Eastbound route sign missing at The Boundary / Cotton Road
The eastbound cycle / pedestrian route sign at the junction between The Boundary and Cotton Road has gone missing. Thus the route directions aren't complete.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
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Listed issues, most recent first:
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The eastbound cycle / pedestrian route sign at the junction between The Boundary and Cotton Road has gone missing. Thus the route directions aren't complete.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The westbound sign at the Cow Lane / Cotton Road junction is not bifacial, thus only benefits people already cycling along Cotton Road, not those approaching along Cow Lane from the south.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The vegetation beside NCR1 around the bottom edge of Duke's Meadow is encroaching upon the path. This is making it noticeably narrower and gives blind corners for cyclists and pedestrians approaching one another.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The small cycle sign at the Westgate Court Avenue / Fisher Road junction, part of the cycle route between Archbishop's School and Canterbury Academy, is facing the wrong direction. Thus cyclists may get lost. It should be facing south into Fisher Road for cyclists approaching along Westgate Court Avenue from past the cemetery.
Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads
A cycle barrier on the path beside the Victoria Hotel makes access more difficult for trailers and tandems.
Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads
Large cracks are forming on the path near the top of the hill. These may cause people to slip or trip. If they widen further then bicycle wheels may become caught.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
When emerging from Stream Walk onto Old Bridge Road the NE-bound sign isn't visible. The sign is hidden behind a large hedge. Thus cyclists not familiar with the route may need to stop to find the sign in order to avoid getting lost.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Vegetation is reducing the width of NCR1 between Invicta Way and Thanet Way. This makes it difficult for cyclists and pedestrians to pass one another.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The signage for the Tannery Field (aka Bull Field) shared cycle / foot path has gone missing. Therefore it's not clear to all users that it's a shared cycle path.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The wheeling strip on the steps at each end of the bridge over the Canterbury East railway line can be difficult to use because it is narrow and the handrail can get in the way of handlebars.
Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads
The Lansdown Road path has a cycle barrier which makes access for people on tandems or with trailers more difficult.
Created by Gregory Williams // 0 threads
Public footpath CC22 would provide a good shared cycle path link between Sturry Road and Forrester Close and Brymore Road. Its location is particularly suited if the adjacent Territorial Army barracks should ever come up for redevelopment.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The retail park at Stour Crescent has some front wheel cycle parking outside of Matalan and a couple of stands located adjacent to staff car parking spaces at McDonalds. These are all situated near the far end of the retail park and aren't particularly well surveilled. Stands nearer to the shop entrances would improve the provision here.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
There is no cycle parking at Canterbury Retail Park.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Cars parking across the end of Bird Cage Walk at school leaving time make the path less accessible and more dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The Bird Cage Walk cycle path stops short of properly serving Hales Place. Cycling through the Farleigh Road underpass isn't indicated at permitted, nor is cycling to the road at Hever Place. There is prospect that a better cycle connection for Hales Place could be developed, keeping cyclists away from motor vehicles.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
There isn't any cycle parking at St. Stephen's Community Centre.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
There isn't any cycle parking beside the Hales Place shop to encourage people to choose to cycle.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Several barriers across the path at Hackington Place, where cyclists need to dismount for a short section, make access for tandems and cycles with trailers difficult.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
This pair of steps limit access between Canterbury's cycle network and The Old Tannery.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Signs towards Sustrans routes to help divert cyclists away from the dangerous A2 dual carriageway.
However, the routes shown aren't totally accurate. All of the best routes for these destinations will head towards and onto NCR18. First, turn right onto the A28 at the traffic lights (walk across using the nearby controlled crossing if needed), then turn left into Ten Perch Road. Head across at the first roundabout, then almost across (11 o'clock position) onto shared cycle path at the second roundabout. This leads to NCR18 (Great Stour Way). At the T-junction with the Great Stour Way, turn left to head towards Chartham and Ashford. Turn right to head into Canterbury and towards Whitstable (via NCR1) and RCR16 (via NCR1 bound towards Sandwich (Not towards Whitstable when you see the signs)).
