23/03273/FUL and 23/03273/COND7 east of NMR P&R
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
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Listed issues, most recent first:
Created by KW // 1 thread
Don't know why we didn't see 23/03273/FUL (decided, with conditions) but there is now 23/03273/COND7 re staff cycle parking to consider.
Created by Gregory Williams // 2 threads
There isn't a dropped kerb at the northern end of the Legacy Park cycle path where it meets Chaucer Road. Therefore cyclists can't easily transition between the cycle path and the road here.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The signs at the junction between Mill Lane and St. Radigund's Street in Canterbury have gone missing.
The new shared-use path here is lovely except they've installed corduroy paving, with the very narrow bumps, on the newest stretch, to indicate the cycling and pedestrian halves, instead of the usual fat textured paving. Last week in the bad weather it caught my wheel and I skidded on it, only just avoided coming off completely. I couldn't get a photo because it was after dark, but you know the paving I mean. It's not suitable for cycle paths under any circumstances and I don't know why they've used it here. The section they installed previously, along Gregory Park up to the back entrance of the P&R, has the correct paving.
sound+fury // 1 thread
No cycle parking shown in the plans
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
How exactly more secure cycle parking will work.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The cover has gone from the cycle parking opposite B&M Home Store, leaving cycles more exposed to the weather.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Each winter the Crab & Winkle Way gets a puddle across the full width of the route a little south of Tyler Hill Road. This can freeze over as ice and mask potholes in the surface beneath.
Created by Josh Grantham // 1 thread
Erection of new office building (use class E) and associated development, infrastructure and works.
Application reference : 23/04840/FUL
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04936/FUL | Full planning application for the construction of 91 new homes with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 within the Marleigh development as a modification to outline permission S/2682/13/OL to increase the overall unit numbers across the site to 1,391 homes. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by KW // 1 thread
23/04930/REM | Reserved matters application detailing, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 332 new homes and commercial space with associated infrastructure, internal roads, open space as part of phase 3 pursuant to condition 5 (reserved matter) of outline permission S/2682/13/OL dated 30 November 2016. | Marleigh Phase 3 Land North Of Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8AA
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
A tree has fallen blocking NCR1 at Duke's Meadow. In the meantime it is still possible to cut across the grass to continue the route.
23/04590/OUT Latest in a long sequence of attempts to develop landfill and 'lakes' either side of The Tins path.
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
First and second floor extension above the existing ground floor commercial Business and Service premises (Use Class E) and Library (Use Class F1(d)) to create 15 No. residential apartments including a communal terrace, together with an associated communal entrance/service building (including first and second floor commercial units (Use Class E)), cycle parking, refuse provision, landscaping, the reconfiguration of the established car park, substation and associated infrastructure works.
Land Adjacent To School Hill Histon Cambridgeshire CB24 9JE
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04537/FUL
Created by Edward Bainton // 1 thread
Crossing from Bright Street to Geneva Street, the cycle lights do not sense the bike. You can sit through 10 phases and you never get a green light.
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 2 threads
A place to gather threads about cycling issues in Peterborough and any consultations on active travel schemes in the area.
Created by Isaac // 1 thread
Recent roadworks have left the cycle lane entering Cambridge in an unusable state. There are large bumps across the width of the cycle lane which makes cycling along it dangerous. Needs to be fixed asap.
Erection of 12 dwellings, including 3 affordable dwellings, and associated works including alterations to access to the site and creation of second access.
Land At Ditton Walk Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/04380/FUL
Not shown in the plans, but suggested in the D&A: a pedestrian link between Ditton Walk and the Trail
Created by Campbell Mccaig // 1 thread
A real lack of strimming too making some paths nearly unuseable.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Plans for the 2024 AGM are well-underway!
Please join us on Saturday 20 January, 2-5pm at Storey's Field Centre (main hall).
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The River Dour Greenway sign pointing into Lorne Road from the shared path beside Buckland Avenue is missing. Previous Google StreetView imagery shows the sign which has gone missing:
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Bollards on the path used by the River Dour Greenway between Alfred Road and Brookfield Place limit access for people with trailers or on tandems.
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
Absolutely disgraceful deposit of mud by tractor drivers hauling harvested beets on Fen Lane (the back way to the north of Swaffham Bulbeck which many of us use to bypass the unpleasant B1102 through the village). In my opinion it is not currently safely passable on a bike. I was on foot, in wellingtons, and found it hard to stay upright. The number of tractors and the aggressive speed at which they are being driven is an additional hazard. Until this is cleared up, the options are the main road through the village, or (somewhat longer but much less busy), divert via High Street, Quarry Lane and Heath Road back on to the B1102 and the Greenway to Swaffham Prior north of the village.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Martin Lucas-Smith // 3 threads
Elizabeth Way is wide. Currently cycling is permitted on the pavements.
