
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Cambridge City Football Ground

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    11/0008/FUL was recently rejected by the Planning Committee but the club only have the lease till the end of the 2013 season having sold it to developers. It's likely some kind of development will occur on this site since the club needs the money.

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  • Old Press/Mill Lane SPD

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    The Old Press/Mill Lane supplementary development plan was adopted in 2010. Things have been quiet since then but the University still have plans to refresh this area. Part of the plan involves making Granta Place shared use.

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  • Bell School development

    Created by cobweb // 3 threads

    Outline planning permission was given in 2008 for this development of up to 347 houses. In 2011 a reserved matter relating to the design on the junction was refused by the Joint Development Control forum. This is still a subject of debate. Another concern is the path adjacent to Babraham Road which is much used by staff at Addenbrooke's either on foot on by bike.

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  • NIAB development

    Created by cobweb // 7 threads

    A development of 1,780 houses, including community facilities, roads, footpaths and cycleways. Frontage land has already been built on (this is the land facing Huntingdon Road) and outline planning permission given.

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  • Road Bridge Haslingfield and Barton

    Created by Klaas Brümann // 1 thread

    Cllr Sabastian Kindersley (LD, Gamlingay) writes in a letter in todas Cambridge News that "the university plans to rebuild the road bridge linking Haslingfield and Barton. ... chance to provide a safe combined pedestiran/cycle path down on to the track so residents can avoid the narrow and dangerous road and so access the A603 safely. The approx cost of this work is £40,000.

    What do we know about this?

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  • South Cambridgeshire Local Plan review

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 6 threads

    South Cambridgeshire District Council are reviewing their Local Plan. It is important that cycling issues are dealt with and brought to their attention during this process.

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  • Cambridgeshire wins £1.74m "Better Bus Area Fund" funding

    Anon // 0 threads

    Department for Transport press release 23 March 2012:

    Cambridgeshire "Better Bus Area Fund"

    Cambridgeshire will receive £1,724.000 to improve accessibility, bus journey times on key bus routes in Cambridgeshire. The changes will include new traffic management on four corridors into the city, bus priority, upgraded buses, improved interchanges (including with Guided Busway), smart ticketing top-up on street and real time passenger information. For further information, go to

    The proposals include much of relevance for cyclists, including bus priority at junctions, a "bus gate" through the middle of Mitcham's Corner and more.

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  • Stanley Road / Garlic Row / Oyster Row

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread

    A campaign member and resident of the area has sent this:

    I've just received a consultation paper from the City Council for residents of Stanley Road, Garlic Row and Oyster Row. I've summarised the proposals below.Scheme 2 Option B seemed the most significant.

    Scheme 1. Extension of parking and loading restrictions on Stanley Road
    Scheme 2, Option A. "No entry except cycles" on Garlic Row adjacent to the junction with Mercers Row
    Scheme 2, Option B. Oyster Row becomes one-way in the northeasterly direction. No exemption for cycles.

    Comments to Gavin Card at the City Council by the 30th March ( or PO Box 700, CB1 0JH)

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  • Medway Interim Residential Parking Standards

    Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads

    The cycle parking standards for Medway can be found here:

    The standards have low minimum quantities and are very basic in their detail. There is no mention, for example, of the minimum space needed to be left around cycle parking, or the spacing of the cycle parking for it to be effective. Nor is there any mention of what constitutes an acceptable type of cycle parking (e.g. Sheffield stands) and what is unacceptable (e.g. wheelbenders). No mention is made about provision of covered cycle parking. No mention is made of the proximity of cycle parking to building entrances. No mention is made of the need for cycle parking to be highly visible and for lighting and CCTV coverage.

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  • 12/0300/FUL infill house rear 27 Histon Road

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 0 threads

    The adjacent, approved plot, 11/05530/FUL designed by the same architectural practice, places the cycle cupboard next to the front door and closer to it than is the car.

    THIS proposal, however, offers the standard back-of-garden shed for bins and bikes, with the bikes beyond the bins, while the car driver door is adjacent to the house front door...

    Note Manual for Streets 8.2.1, quoted in a prominent panel on p5 of the Cambridge Cycle Parking Guide:
    "In residential developments, designers should aim to make access to cycle storage at least as convenient as access to car parking."

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  • Change of use, office to study rooms: 89 Regent Street

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    This comment is on behalf of Sustrans, the charity that’s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day.

    The site is proposed as study rooms for students aiming to enter university. Thus they would be old enough to cycle independently within Cambridge, for example between their places of residence and the various study buildings.

    Remarkably, it is suggested (Planning Statement) that the students might park their bikes on Station Road where cycle parking is available, and might be augmented, and walk to the proposed site. This is a distance of 700m, taking 10 minutes at a normal walking pace plus any waiting time to cross the East Road/ Regent Street junction. Any student with a cycle at Station Road would be likely to wish to use it to continue to the proposed site, if parking arrangements provided there were reasonably convenient and secure.

    We are told that the Regent Street site is closer to the student residences than Free School Lane, but no more definite information is given as to how far the residences are from the proposed site or from Station Road.

    The city's cycle parking standards are presumably set to reflect normal levels of demand from staff and students, and no explanation is given as to why "very few students have bicycles".

    The access to the suggested cycle parking in a narrow yard at the rear of the building is presumably the gated passageway to its north. This is not made clear, nor is it clear whether there are steps to be negotiated. It seems impossible that more than perhaps a dozen bicycles could be parked in the yard most of whose width appears to be less than a bike's length, leaving no room for daily or emergency access with the parking arrangement indicated.

    The transport aspects of this proposal have not been examined in sufficient detail for their impact to be properly assessed, but it is certain that there is insufficient space for the level of cycle parking required. There appears to be no disabled access. We therefore object.

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  • Use change to Children's Gym: 34 Clifton Road

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    12/0342/FUL 12 cycle spaces indicated but space looks inadequate (no dimensions or layout shown)

    This comment is on behalf of Sustrans, the charity that’s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day.

    The site is on a local cycle link and thus it is reasonable, in the context of Cambridge, to anticipate a high proportion of parents and children arriving by bicycle. Indeed, bearing in mind the limited car parking available we would recommend that a travel plan strongly promoting cycle access for staff and users be required.

    We object because we do not believe that the cycle parking space(s) allocated are consistent with the stated aim and the need to achieve high cycling levels. In particular, tagalongs, trailers and large carrier-bikes are likely to form a high proportion of customer cycles. The dimensions of the small, unsheltered enclosure (designed as a bin store in the current use of the site?) and a proposed layout are not given but look insufficient, and include a narrow entrance.

    If cycles for say 30% of 18 customers, their children and 8 staff were to arrive by bike (say 3 staff, 6 adult customers and 8 children during a single class) then allowing a 50% margin for changeover between classes, space would be needed for a variety of types of bike and trailer to accommodate some 3 staff, 9 adult and 12 children customers.

    This sort of calculation and the detail of the use of the cycle parking spaces do not seem to have been presented by the applicant, and should be required and assessed before the application is determined. We suggest that at least one car space would have to be used to accommodate sufficient cycles on this site.

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  • School Road, Saltwood 20mph zone

    Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread

    Proposed 20mph speed limit along School Road, Saltwood. The design involves removing the buildout at the Brockhill Road junction and installing overrunnable humped buildouts at regular intervals on alternate sides of School Road. "Gate" features with kerb buildouts to restrict the road width will denote the start and end of the 20mph zone.

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