Things tagged 'consultation'

571 issues found for 'consultation':

  • Dulwich Village - Covid-19 Experimental Travel Measures

    Created by James London Cyclist // 0 threads

    Southwark is committed to quickly rolling out schemes to make travel safe and healthy as lockdown eases. Dulwich has been identified as a priority.

    We have now installed the experimental measures below to re-purpose the street space for pedestrians, cyclists, the local community and businesses:

    - a closure of Calton Avenue south of Gilkes Crescent

    - a closure on Court Lane at the Calton Avenue junction

    - a closure of Calton Avenue at the Dulwich Village junction

    We want to hear from you about the effects of these closures.

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  • Barnet Draft Long Term Transport Strategy 2020-2041 Consultation

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Update: Strategy adopted by Environment Committee on 09/09/2020

    "Barnet’s population is growing and by 2030 it will have grown to almost 450,000 people, with a significant increase in the older population. We want to ensure that transport in the borough can support this growth and provides a reliable, safe and convenient transport network which supports improvements to air quality and the health of all of our residents."

    "There is also limited road space in the borough and with the projected population growth, congestion can only be addressed by reducing our reliance on the car and encouraging more sustainable and active ways to travel such as walking, cycling and public transport."

    "Our proposed Long Term Transport Strategy sets a direction for change to offer greater choices for travel, encourage more active lifestyles which will increase the health and well-being of Barnet’s residents and improve air quality. The strategy also sets out a number of proposed schemes for each type of travel along with activities to help change behaviour and encourage positive changes to the way we currently travel."


    Our vision

    The strategy includes the following vision statement relating to our long term vision for transport in the borough:

    By 2041, Barnet will have an efficient, convenient and reliable transport network, which enables safe, healthy and inclusive travel, protects the natural environment and supports the borough’s growth.

    The network will have transformed the way people and goods travel, providing strong orbital and radial links which gives everyone a choice of transport modes to complete their journey regardless of age, ability or income.

    This vision informs our proposals for the future of transport in the borough, and sets out a roadmap for achieving our vision which also complements other council policies such as the Growth Strategy(External link), the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy(External link), and the draft Local Plan(External link)."

     online questionnaire(External link).

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  • Bow Liveable Streets consultation

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    Liveable Streets is a multi-million pound borough-wide street and public space improvement programme. It aims to improve the look and feel of public spaces in neighbourhoods across the borough and make it easier, safer, and more convenient to get around by foot and bike.

    We’ve listened to your concerns on issues including:

    • The volume and speed of vehicles in residential areas
    • Unfriendly pavements, public spaces and poor crossings for pedestrians
    • Hostile environments for cyclists, particularly for children

    We would now like to hear your feedback on the proposals, which you can do by filling out the below survey by Wednesday 29 July 2020.

    What is proposed and why are these proposals important?

    Every day there are over 33,000 journeys within the Bow area. Of these, 49% are vehicles travelling through the area and not stopping. This means over 16,000 journeys are from non-residents of the local area and these vehicles are contributing to the already unacceptable levels of air pollution on your streets, outside your schools and around your local shops.

    The Liveable Streets proposals will help improve road safety, public spaces, air quality and give the streets back to the residents. However to achieve this some local residents who want to drive may have to travel longer distances.

    Seven main schemes have been developed to improve walking and cycling, create better public spaces, discourage through-traffic and improve air quality. We are proposing traffic changes and calming measures to make local streets safer for everyone. Pedestrian improvements, better street lighting, tree planting and cycling infrastructure are also considered.

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  • Victoria Quarter Development

    Created by JonC // 3 threads

    • 692 much-needed new homes, including 35% affordable (242 homes) This is almost double the 2017 planning consent.
    • Creating a transition to Victoria Recreation Ground, improving public access and delivering new landscaping
    • 404 new car parking spaces, with 79 at the surface and the remainder undercroft
    • 1,317 new cycle parking spaces
    • 615sqm of mixed-use commercial space
    • New public realm and associated landscaping
    • Access and connectivity improvements

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  • Kentish Town Healthy Streets Project

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council wants to improve the Kentish Town area, including improving air quality and making walking and cycling easier and safer.  The area included is shown on the attached map on which we have added blue lines to show the links in the Camden cycle network in this area. See map image with the Issue.