This should be changed to have dutch-style cycle tracks, achieved by narrowing the road slightly and narrowing the pavements (which are very wide and not heavily trafficked, so this would not disadvantage pedestrians).
This would give a safer cycling environment, and improve the pedestrian experience.
Created by Richenda // 1 thread
Apparently TfL commissioned "...to explore the opportunity of a pedestrian river crossing ....". They may not think bikes should also be included, but they should!
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
Railway footbridge should have a ramp/trough added to make it easier for cyclists to cross the railway. This would then create a quiet north/south route to Marshgate school as an alternative to Manor Road.
Created by TonyBeaumont // 1 thread
Out side the royal orthopaedic hospital up top 30 cars are parked in the cycle lane every day. Cyclists are forced out into the traffic lane of the A38 over a distance of about 1/4 mile.
Created by HVS // 3 threads
The A5117 at this point has some sections of non-protected cycle lane, but they are not continuous, and they disappear at a number of pinch points. The road carries a lot of very fast moving heavy traffic, and is dangerous and unpleasant to cycle on. It would be a useful route for people travelling by bike to or from Stanlow Refinery, Cheshire Oaks, the University of Chester at Thornton Science Park, and Ince & Elton villages, but is currently only used by a tiny number of very brave and confident cyclists. This situation could be improved by making the cycle lane continuous along the whole route.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
Pinch-point at zebra crossing where cyclists are forced to share space with traffic that is often speeding. Cars try to squeeze past cyclists or brake suddenly.
Created by HankChief // 0 threads
There needs to be a ramped access to the school grounds at this point to replace or bypass the 6 steps currently there.
This would not only improve access to the school but also improve connection between the East Craigs Path Network and North Gyle and the only toucan crossing on the A8 in Edinburgh on Dechmont Road.
Created by Fraser Stephens // 1 thread
The infamous missing link in the Llanfoist-Brynmawr cycle path (route 46) is a huge barrier to its safe use by children as well as those who find the steep section of the diversion route impossible to climb.
The service entrance to the motorway services now has priority over the shared use path which runs parallel to the main road.
I have contacted both Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Council about this change in priorities, but neither has responded beyond a cursory "we have received your email".
This is yet another example of through traffic being de-prioritised simply because it is on a cycle (or shared) path, rather than on a road.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
Pinch point outside Courtlands on Sheen Road. Despite resurfacing, pinch point has not been addressed. Because of the poor road layout vehicles frequently encroach into the cycle lane. At off peak times the wide road encourages speeding - vehicles often approach this pinch point at 40mph.
Created by Frenchie // 0 threads
This is one of the prime candidate for a cycle contraflow in Newcastle City Centre. Currently one way for all traffic from Percy Street to Strawberry place. Allowing cyclists down from Strawberry Place to Percy Street would improve permeability and connectivity for cyclists. Note: not a lot of traffic, space not an issue, short uphill section so speeding not an issue.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 0 threads
The entrance to Dock Street should be turned into a continuous footway with pedestrian and cyclist priority over turning vehicles akin to this Danish junction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcnmLU1ClTo
This would improve sight lines for pedestrians too as the dropped kerbs are away from the junction, and it would also go with the pedestrian desire line as many tend to cross closer to the junction than the dropped kerbs. It would also slow down the vehicles entering the narrow street.
Created by Ned Harrison // 1 thread
Holywells Park has a section of cycle route 51 running through it, linking South East Ipswich to the centre with a pleasant and safe route down to the waterfront.
During Winter, the park is closed at dusk, sometimes as early as 4, meaning that just when the roads are most dangerous (dark and wet) cyclists are forced onto steep and busy routes either along Cliff Lane or up Bishops Hill.
The closures are largely at the request of the Park Friends group. I've spoken to them, and their concerns seem to be largely about what might go on after dark. It's not clear that there is any evidence for this, nor that the current situation of locking the main gates but leaving others would do anything to deter misbehaviour.
Keeping it open as a cycle route would ensure a legitimate presence in the park, and help provide less confident cyclists in the area with a safe route to and from town.
I'd propose either locking later, or for a trial period leaving the park unlocked.
Created by Rosalind Lund // 1 thread
further to the piece in newsletter 128, I wonder if any thought has been given to the difficulty of turning right into Emmanuel Street if you are coming towards the town centre from St Andrew's Street? We go fairly often to the Arts Cinema and this is the obvious way for us to go home, but it is impossible to turn right on the correct side of the bollard at present as it is designed only for left turning cycles coming out of town. There is, however, nothing to suggest that such a right turn is illegal.