The pictured sign needs correcting, and the onward signs need to be added, since they're not present.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
Steps at each end of Tonford Lane bridge make it difficult to take wheeled modes of transport such as bicycles, scooters, push chairs, wheelchairs, and mobility scooters from one side of the river to the other.
sound+fury // 1 thread
Refurbishment of the building including internal slab openings with steel framing, roof replacement and raising the flat roof finish height, parapet works, new plant, substation, external alterations and temporary removal of shopfront to facilitate MRI installation (first phase).
163 - 167 Mill Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3AN
Application reference : 23/03068/FUL
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
There isn't any cycle parking serving the shops on the upper portion of St. Dunstan's Street.
Created by Gregory Williams // 1 thread
The is no cycle parking serving the shops at Hales Drive, despite there being sufficient space for stands and the shops being adjacent to Canterbury's cycle network.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by FrenchyF // 0 threads
The bike lane here starts too close to the junction - drivers hug the kerb before the cycle lane starts, and this makes the lane useless.
Created by jpennycook // 1 thread
Owners of Brighton Hill Retail park are preparing a planning application for improvements including a coffee shop in the carpark. this is our opportunity to ask for secure cycle parking for the public and employees.
Created by mikewg // 1 thread
Numerous people responding to the survey experience safety issues with this location. Some comments here:
Town centre around the monument, the cobbles are a night mare and shake you badly, I have had my bike lights shaken off before, and had to save them from being run over. You cannot cycle quickly over the cobbles.
Taunton Town Centre - cobbles & volume of traffic
I go through the centre of town. I have had a couple of accidents on the cobbled surface outside the market house over the years of cycling this route. Both resulted in injuries including concussion, facial injuries requiring stitching, a shoulder and hip injury which required physio and steroid injections to resolve. The second of these happened on a wet day, when I was forced to brake because a bus driver, having seen me coming, decided to pull out in front of me. He was relatively remorseful, but it was an accident that would not have happened if 1, he hadn't taken the decision that a cyclist didn't matter, and 2, the road surface was smoother as the braking action unsteadied me on a rough surface - the fall was inevitable as soon as I touched the brakes really. As a consequence, I now cycle along the back of the market house as I cannot bring myself to cycle across the cobbled road surface.
Cobblestones around parade
High Street; ridiculous cobbled roundabout making town centre very dangerous
Cobbles in front of Market Hall
Cobble stones on roundabout in centre of town feels unsafe and dangerous for cyclists.
COBBLES on the main parade
cobbles in town centre
'cobbles ' Market house - dangerous surface - traffic in a hurry .
Cobbles at Market House roundabout,
Cobbles around Burma Memorial make it impossible to take hand off handlebars to signal and are treacherous at best of times
Created by mikewg // 0 threads
delays are too long crossing from the centre to college green. Too much priority given to motor traffic outbound vs heavy two way cycle and predestrain flow.
Created by Al Storer // 2 threads
Proposed building will have 3000 employees, 250 car parkign spaces and 900 bike parking spaces
Created by Andrea Bredel // 1 thread
this is one of many cycle lanes here in Ipswich that go on and off the road several times. This is very awkward for cyclists as they need to be very careful when getting back onto the road and most probably confuses drivers as well.
Created by Angela Hobsbaum // 1 thread
TfL/Islington are proposing improvements to Highbury Corner. This is a major scheme - removing one-way traffic system on the roundabout and introducing fully-segregated cycle tracks and dedicated crossings for cyclists.
Here's the TfL page https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/roads/highbury-corner-roundabout and the council landing page is at https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/roads/highbury-corner-roundabout
TfL/Islington drop-in sessions at:
Union Chapel, Compton Terrace, London N1 2UN
Wednesday, 24 February 15:00 - 19:00
Saturday, 27 February 09:30 - 13:30
Monday, 29 February 10:00 - 14:00
Created by Chris Neston // 2 threads
This section of the A540 is Dual carriageway North of the Welsh Road (A550) towards Hoylake ( 60 mph) and single carriageway south of it towards Chester ( 50mph). It is used by hundreds of cyclists every week, yet is extremely dangerous to them and there have been numerous collisions and several cyclists have died along here. It provides a vital link between the lanes of Wirral and those of Chester and North Wales. It also houses the world famous Eureka cyclists cafe.
Ideally the whole of the A540 from Chester to Hoylake needs a cycle path, but to provide one over the relatively short section between Mudhouse Lane and Woodbank Lane would make an incredible difference for a small outlay. North of the A550 there is plenty of room alongside the existing road. South is more difficult but not insurmountable.
Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread
During the refurbishment of St Mary at the Quay this section of road has been closed. The sky has not fallen on us and neither has traffic ground to ( any more ) of a standstill. In my opinion it should stay closed to MVs and just be segregated for bikes and peds.
Created by Rob Earl // 0 threads
Gravel/muddy slope section of QR20, the rest of which is tarmac path/roads.
Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads
This stretch of Grove Road is pedestrianised. Formally opening this up to cyclists - and marking it so - would help establish a quiet cycle route all the way up/down Richmond Hill as an alternative to the busy Queens Road
Created by Simon Still // 1 thread
In response to resident requests to reduce vehicle speeds and to provide a continuous low-traffic cycling “Quietway” route between Shepherd’s Bush and Kensington High Street, the Council is proposing some changes on Russell Road and other local streets.
Possible changes and implications
On Russell Road, where our surveys confirm that traffic speeds are high, we propose removing the existing chicanes, as these do not work well. This will mean we can create a small amount of additional resident parking. Instead, to reduce traffic speeds, we propose seven sinusoidal humps along the length of Russell Road. They would be spaced in line with national guidance on the optimum spacing to encourage drivers to keep to a consistent speed, thereby minimising accelerating, braking and associated noise and emissions. Sinusoidal humps are designed so that, when driven over at lower speeds, they are noticeably more comfortable to drive over than traditional humps. We have recently introduced sinusoidal humps in St James’s Gardens and we also use them when we resurface roads that have traditional humps - for example, in Abbotsbury Road near Holland Park.
We also propose to remove the centre line to encourage drivers to slow down and take more care whilst driving. In addition, in response to reports of vehicles cutting the corner at the sharp turn onto Russell Gardens, we propose hatching markings, to encourage drivers to position themselves correctly when making the turn.
Other proposed measures
At Russell Road’s junction with Kensington High Street, a new pavement build-out on the west side and introduction of a raised table across Russell Road to slow turning traffic and provide a shorter crossing distance for pedestrians.
Removal of the island at the north end of Elsham Road to provide more space to exit from the cycling contra-flow lane.
Removal of the cycling feeder lane and introduction of an advanced stop line at the junction of Lower Addison Gardens with Holland Road to improve cycle safety.
Removal of approximately three metres of parking to improve entry into the existing segregated cycling facility on Addison Gardens bridge and to provide a safe waiting space for cyclists wishing to turn into Hansard Mews.
Permit contra-flow cycling through Hansard Mews, providing access to Shepherd’s Bush and Holland Park Avenue.
Alterations to the surface of the inclined section of Hansard Mews (approximately 30 metres) to reduce the slip hazard, especially in wet conditions, while minimising the change in appearance.
Introduction of wayfinding signs and road markings along Russell Road, Russell Gardens, Elsham Road, Lower Addison Gardens and Hansard Mews at points where a change of direction is required. We estimate there would need to be around 15-20 signs and symbols across the area.
Created by MikeF // 1 thread
Traffic light sensor on Tavistock Road at Derriford roundabout (inbound) is unable to detect cyclist correctly forcing extremely long waits in the early hours until a car comes along to trigger the lights
Created by WilliamNB // 0 threads
When cycling from Marsh Mills towards town, the pavement is a bi-directional shared path, albeit of poor quality and far too narrow to be safe. As you approach the junction where the off-ramp for Old Laira Road veers off to the left, cyclists are forced around a barrier to meet the road perpendicularly, where they have to wait until there is a large enough gap in traffic to allow them to cross.
This is one of Plymouth's main cycle routes into and out of the city, while Old Laira Road is not a main arterial route and indeed has a 20mph speed restriction in place further on.
It would be good if the on-footway cycle provision can become a segregated cycle path for a short distance, which may be continued across the slip road veering off to the left, as has been done on Laira Bridge Road recently, as well as on Alma Road, approaching the junction with Outland Road and Milehouse Road.
Clear signage could be erected to show traffic wishing to cross the cycle track that it should yield to cyclists.
The cycle track should be continued past the small traffic island and retain priority over traffic joining from Old Laira Road, before it can merge again with the shared pavement along Embankment Road.
