Lack of cycle link between Buckland Valley and Dover Christ Church Academy
There isn't a suitable cycling route between Buckland Valley and Dover Christ Church Academy. The hill is steep and traffic levels on Melbourne Avenue.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first:
Created by Gregory Williams // 3 threads
There isn't a suitable cycling route between Buckland Valley and Dover Christ Church Academy. The hill is steep and traffic levels on Melbourne Avenue.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
There is a comparatively new shared path linking Burgess Road to Alyesham's station. However the Burgess Road end of the shared path doesn't have a dropped kerb to allow a transition between road and path and vice-versa.
23/04054/FUL (4 flats) replaces 23/01815/FUL (8 flats, withdrawn) without resolving conflict with shared-use path.
Application reference : 23/04054/FUL
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The sign towards the Town Centre is missing. Previous view of the sign here:
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The sign pointing into Alfred Road at Lorne Road is missing.
sound+fury // 1 thread
Refurbishment and retrofit of existing building with new fourth storey, rooftop plant and rear extension, new cycle parking and landscaping adjacent to the building together with new cycle hub in existing basement car park under Castle Court
Babbage House Castle Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 0AT
Application reference : 23/04037/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Announcement from Cam Conservancy:
Tree management Programme 2023/24 A recent tree survey has identified the necessity for pruning and in some cases felling dangerous trees to ensure the safety of those using the Halingway.A ‘TTRO’ Temporary Traffic Regulation Order has been approved to temporarily close sections of the Halingway/towpath (Chesterton to Clayhithe) between 1 November until 31 March 2024.
The Conservancy appreciates this may cause some temporary inconvenience, however these works are necessary and have been planned to ensure the safety of those who use the Halingway and the staff carrying out the works.
Street Light FCND004 on Falala Way (NCN1) - Not Working Fault Number: 750068
Created by Owaldron // 1 thread
See Picture, Reported to CCC. However, I have a hunch that it may be the responsibility of 'LandMarc' on behalf of the MOD as I think they would own that land.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
A better cycle connection is needed to Rough Common, avoiding the need to use the A290 Whitstable Road or A2050 and Palmars Cross Hill.
20mph sign has twisted round and a sign directing to the station is pointing slightly in the wrong direction
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cycle route on AE18 between AE429 and East Stour Farm has become overgrown and difficult to cycle through.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Chilham station is signposted from National Cycle Route 18 via Pickelden Lane. However, the link towards NCR18 isn't signed from Chilham station and the portion along the A28 corridor isn't signed as a cycle route. The A28 is too busy for normal cycling. The path on the south side between Pickelden Lane and Chilham station should be made into shared use.
The incident has been reported to Kent Police as criminal damage, Crime Ref: 46/139801/23.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
This is a space for discussion around Cambridgeshire County Council's proposal (published on 27th September 2023).
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cycle parking at Morrisons needs improvement. It is situated at the far end of trolley park with only some surveillance, rather than adjacent to the entrance where it would receive better surveillance. The capacity is limited by the fact that only one side of the railings can be used.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cycle / pedestrian route signs at the junction between the Crab & Winkle Way and Oyster Bay Trail at Stream Walk / Albert Street / Action Road have gone missing.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
2 cycle storage units.
Dragonfly House Mayfly Close Canterbury Kent CT1 1HS
Application reference : CA/23/01343
Created by Josh Grantham // 1 thread
Erection of 14no residential dwellings and associated works including demolition of existing dwelling.
16 The Lanes Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5NQ
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/03395/FUL
Created by Gregory Williams // 3 threads
A safe cycle route is needed to link Wingham with Canterbury. The current A257 road environment is not attractive for cycling, due to high motor traffic volumes and speeds.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cycle parking provision at Whitefriars is minimal and at the periphery. Well surveilled provision is needed close to the shops that it will serve.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The streetscape has recently been repaved in St. George's Street, but it lacks cycle parking.
Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads
The cycle parking outside Faversham Pools doesn't support bicycles properly and is poor because it doesn't encourage the frame of the bicycle to be locked.
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
Starter; instructions for who to report overhanging or overgrown vegetation which is obstructing a cycle or footpath. Place for people to discuss specific examples as they seem to currently be spread out all over Cyclescape so hard to find.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The section of the Crab & Winkle Way / NCR1 linking Westgate Court Avenue to Duke's Meadow is narrow, has sharp corners, and has poor visibility. This means that it can be difficult for cyclists and pedestrians to pass and see one another.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by Grahame Cooper // 1 thread
Irlams O'th Height roundabout has been the location of a number of collisions involving cyclists (including myself and my daughter last September).
There was a consultation last year over proposals produced by Sustrans for the improvement of this, and I showed my comments (annotations on proposed plans) at a previous GMCC meeting. You can find this annotated document here: (large PDF - need to download to see all pages).
A leaflet on the intended imrovements can be found here:
I am disappointed with this for the following reasons:
- Extensive use of shared footways in the scheme (Salford Council seems to be in love with these, but they are bad).
- Southbound approach on A666 looks impractical & dangerous: a sharp left turn onto the shared footway right at the busy entrance to the roundabout!