    Camden has already been engaging with stakeholders at meetings and with local people via the Commonplace engagement  map (see link).

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  • Barnet Draft Local Plan

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    The Local Plan is the key planning document for Barnet. This is your chance to influence its content.

    • sets out a vision for how Barnet will change as a place over the next 15 years
    • will replace the existing 2012 Local Plan
    • Chapter 11 covers transport and communication
    • You can also invite us to attend a meeting to present the Local Plan and feedback your views.

    Public Events:

    Date Time Location
    5th February 2020 6.30-8.00pm St Paul's, 50 Long Ln, Finchley, N3 2PU
    10th February 2020 6.30-8.00pm Barnet Council, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW
    11th February 2020 6.30-8.00pm Barnet House, 1255 High Rd, N20 0EJ
    4th March 2020 7.00-10.00pm 3 Resident's Area Forums at:
    • Chipping Barnet Library, 3 Stapylton Rd, EN5 4QT
    • Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, Hendon, NW4 4BG
    • Finchley Church End Library, 318-320, Gateway House, Regents Park Rd, Finchley, N3 2LN

    More info. and feedback options are availabvle on the link given in the issue.

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  • Cycleway between Sutton High Street and Colliers Wood - Proposals in Sutton

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 2 threads

    Sutton Council is working in partnership with Transport for London (TfL) and Merton Council on a new Cycleway project running between Sutton High Street and Colliers Wood.

    This is an informal public consultation to:

    • Gather feedback on a proposed 20mph speed limit
    • Find out ideas and suggestions on how best to reduce non local through-traffic cutting through the area

    (my emphasis)

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  • Foresters Drive Highway Improvement Programme

    Created by Marcus Howarth // 1 thread


    We are proposing three traffic safety measures on Foresters Drive at its junction with Great Woodcote Park, Mollison Drive and Apledoorn Drive, Wallington.

    We are focusing on the section of Foresters Drive between Great Woodcote Park and Mollison Drive, which is forming phase 1 of the programme ready for consultation. Phase 1 consists of the following proposals;

    1. Mini-roundabout at Mollison Drive at its junction with Foresters Drive (to slow traffic and assist pedestrians) and associated parking restrictions
    2. Kerb build-out (footway extension) at Apeldoorn Drive at its junction of Foresters Drive (to improve visibility of the junction) and associated parking restrictions
    3. Mini-roundabout at Great Woodcote Park at its junction with Foresters Drive (to slow traffic and assist pedestrians) and associated parking restrictions

    All of the above proposals are shown in the overview plan below and details of each proposal are shown on the next page. 

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  • The Royal Parks' draft Movement Strategy

    Created by Simon Munk // 2 threads

    The Royal Park says:
    "The Royal Parks is embarking on an exciting and ambitious journey to develop a Movement Strategy that will influence movement and transportation throughout our parks and London.

    What is the Movement Strategy?

    The Movement Strategy will set a long-term vision for how park visitors will move within, access and subsequently experience the parks.

    The strategy will include a comprehensive exploration of all movement and access related issues and opportunities that are relevant to the parks both now and into the foreseeable future.

    This will include (but is not limited to) increasing safety for all park users, reducing the impact of vehicle-based traffic and reducing conflict between different modes.

    How will it be developed?

    To develop the strategy, we will utilise an evidence-based approach to explore all current and future movement opportunities. Input from key stakeholders, including the general public, will be a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.

    Engagement Phase One – Now Open.

    We are seeking input from key partners including the general public, Transport for London, neighbouring boroughs and all interested parties. This input is a critical component in exploring possibilities, conflicts and issues that will inform the creation of the strategy.This discussion paper sets out the draft aim and principles for our Movement Strategy. These summarise our aspirations and provide the basis for developing a series of bold projects and proposals across all eight parks."

