
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first:

  • Christchurch Park Bridleway route improvement

    Created by Jon_B // 1 thread

    This route is the current North-South route through Christchurch Park, but fails to realise its full potential for cyclists as it is not properly lit and is perceived as dangerous to use at night as it is secluded.

    It also suffers from a poor surface and can be dangerously slippy due to fallen leaves, leaf mould etc.

    The route needs to be upgraded by cutting back foliage to improve sight lines and reduce the "seclusion", resurfacing and proper lighting along with regular sweeping and maintenance. CCTV coverage would also improve the perception of safety.

    The junctions at either end also need to be revised to ensure that cyclists can safely and easily access the route from Park Road and Foneraux Road.

    We would also suggest that a new link to the main Park entrance on Park Road could be created inside the existing perimeter of the park, but fenced off so that it could be available for 24 hour access whilst the park is closed.

    This would link with the Avenue which, when adopted and resurfaced, could provide a useful continuation, particularly if closed to through motor traffic.

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  • Severn Place development, 64-68 Newmarket Road, 84 dwellings

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Major new housing development, basically joining up East Road with Newmarket Road.

    Issues relating to cycle parking quality and number.

    Wrongly claims cycle route network in the immediate area is excellent.

    Proposes no contribution to the Eastern Gate plan.

    14/1905/FUL is the planning reference. Documents at:

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  • Cambourne Western expansion

    Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread


    "Housing firm McA Developments has submitted proposals for the new homes on a site west of the town, along with two primary schools and a second secondary school.

    The site extends from the tree belt to the west of Lower Cambourne to the A1198, and from the A428 in the north to the Caxton Bypass in the south.

    Alongside the houses and schools, the developer has also proposed:

    -Sports pitches and play areas

    -Shops and community space

    -Offices and light industrial employment areas

    -Public open space

    -Surface water drainage and landscaping

    -Segregated cycle and pedestrian routes

    -Alterations to an existing access off the A1198 and the redesign of the Caxton bypass and Cambourne Road roundabouts."

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  • Ideal for a high quality long distance cycle route

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 0 threads

    From the picture (,1.2020237,3a,75y,344.67h,90.27t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s3qD7ifQ-yxT6s-syDxhktQ!2e0?hl=en ) you can see just how wide the road is. It is like this all the way from St Augustines r/bout all the way to Seven Hills . Look at the picture, the white van is moving but it barely fills half of the eastbound lane. Look at the west bound mandatory cycle lane - as usual has cars in it . The cycle lane is also very rough, much smoother to ride on the white paint !
    I believe that we could have a high quality cycle facility in both directions .
    The existing cycle route is better than nothing especially as it is mandatory but there is no enforcement against parking in the cycle lane, there are pinch points and the road space is ready for reallocation.

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  • St Anthony's cycle route access issues

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    The off-road cycle route between Woodbridge Road and Spring Road leads from the end of St Anthony's Crescent through to Trafalgar Close and could potentially be a useful link between these two roads, which are short of pleasant and safe link routes for cyclists.

    However, the route is beset by at least 4 sets of barriers which are two narrow to ride through with a cargo bike, tricycle, bakfiets, hand-bike or similar. They do have a higher barrier which you can push a bike under, but this requires 4 dismounts which makes this totally impracticable as a cycle route and the barriers are still too low to pass under with a child in a bike seat.

    It is clear from parallel tracks through the woods that a lot of cyclists simply bypass these barriers, but I can't see any possible reason why these are needed and why access control can't be provided by a set of sensibly spaced bollards. I presume the intention is to keep motor cycles off the route, but this seems like total overkill and in any event they could simply bypass the barriers if determined to do so.

    There is no justification whatever for having 4 sets - surely if there is an effective barrier at each end then the middle ones are entirely pointless.

    It appears to me that whichever authority is responsible for this route have failed to consider their duty to disabled users of the route (including disabled cyclists) as well as ignoring cargo bike users and cyclists with children.

    These barriers should be removed and replaced with more conventional bollards to prevent vehicle access (and could then presumably be lifted out to allow vehicles which are required for maintenance etc.).

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  • Northern Area s106 Suggestions

    Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread

    There is un-allocated money available from northern area s106 agreements for Cambridge and South cambs.

    The council are currently looking for suggestions on how to spend it, within the requirements for the projects, which include the local transport policy priorities for walking, cycling and public transport.

    The map is not accurate for the area covered: it certainly includes north Cambridge, a bit of Castle, and Histon, but the map was only up briefly. Once the minutes for the North Area Committee are published the definitive map will be available.

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  • Consultation on Proposed Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements at York Way / Goods Way junction

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The main improvement for cycling is the facilitation of an eastbound route between Goods Way and Wharfdale Road. Unfortunately, due to Wharfdale Road being one way, this route currently doesn't work westbound.

    Camden Council's proposals include the following:

    - Permit cyclists to turn right out of Goods Way into York Way

    - ASLs on all three arms of the junction

    - Northbound approach on York Way towards Goods Way reduced to single motor lane, making room for a cycle lane

    - Signalised green man crossings on all three arms of the junction (only one at present)

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  • East-West Cycle Superhighway: Westminster's alternative route

    Created by Colin Wing // 1 thread

    This is Westminster's alternative route for its section of the East-West Cycle Superhighway. The following are the differences from TfL's proposal:

    * Uses Stanhope Terrace instead of Bathurst Street

    * Goes via the Mall, Trafalgar Square and Northumberland Avenue instead of Birdcage Walk, Parliament Square and Victoria Embankment.

