Things tagged 'consultation'

571 issues found for 'consultation':

  • Buckingham Palace - Spur Road

    Created by Colin Wing // 1 thread

    Spur Road and the road in front of Buckingham Palace form a section of the East-West Cycle Superhighway between Constitution Hill and Birdcage Walk.

    The plans that Transport for London presented to the public for consultation in February-March 2015 failed to include any specific proposals for this section. Following successful campaigning by cyclists, TfL published proposals on 20th August 2015 for consultation up till 4th October 2015.

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  • Golden Ball Street, Westlegate 2015 redesign

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    Norfolk County Council with Norwich City Council are proposing changes to Westlegate, St Stephens Street, Golden Ball Street, Farmers Avenue, Ber Street and Cattle Market Street that include closing some streets to motor traffic and making Golden Ball Street two way.

    Generally access for people cycling will be improved in this area and motor traffic reduced. We are considering how well the proposed designs meet the needs of those cycling through the area.

    Consultation closed on 27 July 2015.

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  • Ridgeons Cromwell Road

    Created by Monica Frisch // 2 threads

    The site used by Ridgeons (builders' merchants) on Cromwell Road in Cambridge has been identified by Cambridge City Council as a potential location for new housing in the future. As a part of this, Ridgeons and their team of consultants, along with Cambridge City Council, are working to develop a document called the Ridgeons Cromwell Road Development and Planning Brief (Supplementary Planning Document, SPD). This will provide guidance on access, land use, building types, open space and character for all future planning applications on the site.

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  • Secret consultation on closure of Elm Street

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads

    I noticed a poster at the junction of Elm St and Clarendon St a few days ago. As I needed a rest this morning I stopped to read it. Apparently ONLY the residents of the Kite area (and not all of them according to the note pinned below the poster) are being consulted on the closure of Elm St, as far as I can tell, at the Elm Tree pub, to motor vehicles. Allegedly access by cyclists and pedestrians will be unaffected (although if it's some kind of rubbish narrow everyone having to give way to everyone else design, some regular users might wish to take issue with this, and suggest improvements to the design).

    There is no reference to this anywhere I can find online. If I wish to reply to this consultation (and as I'm not a resident, will my views be taken into account?), I will have to go back to the poster and copy down the email address on a bit of paper. Deadline is tomorrow.

    However, as a DAILY user of Clarendon St, I feel my democratic rights are being are being totally undermined. It may well be that a very large number of residents are against this proposal. Looking at it, it looks as if, for the vast number of cyclists who cycle along Clarendon St, it will probably improve safety as there may be fewer motor vehicles trying to use the Elm St crossroads which is probably the dodgiest bit of this route. Therefore regular users of Clarendon St may well wish to support this proposal.

    My question is: how can they have a consultation that's secret and only open to those who actually live in an area rather than all those actually affected? As far as I am concerned this is totally undemocratic to the extreme.

    If anyone is passing the area in the next couple of hours and has the technology to take a photo of the posters and start a thread on here regarding it and posting the posters so we can look at them at our leisure, it might be helpful for those of us who might like to drop a quick email in support of this plan.

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  • Whitton and Castle Hill 20mph area

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    Suffolk County Council are proposing a blanket 20mph zone in this area.

    Consultation proposal documents are at:-

    Cycle Ipswich response (currently in draft):-

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  • Consultation on Proposed Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements at York Way / Goods Way junction

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The main improvement for cycling is the facilitation of an eastbound route between Goods Way and Wharfdale Road. Unfortunately, due to Wharfdale Road being one way, this route currently doesn't work westbound.

