
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Obstruction on Path

    Ian S // 1 thread

    There is a well used 'cut-through' between East Shore Way and Shore Avenue.

    About a year ago, wooden barriers were placed on the path which restrict the passage of bikes generally, but non standard bikes or push chairs specifically through the access path.

    This issue was reported to PCC who said they cannot do anything about it as they are on private land.

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  • Chineham to Town Centre Accessibility Improvements

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Hampshire County Council will "upgrade" the NCN23 between Chineham and Eastrop Park, and provide cycling improvements in Chineham Business Park between Crockford Lane and the roundabout.

    Improvements into the existing route from Chineham to Town Centre for non-motorised users, focussing on the National Cycle Network.

    Section 1 & 2

    This route starts from Cufaude Lane along Hanmore Road in Chineham and finishes at Swing Swang Lane. The proposal is to upgrade existing cyclist access by improving crossing point, vegetation clearance, bollards replacement, directional signing and cycle making.

    Section 3

    This route starts from Crockford Lane goes over the railway line at the north side of Chineham Business Park, through the Business Park and ends at Crockford Lane roundabout. The proposal is to implement an advisory on road cycle facility, install on road cycle signage and cycle markings down to the existing toucan crossing and then linking to an off road cycle route to Popley Way near Crockford Lane roundabout.

    Section 4

    This is an existing footpath for pedestrian and cyclist in Eastop Park. The footpath starts at the subway under the A339 Ringway East through the park and ends at Eastrop Circus.

    The main work is to resurface the footpath and convert it to a shared use footway/cycleway route. The existing route signing will be removed and replaced with new shared route signs, directional signing and bollards.

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  • Planning application : Student Halls, 10 Guildhall walk

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Change of use from nightclub (sui generis) to halls of residence (Class C1) with 65 study/bedrooms and communal facilities, including demolition of rear part of existing building (onto Spring Gardens) and replacement by six-storey building and basement expansion with creation of external courtyard link into the adjoining Prudential Building and construction of replacement rear wall/extension at roof level (after partial demolition) to part of the front building onto Guildhall Walk (Re-submission of 16/00262/FUL)

    10 Guildhall Walk Portsmouth PO1 2DD


    Application reference : 17/00262/FUL

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  • Tipner Lake Shared Path Closure / Diversion

    Ian S // 1 thread

    The shared path alongside Tipner Lake will be closed from April 2017 while flood defence upgrade work takes place for the next 30 months.

    The proposal is to divert cyclists (and pedestrians!) along the busier Northern Parade road on a 'temporary cycle path' which has not been specified at the time of applying for planning permission application.

    PCF believe that there has been no attempt to calculate the number of cyclists using the path on a daily basis, and the issues around placing them on a busy road as a diversion.

    PCF would like to see a segregated on-road lane created to allow cyclists to continue to cycle safely to and from the north west gateway of the island. This could be created easily by using wands for the duration of the work.

    The existing southbound shared path on the pavement is not suitable for most commuting cyclists.

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  • Kings Road Roundabout

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Continues to be an issue despite the work done to 're-design' it underwent in May 2016 which amounted to very little other than new paint layout after re-surfacing.

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  • Blind Dangerous bend on Hope Street Path

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Continual issue of visibility on this blind corner next to a fast road and with lamp posts impeding the little space provided. Has been brought up with PCC a number of times e.g. re-siting lamp posts to other side of the road;
    Adding a mirror to the lamppost on corner for some visibility

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  • Cambridge Live lab: Stimulating ideas and actions

    Created by JanT // 1 thread

    Cambridge Ahead and Grant Thornton are planning a Cambridge Live Lab to discuss key areas considered essential for future growth and prosperity including:
    • Education and skills
    • Housing and commercial space
    • Infrastructure: connectivity and transport

    I thought cyclists might like to register their interest to attend and give their views.

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  • Orbital route

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    A focus for a range of initiatives (including junction modifications, cycle lanes and calming measures) that will make it easier, safer and more pleasant to cycle between the diverse mix of communities along this 9km route.

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  • Ashton-on-Mersey to Urmston link

    Created by JonathanF // 1 thread

    From: Trafford Cycle Forum 15/11/2016 Major Schemes Update
    7. Ashton-on-Mersey to Urmston – improved cycle link.
    The proposal is to improve an existing route. Third party land agreement required which is proving problematical. The route passes over 2 separate areas of land owned by 2 parties. Works on sections of land controlled by Trafford are anticipated to start on site early in the New Year.

    Part of the route is the "Urmston 53" footpath:

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  • Smoother return to main carriageway required

    Created by TMiles // 1 thread

    The raised cycle way currently rejoins the main carriageway in an awkward manner at the junction with Oatland Road. A safer and more fluid option would be to ease cyclists into the parallel road-level cycle lane at some point before this junction.

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  • rat run Tovels Road/Caudwell Avenue

    Created by Leigh P // 1 thread

    Tovells Road and Caudwell Avenue are a huge rat run in the morning for a limited period of time for parents going to St Mary's Catholic School. I understand the school catchment is not local. Cars turinging into these roads too fast and quite clearly without looking whist rusing to get children to school on time. Often have to swerve on bike to avoid.
    Tovellls Road is the only way cars can get from the south and east of the town to St Mary's primary school...well it's not actually, but it's the route most of them take....They should be using Woodbridge Road and Caudwell Hall Road that are maintained for such traffic. Tovells Road is single file traffic only (due to parked cars), but the reason they all get away with it is they are all going in the same direction at the same time! They seem to have a system of most going to the school along Tovells Road, and returning along Holland Road.
    I assume St Mary's shool has a travel plan and this includes regular liaison with parents to use safer and appropriate routes, in an appropriate manner.