    A plan is available at or

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  • POSSIBLE Cycle Route Between Lowedges Rd /Chesterfield Rd + Bradway Fire Station Sheffield S8.

    Created by Bosh57 // 0 threads

    POSSIBLE Cycle Route Between Lowedges Rd/Chesterfield Rd + Bradway Fire Station Sheffield S8........using existing 8ft wide pavements by upgrading to "shared use".........This could connect to the new cycling "on + off " road routes being developed in the Meadowhead School area

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  • Quietway 2 - consultation on proposals for Guilford and Calthorpe Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 2 threads

    At the S4C ride last May we heard Andrew Gilligan mention that QW 38 from Bloomsbury via Islington to Hackney would have priority. This route is now named QW 2!

    The image shows the route proposed by Sustrans and TfL

    You can also see the route of several QEWs on Google Maps at:

    QW2 is shown as a turquoise line labelled "Possible Bloomsbury to Walthamstow Quietway".

    Camden Council is now consulting on some minor measures they propose for improving the stretch in Camden along Calthorpe Street and Guilford Street. These can be seen at:

    To summarise specific (from west to east):

    - a new length of cycle lane into Bernard Street from Russell Square

    - raised zebra crossing over Guilford Street at Queen Anne’s Walk

    - raised table at the junction of Guilford Street and Grenville Street

    - a large raised table on Guilford Street across Guilford Place (that will also enhance the N-S route down Judd Street and Hunter Street on to Lambs Conduit Street and Red Lion Street)

    - between Phoenix Place and Farringdon Road, reallocate some carriageway space for cycle lanes

    general changes will include:

    - cycle symbols and signage

    - replace granite setts on raised areas with asphalt.

    Please provide your comments in the associated thread

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  • Cycle parking requirement

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    The area on the south side of the junction of Elm Street and Museum Street currently houses two decrepit benches, but could more usefully be utilised for cycle parking.

    There are a number of businesses clustered around this area (including the large new "MyGo" youth employment centre) which could benefit from customers having access to cycle parking rather than having to go up to Queens Street.

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  • Cycle Parking required for school drop-offs

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    Cycle parking (ideally on-carriageway replacing an existing car parking space) should be provided on Cobbold Street to facilitate parents transporting children to St Margarets CEVAP school by bike. Existing cycle parking within the school grounds does not really make sense for this purpose as it requires cycles to be wheeled in and out of the site which is impracticable and could give rise to health and safety issues.

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  • Traffic squeeze, bad drivers

    Created by Gregory // 1 thread

    Off the roundabout, South on Dryburn Road is 2 lanes for ~4 metres before squeezing to one lane for the traffic-light pedestrian crossing and then re-widening to accommodative the Southbound bus lane/stop. If you are a cyclist taking this section then you really should take primary position as soon as traffic allows but many drivers do not accept that and will race up behind you and then alongside you if you have not made it to the bus lane yet.

    I'm not sure what is the best solution, perhaps a sign "Give cyclists space" or if it is possible (and safe for crossing pedestrians) to add a drop-kerb before the traffic lights & painted cycle lane so cyclists can use a short stretch of the pavement to get to the bus lane.

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  • Plan app 14/1907/FUL: Tesco Newmarket Road

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    Proposed extension to provide Dotcom facility with 4 bay van loading canopy & secure service yard. | Tesco Cheddars Lane Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8LD

    This application re-routes the path west of the shop to make room for a new structure. The problem is it adds another right angle turn to the already ridiculous one at the west corner of the shop. With a tiny change it could also allow for access to the store!

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  • Fore Street access from Lower Orwell Street

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    There seems to be no sensible or convenient cycle route to access Fore Street pools cycle parking from the North as Fore Street appears to be one way for vehicles and cycles and the only other route from Lower Orwell Street is a circuit of the whole Star Lane / Fore Street Gyratory.

    This section of Fore Street should be made two way for cycles. As it is only a short stretch and there is plenty of pavement space this might be an appropriate application for shared use on the pavement provided it is properly signed and marked.

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  • Jubilee Quietway in Westminster via Hanover Square

    Created by Colin Wing // 3 threads

    This is one version of the Jubilee Quietway in Westminster. It can only be implemented after CrossRail moves out of Hanover Square in 2018. It includes contraflow cycling in Holles Street and Harewood Place and the north end of Harley Street.

    The northbound route uses Wimpole Street, as shown on the map. The southbound route uses Harley Street, as shown on the map for the version via New Bond Street.

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  • Jubilee Quietway in Westminster via New Bond Street

    Created by Colin Wing // 2 threads

    This is one version of the proposed route for the Jubilee Quietway in Westminster. It includes a contraflow cycle track in New Bond Street and Vere Street. The southbound route is via Harley Street, as shown on the map. The northbound route is via Wimpole Street, as shown on the map for the version via Hanover Square.

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