- Whilst carriageway widths have been reduced, kerb radii at the mouth of entrances and exits do not seem to have been reduced, so "drivers looking right whilst accelerating left" will still pose a danger for cyclists who do not want to use the shared footways.
- Limited improvements to the subways (tile removal, lighting and resurfacing) will probably not result in an attractive facility for cyclists. Access to this from Bolton Road (northbound) looks awkward.
- There is no undertaking mentioned to ensure that facilities will be maintained and swept.
- I'm still not confident regarding the social safety of the off-road parts, especially in the dark winter months.
Those are my immediate reactions. Could be more to add.
Hamish F // 0 threads
There are no contraflow signs when entering Devonshire Rd from Adermans Hill. Cyclists have reported hostility towards them as they ride "against the flow". The markings are correct as the cyclist enters Devonshire Rd from A105 but of course the drivers do not see that.
Created by Paul James // 0 threads
All the sideroads between Richmond Circus and Manor Circus are a danger to cyclists on the cycleway.
There is no warning to motorists that there will be crossing cyclists and the building angles make it hard to see if anything is coming.
Turning traffic from the A316 can have an obscured view of the cycleway due to foliage.
Decrease corner radii.
Make road hump more pronounced.
Make cycle surface colour continuous across roadway.
Add markings across roadway.
Add warning signage.
Move give way lines back to before cycleway or add additional give way lines.
Created by Rosalind Lund // 1 thread
further to the piece in newsletter 128, I wonder if any thought has been given to the difficulty of turning right into Emmanuel Street if you are coming towards the town centre from St Andrew's Street? We go fairly often to the Arts Cinema and this is the obvious way for us to go home, but it is impossible to turn right on the correct side of the bollard at present as it is designed only for left turning cycles coming out of town. There is, however, nothing to suggest that such a right turn is illegal.
Created by Fraser Stephens // 1 thread
If a foot/cycle bridge is not going to happen in the medium term, then how about some traffic calming measures to reduce driver's speed expectations over the bridge? Drivers who have just come of a dual carriage way at 70mph+ or have been zooming along the A40 at 60mph+ are suddenly sharing space with cyclists having had little warning that this is about to happen.
We suggest deploying traffic calming measures, such as marked cycle ways, belisha beacon crossings (much needed anyway!) and signage making it clear that care is required. If the speed limit was clearly lower, many drivers will not be so aggressively trying to overtake cyclists.
Created by Colin Bell // 1 thread
Has there been any improvement in the "new" NCN 11 route from Waterbeach to Lode since last summer? Last time I went that way I had to wheel the bike across fields and carry it over two or three stiles.
Any information, including a forecast date when a proper route is likely to be built, welcome. Thanks.
Created by JonC // 0 threads
Our club (South Herts CTC) had to cross the A505 to get back into Hertfordshire on Sunday and we took a route between Litlington and Therfield which involved 500 m along the A505 and a right turn at the roundabout west of Royston.
I was quite surprised there was no cycle route to help cyclists here. It was a Sunday so at least there were fewer heavy vehicles than normal, but the speed of some cars coming up behind made it tricky to change lanes on a bike when turning right at the roundabout.
Since then I have studied other ways of crossing the A505 (using Google Streetview) and can't find any easy crossing points near Royston. I see it is the boundary between Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, which complicates matters (although it looks like the A505 road is in Herts).
To the east, I've used the B1368 crossing at Flint Cross, which is also a nightmare. To the west the crossing at Slip End does at least have a central refuge. It seems little or no thought was given to cyclists when the A505 was constructed.
Created by Katja Leyendecker // 1 thread
The (draft / emerging) 1Core Strategy seems to hint at a bus loop (Policy UC7) and a motor vehicle "ring road" (Policy UC9) too. It mentions pedestrian routes but there's no mention of cycle routes. See attached photo. (I didn't mark up the map, as it might become a tad too messy)
The "ring road" is just like Scott / esde84 described before (in comments)
The photo in the attachment is from "Newcastle Proposals Map" listed here (not sure how long thi link will stay live, link rot may happen)
Created by Shaun McDonald // 0 threads
The traffic lights at Eagle Street were timed such that travelling eastbound you would always get caught at the second set unless you were extremely fast setting off. After discussions with the council and it brought up at the Sustainability Forum by Cllr Smart, it was fixed to increase the length of time that those lights were green, and was great as you always knew you could get through the second set of lights without having to wait unless you just went through the earlier ones just before they went red.
However over the past few days the signal timing has changed back to the older timing where the probability of getting through the second set is virtually nil. In an ideal world they would be phased such that the first set would go green, then the second set would go green several seconds later at the point where you would be arriving at them, rather than having them change to green almost at the same time.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread
Dove Street is currently one way. It would be useful if it could be made 2 way for cycling for peopl coming from St Helen's Primary School to NCN 1.
The left turn from St Helens Street into Dove Street is much easier than a right turn from St Helens Street into Regent Street, as you don't have to block a lane of traffic and hope for a gap in the traffic in the opposite direction, especially with kids. It's also a shorter route when heading towards the town centre.
