Graffiti applied to Millennium Mileposts
The incident has been reported to Kent Police as criminal damage, Crime Ref: 46/139801/23.
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The incident has been reported to Kent Police as criminal damage, Crime Ref: 46/139801/23.
Created by Keith Garrett // 1 thread
The cycle park at the station seems to be under a crime wave. Each day more of the sheffield stands are just unbolted from the ground (should this even be possible?). Some have parts of bikes left on them. There are also a lot of bikes with missing wheels, saddles etc.
The entire unit seems to be neglected now. Dust is building up on the steps and ramps.
Also the area leading the way from the first floor to the second floor is always blocked by sheffield stands that should be removed. Currently only one bike can get through at a time and even me at 5'6" am likely to bang my head on the black cabinet sticking out.
A group of teenagers has been harassing people on the southern busway and DNA path sporadically. This escalated on 4 January when a Sanger institute postdoc was attacked viciously while traveling north:
A scientist was left with blood dripping from his head after being attacked by a gang of youths as he cycled home.
Johan Henriksson was heading along the Guided Busway cycle path in Cambridge when he was confronted by the group of teenagers on bikes.
The gang blocked the 33-year-old's path, spat at him and tried to push him off his bike before knocking him to the ground.
Violent kicks left Mr Henriksson with a large gash to his forehead that required hospital treatment.
Cambridgeshire police are investigating the incident, which Mr Henriksson fears is part of a series of attacks by the gang.
Mr Henriksson, who is completing post-doctoral studies at the Sanger Institute, had been to the gym and was heading back to his home near Cambridge station on January 4.
At around 5pm he was heading north along the cycle path connecting the station to Addenbrooke's Hospital when he saw a group of teenagers he estimated were 16 to 18 years old wearing dark clothing.
"Four to five of them were just blocking the route," he said. "They were just looking for trouble from whoever.
"I slowed down, they had no lights on and they were blocking the path. We had a discussion. One of the guys was spitting at me."
Another member of the public cycled up to the group and supported Mr Henriksson's efforts to ride past.
Both men were eventually allowed to carry on their journeys, but while the other cyclist carried on towards Addenbrooke's, Mr Henriksson was followed.
"We were just cycling away, but these people were still following me and driving into my bike," he explained.
"They were pushing me around and I was close to hitting some people on the path.
"At some point things escalated. I don’t really remember what happened. One guy tried to take me down.
"Somehow I fell over. I might have run into the fence.
"I recall being surrounded by them. They were kicking me. They most likely went toward the station after that."
The attack left Mr Henriksson, who is originally from Sweden, with a cut head and swollen hand. His glasses and bike were also broken.
"I’m not that easy to scare. I’ve never seen that much blood in my life coming out of me," he said.
Since sharing his experience on Facebook, Mr Henriksson says he has been contacted by several people about other incidents involving a gang of youths on the route that connects Great Shelford and Cambridge and elsewhere in the city. He hopes that by telling his story more victims will come forward.
He said: "Given they have probably been there for a few weeks, they are clearly amateurs. If something like this happens you don’t do more crime in the same area.
"They just go there to see how far they can push you but this time it just escalated."
Cambridgeshire police confirmed they were investigating the attack on Mr Henriksson.
A spokesman said: "We have had no reports of other incidents if there have been any."
Anyone with information should call police on 101 quoting CF0008590118
This has been discussed in a path-specific non-Camcycle Facebook group but I will make an issue here for reference.
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