Training of drivers of commercial vehicles
We have serious concerns over the standards of driving of certain classes of vehicles in Cambridge.
We have an opportunity to push for both bus companies and and local authorities to train their drivers to a higher standard
Under the 'Certificate of Profession Competence' drivers of certain classes of vehicle are required to undertake 'continuing training'
There has been an article in Local Transport Today about training in London. see:
"A COURSE designed to cut the number of lorry accidents in urban areas, particularly those involving cyclists and pedestrians, has gained industry accreditation.
The ‘safe urban driving’ (SUD) course developed by Transport for London and London boroughs has been accredited by the Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training, the body set up by the sector skills councils for freight and passenger transport to manage the driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC). "
"EU directive 2003/59 requires lorry and van (over 3.5 tonne) drivers to obtain a CPC by completing 35 hours of training every five years. The requirement came into force in 2009, so the first deadline is September 2014. "
"The second half of the course sees the lorry drivers get on bicycles and go on-road to understand how cyclists position themselves on the road, and how to drive in the presence of cyclists. This module was developed by Cycle Training UK for the London Borough of Lambeth. "
I've already pointed out this scheme to the cycling officers
It may be that we can get the LA's to approach Stagecoach on this issue and it could form part of any 'Quality Contract'