Sam // 1 thread
The bollards at the bottom of Herbert St haven't been replaced after the electricity cable was laid last week.
Rather than directly replacing the bollard slalom that existed beforehand, the bollard specialists might have suggestions on what the layout should be here which camcycle can suggest as for the replacement...
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
Providing a cycle-friendly surface on the path from Meadlands Drive to the road serving the German School and the Polo Club would improve cycling access to Strathmore and Russell Schools and help provide a better quiet route from Meadlands Drive area towards Richmond - providing more/better options for avoiding the busy Petersham Road.
Meeting with Leeds City Council to discuss possible remedial works due to high casualty rates.
Created by Cycling Dumfries // 1 thread
No safe route from Collin to Dumfries town centre - the A75 is a dual carriageway along this stretch of road with no direct alternative route
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
There's a very poor dogleg right-angle with barriers at the entrance/exit from the West Cambridge site to Clerk Maxwell Road.
This should be turned into a wide splay with good visibility.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
The route from Kingston Bridge into Church Road and up to Bushy Park traverses busy traffic routes with little protection for people cycling. Making this short section easier and safer for cycling would provide an important link to join up the quiet routes from Hampton through Bushy Park to Kingston town centre.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 2 threads
Ham Gate Avenue: As you cycle past parked vehicles which narrow the road by almost half you are trapped in a long tunnel. Impatient motorists who want to enter from the other end do so and simply drive at you forcing you practically into the gutter or off the road completely. Would it be ever possible to ban parking on this avenue and limit the speed to 20mph as it is in the park?
Note - there is a shared use segregated track alongside the road here (part of NCN 4) but it is frequently too narrow to cope with the volumes of cyclists and pedestrians; it is overhung with low tree branches and the surface is poor.
Created by Steve Crapper // 1 thread
This planning application is a revised version of a previous application that would have infilled the disused railway beneath Buttermilk lane bridge, preventing the disused railway becoming a vital new greenway between Bolsover and Poolsbrook country Park (extending the existing Stockley Trail)
The revised application has changed from infill to ramps, but this forces an unnecessary road crossing, when an underpass is perfectly feasible
please object on this basis if you are able . our campaign has created a Facebook page called "build the Stockley Extension"
Application reference : 18/00178/FUL
Created by David Earl // 4 threads
There are some evil short grey posts on the busway cycleway that are really hard to see in the dark. I have heard of a number of people hitting them with disastrous consequences
Created by Sam Saunders // 2 threads
On the eastern approach to Clifton Suspension Bridge the narrow road curves past a pedestrian refuge next to a toilet block. The short cycle lane that had started as approximately 1.2 metres wide narrows to approximately 0.9 metres at the refuge. More than half of the cycle lane at that point is paved with uneven cobbles unsuitable for cycling, especially on a bend. The traffic lane (approx 3.2 metres) is too narrow for a car and a bicycle to pass together. The cycle lane, in effect, is encouraging inexperienced cyclists to adopt a vulnerable road position and to cycle on an unsuitable surface.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread
St Peter's Dock on the National Cycle Route 51 just north of Stoke Bridge has a really poor surface which collects water, also the old rails that are no longer used and no longer connect to the rest of the rail network are a hazard for cyclists and ideally should be removed.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
Westbound cycle lane is painted about 2m out from the kerb for no reason; child cyclists tend to follow paint rather than the common sense option which is to cycle next to the kerb.
Created by Matthew Phillips // 1 thread
The route on the east side of the A167 past Crossgate Moor and Framwellgate Moor crosses a number of roundabouts. The cycle-path leads you across the roads very close to the roundabout, via the central refuge in the middle of the road. Some of these roads have two lane entry to the roundabout. Crossing both lanes at once is tricky as you have to have an eye on whether the traffic is about to move out onto the roundabout. If you have a longer vehicle, such as a bus, waiting, then the route to the refuge is blocked. There are no road markings to warn motorists that cyclists might be expected.
The route is probably going to be improved as part of the Great North Cycleway. If these roundabouts are to be made safe enough for children to use, major alterations will be required. (The route goes past Durham Johnston School so should be available to children.) The route should cross further from the mouth of the roundabout, preferably on a different-coloured surface, maybe raised.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads
The railway line from Cambridge to Newmarket turns out across Coldham's Common and right through the middle of Cherry Hinton, and then carries on passing to the north of Fulbourn.
There are currently (2013) two main routes from the east of Cambridge to Cherry Hinton - the Tins and Snakey Path. However both have long very narrow sections involving pedestrian conflict.
The railway line is single track - but satellite images show the bridges crossing Barnwell Road and Coldham's Lane were both built for dual track. So this means there should easily be enough room to accommodate a cycleway alongside the railway.
This route could then connect up with the Chisholm Trail and provide a direct fast cycle route to and from the city and the Science Park area.
A community consultation 'The Barnes Ponder' in October 2013 has show strong support for making Barnes a 20 mph neighbourhood .
“20mph is plenty enough speed on the roads!”