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  • Upper Brook Street - Buses

    Created by Leigh P // 1 thread

    It's becoming even more frequent that I am pushed off the road by accelerating buses along this road.
    Buses travelling north can clearly see cycles on the contraflow cycle lane, but continue at speed, even if they are overtaking other vehicles and there is not space they just charge on into the cycle lane. The last 3 times I cycled south along this road I have had to jump off my bike when buses do not in slow down and cut into the cycle lane.
    ALSO, I had a bus accelerate past me traveling north in the same direction as me last week and it brushed against my sleve. EXCEPTIONALLY DANGEROUS.

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  • Hatch Warren Infant School: improve for parking for children, parents, residents

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Hatch Warren Infant School sent a letter and booklet to local residents, and hopefully parents to encourage parents to get their children to walk, scoot, or cycle to school (at least from a local car park).
    It begins "The School Council have been working this half term to help try to improve parking for the children, parents and residents around school." The booklet has a picture of bicycle on the front, and quotes from children like:-
    "Cars go really fast on the road and it can be scary!"
    "People park on the pavements and in the bus stop."
    "It is difficult to cross... you have to walk on the road... it is not safe... I might get hurt."
    "It is always busy.. lots of cars go very fast. I don't like it."

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  • A30, A33 and town centre strategic routes

    Created by Heather Rainbow // 1 thread

    Basingstoke and Deane is now engaging with stakeholders before publishing their Feasibility study for improving cycling along the A30 corridor from North Waltham to town centre, across the town centre to Chineham along or near the A33.

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  • East of Basingstoke and Redlands SPD consultation (closes 3 March)

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    East of Basingstoke and Redlands SPD consultation (closes 3 March)
    "East of Basingstoke and Redlands draft development brief SPD

    The Local Planning Authority has prepared a Draft Development Brief to guide future development on the strategic housing allocations at East of Basingstoke and at Redlands in north-eastern Basingstoke.

    The Development Brief will have the status of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications across the East of Basingstoke and the Redlands allocations."

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  • Planning application : 17/00519/RES 14/00963/OUT for 85 dwellings

    Created by jpennycook // 1 thread

    Reserved matters application for details of appearance, pursuant to outline permission 14/00963/OUT for 85 dwellings (including affordable housing) with associated landscaping, open space, car parking and new vehicular and pedestrian access arrangements from Beech Tree Close and a new pedestrian link to Barn Lane

    Land West Of Beech Tree Close Oakley Basingstoke RG23 7HT


    Application reference : 17/00519/RES

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  • Olive Road Area Local Safety & Public Realm Scheme

    Created by kateb // 1 thread

    Brent council says:

    We are proposing to introduce a Local Road Safety and Public Realm scheme on Olive Road between Oman Avenue and St. Michael’s Road. Details of the scheme and the area affected are shown on the enclosed drawing.

    It is envisaged that the proposed scheme will help to mitigate any potential negative impacts of new developments in the area and reduce the number of traffic accidents and vehicle conflicts to create a safer environment for pedestrians and support national and local road casualty reduction targets.

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  • Church Lane Proposed Safety improvements

    Created by kateb // 1 thread

    Brent council says:

    Each year the Council identifies locations in Brent with the highest number of Personal Injury Accidents (PIAs) and considers road safety measures to help reduce the number of collisions. Over the last three years there have been 25 personal injury accidents in this section of Church Lane with some involving pedestrians, pedal cyclists and powered two wheelers (motorcycles and mopeds).

    We are therefore proposing to introduce measures along this section of Church Lane to improve safety and accessibility for all road users.

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  • Church Lane Proposed Safety improvements

    Created by kateb // 0 threads

    Brent council says:

    Each year the Council identifies locations in Brent with the highest number of Personal Injury Accidents (PIAs) and considers road safety measures to help reduce the number of collisions. Over the last three years there have been 25 personal injury accidents in this section of Church Lane with some involving pedestrians, pedal cyclists and powered two wheelers (motorcycles and mopeds).

    We are therefore proposing to introduce measures along this section of Church Lane to improve safety and accessibility for all road users.

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  • Cycle path behind Dumfries High School

    Created by JohnSch // 1 thread

    At certain high usage times for the games area, such as on a Sunday morning, despite there two large car parks adjacent to the High school and a very large amount of on-road parking, the cycle itself becomes a car park. Also cars park across the dropped kerbs and along side the path, meaning that access is almost impossible for bicycles, prams and motobility scooters to squeeze through. Parking on the cycle path also blocks the path for users and also damages the surface.
    Also surrounding pavements are blocked making it very difficult for the local community to use them and this causes road safety issues.

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  • 17/0172/FUL residential apartments 16 units, car & cycle parking

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 2 threads

    Erection of a residential apartment development to be arranged within two blocks comprising of ten 2 x bed units and 6 x 1 bed units along with car and cycle parking, hard and soft landscaping following the demolition of the existing buildings on the site.

    34-36 Madingley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 0EX


    Application reference : 17/0172/FUL

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