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  • Cycleway Shepherd's Bush to Notting Hill

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Council says:

    Encouraging cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. We want to make sure cycling is safe, easy, attractive and inclusive for all. We are also concerned about the impacts of poor air quality on our residents, and believe making cycle trips safer is part of the solution to providing alternatives to motor vehicle trips. We hope that new and existing cyclists alike will appreciate being able to use clearly signed routes along quiet side streets.

    We are consulting on a new cycle route - incorporating a section of route we have already consulted on - which serves our communities in Shepherd’s Bush, Holland Park and Notting Hill Gate. The route has been co-designed alongside major resident's associations and local cycling champions.

    The route begins at Holland Park Roundabout, passes through the large paved space between Holland Park Roundabout and Norland Road, then progresses the length of Queensdale Road until it joins a route that we have previously consulted on, and which we will be building in mid-2020.  The new route then picks up again at Clarendon Road, turns into St John’s Gardens and along Lansdowne Crescent before crossing Ladbroke Grove and into Kensington Park Gardens.  Crossing Kensington Park Road, it progresses down Chepstow Villas before meeting a route due for implementation by May 2020.  Please see the cycle route map below for the full alignment.

    In general, the measures that we are proposing are designed to reduce the speed and volume of traffic – where our surveys have suggested these are higher than permitted under TfL’s Cycle Route Quality Criteria – and to reduce the risk of conflict at junctions. The route does not propose fully segregated cycle lanes along the alignment, apart from on the approach to the Kensington Park Road junction. As with all our cycle routes, if implemented, the route will be monitored annually to ensure our proposals have secured the levels of speed and traffic volume appropriate to a cycleway.

    We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the new cycleway. Please read the following information carefully before filling in the questionnaire no later than 22 March 2020.

    Proposed changes

    At the junction of Queensdale Road/St Ann’s Villas, a new raised table is proposed, aiming to encourage drivers to slow down where cyclists and pedestrians are crossing. 

    On Lansdowne Road, at the junction with St John’s Gardens, we are proposing to permit two-way cycling in this section of one-way road. To facilitate this, we propose to cut back the build out on the western side, providing more carriageway space to allow a short section of cycle lane. This short lane will help warn drivers that the road is two-way for cyclists, and encourage cyclists and vehicles to correctly position themselves at this junction. 

    Where Lansdowne Crescent meets Ladbroke Grove, we are proposing to close Lansdowne Crescent to enable cyclists to safely reach a new proposed parallel crossing facility across the busy Ladbroke Grove. Vehicles will still be able to use St John’s Gardens. To facilitate a new turning circle for vehicles at the proposed ‘cul-de-sac’ end of Lansdowne Crescent, we are proposing removal of three resident parking bays.

    To allow cyclists to cross Ladbroke Grove, we are proposing upgrading the current zebra crossing to a parallel crossing (that can be used by both pedestrians and cyclists) and extensions to the footways on the eastern side to provide small areas of shared-space footway.

    On Kensington Park Gardens, where traffic speeds are on the high side, we are proposing three sinusoidal road humps and an entry treatment at the junction with Ladbroke Grove. Sinusoidal humps are designed so that when driving or cycling over them at lower speeds, they are more comfortable to drive over than traditional humps, but if travelling at an inappropriate speed, they cause a noticeable ‘bump,’ encouraging slower speeds. We know that some people are concerned that road humps contribute to poor air quality, when they lead to drivers braking and accelerating hard. We have designed the proposals in line with government guidance on the correct spacing between the humps to avoid hard braking and acceleration. We have recently introduced sinusoidal humps in St James’s Gardens and we also use them when we resurface roads with traditional humps – for example, Abbotsbury Road already features some sinusoidal humps. 

