using that road from Muswell Hill.
The A1 route has segregated bike or bus lanes up to Shepherds Hill lights, where it becomes two congested traffic lanes between there and the Muswell Hill Road lights, leaving no space for cyclists. Emergency social distancing provision has led to the left lane being fully cordoned off to provide extra pedestrian space for the shops, which squeezes cyclists into the remaining traffic lane. North of Muswell Hill Road is a fast, single lane descent with parking on the left for the first half. The Bakers Lane gyratory can be navigated to the A1000 without changing lanes, although other traffic is crossing lanes making this hazardous for cycling.
Haringey cyclists heading for Muswell Hill have the added problem of a difficult right turn off the A1 into Muswell Hill Road.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cycle parking at Canterbury's Asda is conveniently located for the shop entrance, but doesn't properly secure or support bicycles. Hence parts of bicycles go missing and cyclists choose to secure to other street furniture.
Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread
The bottom stretch of Potters Bank is quite steep, and therefore cyclists tend to be going quite slowly up this section of road. In this situation it is nice to have plenty of space so that you can pedal at your own pace without feeling hassled by traffic trying to overtake. Unfortunately on this section of road, there are several car parking spaces on the up-hill side of the road. When they are occupied, passing them on a bike is a slow and uncomfortable business. It would be far better for cyclists if these spaces could be removed and an up-hill cycle lane provided.
The parking spaces are not adjacent to any properties so there is no particular need for people to park there rather than in neighbouring streets: they are probably mainly used when the spaces in Quarryheads Lane are full.