Created by Fraser Stephens // 0 threads
A radical idea maybe, but why not close the narrow, one-way, Lower Castle Street to cars and make it two-way for bikes and pedestrians? It would
1) solve the problem of the confusing junction at the bottom end.
2) remove the very complex routing of routes 42&46
3) avoid cyclists cutting though the pedestrian zone and one-way part of cross street when travelling east across town.
Bus/cycle lane lights not sensing cyclists.
Created by John Ackers // 1 thread
Islington Council wants to 'transform Clerkenwell Green into a high-quality public space. To do this we plan to provide more space for people to meet and gather by reducing road space and removing parking'.
Created by Chris Lord // 1 thread
Currently there is no safe cycle route between South Loughton / West Debden and Chigwell School. This safer off-road route could be popular with school children and their parents. At Highwood Lane end the route could connect with Debden via Oakwood Hill and Loughton (Traps Hill) via Alderton Hall Lane north.
* Approx. 1 mile length part on-road and part off-road scheme from London Square (Chigwell) via Grange Farm Lane.
* Section 1: Approx. 1 mile length part on- road (via provision of signage and road markings) and part off-road scheme (a new unlit 3m wide shared cycle route facility) from London Square (Chigwell) via Grange Farm Lane, crossing the River Roding via an existing bridge and on to Highwood Lane.
* Section 2: Provision of an on-road cycling route in both directions along Oakwood Hill, made possible through parking restrictions and removal of the central hatching/wide centrelines.
* Section 3: Provision of an on-road cycling route in both directions along Alderton Hall Lane and Traps Hill, via signage and road markings, and parking restrictions/formalisation where required.
Medium Term
£500,000 (Assumes route is not a PROW and excludes stats diversions)
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 5 threads
The Mill Road traders are planning a meeting (2016) to discuss congestion on Mill Road and have asked us to send a representative. What ideas do we have to for Mill Road?
Created by Peter Loader // 0 threads
This proposed Maple Cross to Shepherd Primary School cycle route follows the existing Maple Cross to Rickmansworth route as far as the Long Lane/Eastwick Crescent junction in Mill End.
The new part of the route consists of:
* Part of the new Long Lane residential service road.
* Part of Kenwood Drive.
* Part of the old Long Lane road.
* Rickmansworth Footpath 012 (upgraded to a bridleway).
* Beresford Road.
* Part of Penn Road.
* Part of the south east path through King George V Playing Fields, Mill End.
* The pathway leading to the new pedestrian entrance to Shepherd Primary School, near its cycle parking area.
The link is scheduled to be closed for water main installation for six weeks from 30 September.
Nearest alternative ways to cross the railway line are Sandpit Lane (busy road with splitter islands!) or bridge link to York Road (nice and quiet but steps to bridge)
Created by Paul James // 0 threads
The tucan crossing is out of phase with the lights at Church Road meaning that traffic coming along the A316 into Kew Rd is not held at the tucan but is then stopped at Church Rd so that cyclists and pedestrians have to wait for traffic to enter Kew Rd.
Re-phase the lights so that the tucan crossing is red for the roadway at the same time that it is red for the lights at Church Rd, so that there is a single green phase along the cycleway across the end of Kew Rd.
Created by Dawes Jaguar // 1 thread
This path is supposed to be a shared use path, part of the Merritts Brook Greenway. Unfortunately it is the same width as a bicycle and completely unlit. It emerges at an informal crossing upon which cyclists are instructed to dismount. Cyclists are then expected to pedal along the pavement. It's completely useless and unnecessary, as there is a better route via Charfield Close.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
"Daily parking wars make Red Cross Lane dangerous"
See: https://www.camcycle.org.uk/newsletters/146/nl146.pdf
Need to improve this area for cycling and walking.
Red Cross Lane and Greenlands are marked for 20mph and they're very narrow streets barely two cars wide.
Created by aSemy // 0 threads
A tree on the side of East side of Whiteladies road (next to HSBC) has a notice stating that the tree will be removed and replanted. The tree is on the very wide pavement right next to the road, and the road is not wide enough for vehicles and cyclists: a pinch point.
There is clearly enough space on Whiteladies road for a segregated cycle lane. It is a popular route used often by heavy traffic. With enough shifting of road lanes there's even enough room for an uphill cycle lane.
Replanting the tree away from the road would remove one small obstacle and show evidence that BCC is looking towards improving cycling in the long run.