TfL Consultation: Proposed improvements at the junction of Mile End Road and Burdett Road

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Added by Shaun McDonald

Transport for London (TfL) is working with interested parties - including cycling, road user and safety organisations - to review and improve cycling provision at junctions. As part of this work, we have developed proposals to improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists at the junction of Mile End Road and Burdett Road.

Why We Are Consulting
About the proposed changes:

Our review of the current junction layout showed that there is an above average level of collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists coming into conflict with turning vehicles.

The proposed improvements are shown on the attached plan and include:

Removal of the slip roads to reduce the potential for conflict between vehicles and cyclists.

Reducing crossing distances and number of crossings for pedestrians

New mandatory cycle lanes on Mile End Road and Grove Road to allow cyclists easier access to the advanced stop line.

Increased cycle parking around the junction.

Wider traffic islands, new trees and levelled footways.

New street lighting system to be combined with traffic signals to create more space on the footways.

To incorporate the above benefits, we will also need to change the traffic lights operation to allow vehicles to exit Grove Road and Burdett Road at the same time.

Please click here to view the map for further information on our proposals. We plan to begin works in early 2013.

How to comment on the proposals:

Please give us your views by completing the online consultation form below. You can also contact TfL’s Consultation Team at: Please let us know your views by 10 December 2012

About the Better Junctions programme:

TfL is making it easier and safer for people to cycle in London. As part of this work, we’re meeting with a number of different organisations to review and improve junctions on the Barclays Cycle Superhighways and the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). We’re planning a variety of improvements, ranging from initial upgrades at some locations, to more substantial and innovative redevelopment at others. Please see for more information.


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