Created by Paul James // 0 threads
All the sideroads between Richmond Circus and Manor Circus are a danger to cyclists on the cycleway.
There is no warning to motorists that there will be crossing cyclists and the building angles make it hard to see if anything is coming.
Turning traffic from the A316 can have an obscured view of the cycleway due to foliage.
Decrease corner radii.
Make road hump more pronounced.
Make cycle surface colour continuous across roadway.
Add markings across roadway.
Add warning signage.
Move give way lines back to before cycleway or add additional give way lines.
Created by chdot // 1 thread
Longstanding issue about 'optimum' design, particularly to reduce conflict caused by vehicles turning from Teviot Pl due to signal phases.
Over the past couple of years of regularly cycling between Waterbeach and Cambridge on NCN11 I have noticed that the path between Waterbeach and Baits Bite Lock is in really bad repair and is getting gradually worse. I have been in touch with the council to ask them to repair it, and they told me that as far as they are concerned the path is only a footpath, and they have no obligation to maintain it to a standard suitable for bikes. Sustrans tells me they have no responsibility for maintaining that section of the route, and that the council should be responsible for it.
It seems absurd to allow the path to fall into total disrepair, but at the moment it doesn't seem like anyone recognises any obligation for its upkeep.
I am happy to go out occasionally with some secateurs and chop off the more annoying bits of greenery, but the path needs resurfacing and that feels a bit beyond me!
Does anyone have any experience with this sort of problem? Have they come across it on other sections of the NCN?
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
There's a very poor dogleg right-angle with barriers at the entrance/exit from the West Cambridge site to Clerk Maxwell Road.
This should be turned into a wide splay with good visibility.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread
It would be much safer to have cyclist priority on the slip roads here as is done in The Netherlands http://www.flickr.com/photos/smsm1/10046288016/ , or even the following example from Britain: http://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/photos/good-cycling-facility-of-the-week/good-cycling-facility-of-the-week-14th-november-2013-0
The slip roads also need to be narrowed to slow motor vehicle speeds as does the turning radii of the roundabout.
Created by Katja Leyendecker // 1 thread
The (draft / emerging) 1Core Strategy seems to hint at a bus loop (Policy UC7) and a motor vehicle "ring road" (Policy UC9) too. It mentions pedestrian routes but there's no mention of cycle routes. See attached photo. (I didn't mark up the map, as it might become a tad too messy)
The "ring road" is just like Scott / esde84 described before http://newcycling.org/space4cycling/part2 (in comments)
The photo in the attachment is from "Newcastle Proposals Map" listed here http://onecorestrategyng-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/examination_library (not sure how long thi link will stay live, link rot may happen)
Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread
Providing a cycle-friendly surface on the path from Meadlands Drive to the road serving the German School and the Polo Club would improve cycling access to Strathmore and Russell Schools and help provide a better quiet route from Meadlands Drive area towards Richmond - providing more/better options for avoiding the busy Petersham Road.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
London Cycling Campaign has reorientated its policy towards a 'Go Dutch' approach.
This aims to learn from best practice abroad rather than continuing with the 'hierarchy of provision' that, in 20 years in the UK, has arguably failed to deliver meaningful change.
This is an overarching issue for conceptual discussion of this issue.
Created by JonC // 0 threads
Our club (South Herts CTC) had to cross the A505 to get back into Hertfordshire on Sunday and we took a route between Litlington and Therfield which involved 500 m along the A505 and a right turn at the roundabout west of Royston.
I was quite surprised there was no cycle route to help cyclists here. It was a Sunday so at least there were fewer heavy vehicles than normal, but the speed of some cars coming up behind made it tricky to change lanes on a bike when turning right at the roundabout.
Since then I have studied other ways of crossing the A505 (using Google Streetview) and can't find any easy crossing points near Royston. I see it is the boundary between Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, which complicates matters (although it looks like the A505 road is in Herts).
To the east, I've used the B1368 crossing at Flint Cross, which is also a nightmare. To the west the crossing at Slip End does at least have a central refuge. It seems little or no thought was given to cyclists when the A505 was constructed.
Meeting with Leeds City Council to discuss possible remedial works due to high casualty rates.
Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread
Many cyclists won't cycle to Harwich International from the Ipswich direction due to the roads. There really should be a high quality cycle route for this to continue the cycle journey from The Netherlands, where you can ride of the ferry and on to quality cycle infrastructure. The fact people choose the train is not a good sign.
This issue is the overall goal, and needs to be broken down into smaller sub issues of smaller more specific projects or improvements that can work towards this goal.