    Camden Council's proposals include the following:

    - Permit cyclists to turn right out of Goods Way into York Way

    - ASLs on all three arms of the junction

    - Northbound approach on York Way towards Goods Way reduced to single motor lane, making room for a cycle lane

    - Signalised green man crossings on all three arms of the junction (only one at present)

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  • Royal College Street Southern Extension (Pancras Road)

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle tracks to the south, down Pancras Road towards Kings Cross. Unfortunately, the plans for the junctions at St Pancras and contra-flow up Midland Road are not ready yet, so it will remain difficult to get to and from the south and east until these are finalised, but this is another link in the planned North-South route through the borough as part of the London Cycle Grid.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Protected cycle lanes from Royal College Street to just south of Chenies Place.
    - Removal of two bus-stops to make the cycle lanes continuous
    - North-bound bus-stop converted to 'island' style.
    - Southbound bus-stop uses Royal College Street style due to lack of road width.
    - Additional protection for cyclists crossing Crowndale Road from Royal College Street.

    You can reply to the consultation via Camden's website. Please also add your comments to the threads on this issue, or by email to john AT . We have already had suggestions for improvements to the lane behind the bus-stop at Chenies Place. We will be saying that cyclists heading north to Royal College Street should use Goldington Crescent to avoid one set of traffic lights and the need to cross lanes. What else?

    Our response needs to be in by 14th November so we'll take comments on board until the 7th.

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  • A21 Bromley Common / Hastings Road and A233 Oakley Road junction improvement

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Working together with interested parties - including cycling, pedestrian and motorised road user organisations – we have reviewed the design of a number of key junctions identified as having road safety or other significant issues for cyclists and / or pedestrians.

    This junction was identified as having a particular cycle safety problem. We have therefore developed proposals to improve safety at the junction, in particular for cyclists.

    The responses to this consultation will help inform our decsion making as to whether we go ahead with the scheme as proposed or make changes to the scheme.

    Why We Are Consulting
    Our review of this junction has shown that there is a road safety issue for cyclists, in particular those travelling northbound along the A21.

    Our proposals for this junction are designed to improve sight lines to make it easier for cyclists, motorists and pedestrians to see each other and hence improve junction safety. In addition the opportunity will be taken to improve the informal pedestrian crossings to make these more visible and easier to use.

    Our proposed improvements include:

    Amended A21 and Oakley Road junction layout to bring the junction closer to a right angle – this will improve sight lines

    The cycle lane on A21 north bound (towards Bromley) will be widened to increase the separation of cyclists from other road users.

    Revised informal pedestrian crossings will be provided across Oakley Road and across A21 Hastings Road. A central island will allow roads to be crossed in stages. Informal crossing points offer pedestrians a safe point to cross, with tactile pavement for those with visual impairments.

    The right turn from Hastings Road to Church Road, which is not currently physically possible, will be specifically prohibited. The revised junction layout would make this a possible manoeuvre but it would conflict with right turning traffic into Oakley Road from the north and would not be a safe movement.

    We are not changing any other aspects of the junction. Traffic will still only be able to turn left (north) towards Bromley from Oakley Road, while Church Road will remain one way eastbound, with changes to the kerb layout to deter illegal movements.

    The map below illustrates our proposals.

    You can have your say on our proposals by following the link at the bottom of the page.

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  • Royal College Street Northern Extension

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    Camden are consulting residents, cyclists and others on their plans to extend the Royal College Street cycle facilities to the north, across Camden Road and up to Kentish Town Road. If it is approved, we think this will be a great improvement as it will provide protected two-way cycling all the way. Later there are plans to extend it south to Kings Cross.

    We hope you will respond to Camden in support as there may be objections from residents, especially as it results in some loss/relocation of parking.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:
    - Two way cycling all the way up and down Royal College Street with no need to use St Pancras Way or Camden Street.
    - Protected northbound and southbound cycle lanes with no loading or parking within the cycle lanes.
    - A separate green phase for N-S and S-N bound cyclists at Camden Road.

    The difficult areas are the Camden Road crossing, which we think Camden have handled in an effective and innovative way, and the southbound split at College Gardens, where motor traffic has to bear left but cyclists go straight. This is not easy to handle without the danger of left hooks, but we think that the suggested solution, which involves road narrowing and a raised junction to slow motor vehicles, is the best option.