    We are proposing some restrictions at the junction of Kensington Park Gardens/Kensington Park Road/Chepstow Villas, where traffic flows are high on both Chepstow Villas and Kensington Park Road

    Kensington Park Gardens will be entry only from Kensington Park Road. Traffic will still be able to access and exit Kensington Park Gardens at the western junction with Ladbroke Grove.

    At the junction of Kensington Park Road and Chepstow Villas, traffic exiting Chepstow Villas will have to turn left (south). Traffic would not be able to enter Chepstow Villas from Kensington Park Road, but vehicles will be still be able to access and exit Chepstow Villas at the eastern junction with Portobello Road

    These proposals would reduce rat-running through Chepstow Villas and Kensington Park Gardens and enable the introduction of a short section of segregated bi-directional cycle path and a new parallel ‘tiger’ crossing for pedestrians and cyclists across Kensington Park Road. We are also proposing some changes to the planting in Chepstow Villas, with the addition of new planters and potentially a rain garden. Should the proposals go ahead, we will monitor the effects of any traffic displacement carefully to see if further changes are required on neighbouring roads.

    At the junction of Chepstow Villas/Portobello Road - where we know many of our residents and tourists cross regularly to explore Portobello Road - we are proposing a raised table and footway extensions to encourage slower vehicle speeds where cyclists and pedestrians are crossing the junction. 

    What happens next?

    A full report of the results of the consultation will be presented to the Executive Director for Environment and Communities, who will then make a decision on whether the proposed changes should be implemented. 

    After this consultation, should the initial response be positive, the Council will be carrying out further statutory consultation in order to amend traffic orders to facilitate implementation of the proposals.

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  • A41 Finchley Road - Swiss Cottage to Childs Hill

    Created by JonC // 0 threads

    TfL propose bus and walking improvements along Finchley Road between Hillgrove Road (Swiss Cottage) and Hendon Way (Childs Hill),

    No direct references to improving cycling along this route. Mostly in Camden. 

    Only the Hendon Way junction is in Barnet. See Barnet Cyclists issue A41-A598 Burgess Hill for discussion of that junction.

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  • A23 Streatham Hill Cycleway

    Created by Simon Still // 2 threads

    Our proposals at a glance  

    Transport for London (TfL), together with Lambeth Council would like to know your views on proposals for improvements which will include:

    • High quality segregated cycle lanes and bus stop bypasses throughout the extent of the scheme
    • Straight-across pedestrian crossings relocated to be where people want to walk and cross the road
    • Zebra crossings proposed to cross the cycle lane to signalised pedestrian crossings across the main carriageway
    • 2 additional pedestrian crossings
    • Bus lanes maintained or implemented and operational hours extended to between 07:00 - 19:00 Monday to Saturday throughout the scheme
    • 20mph speed limit throughout
    • Changes to side road access including restrictions and closures, redesign and resurfacing
    • New traffic signals at the Telford Avenue junction
    • Improvements to public realm throughout the route, unlocking areas by removing central brick build planters and planting of new trees and landscaping
    • Changes to some parking and loading provision  

    To complement this scheme we have been working with Lambeth Council to develop a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in the nearby residential areas to the east of the A23. This will complement the A23 scheme by protecting local streets from through traffic and will help deliver wider objectives such as creating Healthy Routes on local roads. Visit the consultation page of Lambeth’s website from the 22 February 2020 to find out more.  

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  • Hounslow Climate Emergency Action Plan

    Created by Hounslow Cycling Campaign // 1 thread

    London Borough of Hounslow says that "In June 2019, Hounslow Council declared a climate emergency. In recognition of the urgent threat posed by climate change, we have committed to reducing council emissions to net zero by 2030, as well as working with residents and businesses to help reduce their own carbon emissions.[...]  The draft Action Plan outlines seven key programmes for reducing Council direct carbon emissions, and in acknowledging the Council’s community leadership role, we have developed a further six programmes to address borough-wide emissions."

    The document setting out the proposed Action Plan is long and somewhat long-winded, as is the way of these things.  The seven internal programmes and six external ones are outlined in easy-to-read graphics on pp40-41 and pp51-52 respectively.

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