    Please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to

    Our response needs to be in by 3rd October so we'll take comments on board until the 28th.

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  • Consultation on Pancras Road/Midland Road

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    The proposals from Camden Council are intended to improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in the vicinity of the new developments on Goodsway including the new Town Hall Annex and include new measures under the St Pancras station railway overpass. They also will eventually link to the southern extension of the cycle route down Royal College Street and the proposed northbound cycle route on Midland Road.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:

    · A separate segregated cycle track to protect the left turn for northbound cyclists from Pancras Road (adjacent to the station) to Pancras Road westbound under the rail tracks. This would link to a 2m wide centre lane for cyclists turning right up Pancras Road towards Camden, and a separate left turn lane for all traffic. The centre lane would be a continuation of the dedicated track, with left-turning motor vehicles having to make a deliberate crossing of this lane; a method used in other countries to enable cyclists to take the lane more easily. This can be seen on the first of the diagrams on Camden’s website.
    · A lightly segregated 2m wide eastbound cycle track under the rail tracks.
    · A lightly segregated 2m kerbside lane down Pancras Road until the approach to Midland Road. This will gradually move out into a centre lane with left-turning motor vehicles having to make a deliberate crossing of this lane. Unfortunately the details of this are not shown on the consultation but it should be there soon.
    · A segregated 2m cycle track for cyclists northbound on Midland Road between Brill Place and Pancras Road.
    · Advance start signals for cyclists at the Pancras Road/Midland Road junction.

    We spent a lot of time discussing with Camden engineers how we could implement fully protected junctions for cyclists but were unable to come up with a scheme due to the constraints imposed by road width and especially the supporting columns for the rail overpass.

    Please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to

    Our response needs to be in by 29th August so we'll take comments on board until the 22nd.

    Lightly segregated - like Royal College Street, probably 'armadillos'
    Segregated - separated by a hard kerb.

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  • Regents High School Redevelopment Proposed Highway Works

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The proposals seek to improve road safety on the streets surrounding Regents High school in Somers Town which is being rebuilt. This school is labelled "South Camden Community School" on the map.

    The consultation is on Camden's website at:

    Currently the school is accessed from Charrington Street but the new building is going to face the other way and will be accessed via Chalton Street. Therefore most of the proposal are related to making a new school entrance and building out the footways in Chalton Street while taking them away in Charrington Street. All of this is clearly necessary, but doesn't appear to add to road safety.

    The council also proposes a new speed table at the junction of Chalton Street and Aldenham Street. This would help with road safety.

    Cyclists are already concerned with the rat-running on Ossulston Street; this quite likely accesses Eversholt Street via Chalton Street. Surely we should ask for this rat running to be prevented both for the safety of the cycle route and for children going to Regents High School?

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  • Suffolk CC Consultation: Nacton Road and Ransomes Way corridor study

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 2 threads

    From 17 February to Wednesday 5 March 2014, Suffolk County Council is seeking your views on proposals for the Nacton Road and Ransomes Way corridor in Ipswich.
    A number of major developments have recently been completed in this area, with further development expected in the period leading up to 2026.
    Residents and business owners living or working alongside roads that may be affected have been written to individually.
    The county council appointed AECOM to carry out a study to identify and assess potential improvement schemes to meet the projected increase in traffic associated with development in this corridor.
    The primary objective of the study was to maintain traffic capacity on these key routes whilst also providing enhanced facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and taking the needs of public transport services into account.
    An exhibition of proposals will be held at Gainsborough Library in Clapgate Lane (IP3 ORL). Comment cards will be available at the venue to fill out. Alternatively comments can be emailed to
    View the study display board information here (PDF, 2.7Mb)
    There is also an opportunity to request a comment card and hard copy version of the proposals by calling 01473 265923.
    The county council would like to know what you think about the proposals.
    Responses must be received no later than Wednesday 5 March 2014.

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  • Travel Ipswich Barrack Corner changes

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 3 threads

    Barrack Corner
    Description: New toucan crossing. No entry at Barrack Lane
    Planned Start:Mid April 2014 Planned Finish Works due to last 6 weeks
    Expected Disruption:

    Scheme Information:
    One of the projects main objectives is to provide safe and convenient crossing facilities where the town’s main pedestrian and cycle routes cross busy main roads. This new scheme will link cycle facilities to the new Handford Road/ Portman Road junction.
    The main objective for Barrack Corner is to extend the Portman Road pedestrian and cycle route northwards across Norwich Road by installing a new toucan crossing at the Norwich Road / Barrack Lane junction. This will link the housing areas north of Norwich Road with Ipswich Village and the east side of the town centre. To provide the crossing at the bottom of Barrack Lane it will be necessary to prohibit all vehicles except emergency vehicles from turning in or out of Barrack Lane at its junction with Norwich Road. This means drivers will use alternative routes, therefore access to the Barrack Lane Medical Centre will be signed from the Civic Drive /Berners Street roundabout and from the Norwich Road / Orford Street junction. Cycle access to / from Portman Road would be from a footway build out, which would be protected from parked cars by double yellow lines.
    For further information, or to express comments, please contact us on

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  • TfL Consultation: Cycle and pedestrian improvements on the A21 Bromley Road from its junction with Canadian Avenue and Bargery Road, to Culverley Road

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Transport for London (TfL) would like your views on our proposals to make cycle and pedestrian improvements at the above location.

    Why We Are Consulting
    Canadian Avenue and Bargery Road form part of the London Cycle Network (LCN) in Lewisham. However, cyclists and pedestrians find it difficult to cross the A21 Bromley Road in the area, and there are a high number of cycle collisions on Bromley Road at its junction with Canadian Avenue. These proposals are aimed at reducing traffic speeds and making the area safer for cyclists and pedestrians.


    A mandatory 2 metre wide cycle lane is proposed on Bromley Road southbound, from Culverley Road to the bus stop just south of Bargery Road. Bromley Road will be reduced from two to one lane southbound to accommodate the cycle lane. Traffic islands on Bromley Road around Bargery Road will allow physical segregation between the mandatory southbound cycle lane and other traffic, and kerb build-outs on Bargery Road will slow traffic at the junction itself.

    A 1.5 metre mandatory northbound cycle lane, widening to 2 metres, is proposed from south of Canadian Avenue to north of the junction where it merges with the existing bus lane on Bromley Road. The Canadian Avenue exit lanes onto Bromley Road will be reduced from two to one lane by building-out the kerb and providing a raised table to reduce the speed of those turning left towards Catford.


    A staggered zebra crossing across Bromley Road is proposed south of the junction with Canadian Avenue, with shared use areas on either side for pedestrians and cyclists (although cyclists must dismount to use the crossing). A new informal crossing is also proposed just north of the junction with dropped kerbs and tactile paving.

    The pedestrian refuge opposite St Laurence Church will be relocated further south towards Penerley Road where the road is slightly wider, so that the proposed cycle lane is a consistent 2 metres in width.

    Please see the drawing for more details:

    The width restriction into Canadian Avenue will remain.

    Given no unforeseen delays we intend to make these improvements in Autumn 2014.

    How to comment on the proposals:

    Please give us your views by completing the online form below by Friday 28 February 2014.

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  • Farnborough Alexandra Road cycle facilities consultation

    Created by Charlie Halliday // 5 threads

    Proposal to address Farnborough Town Action Plan reference CW39. Issue: Alexandra Road, safety, pedestrian and cycle links.
    Consultation documents may be downloaded from:
    They are also on view in the reception area at Rushmoor Borough Council Offices, Farnborough Road during the consultation period

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