Things tagged 'shoreditch'

4 issues found for 'shoreditch':

  • Clifton Street/Worship Street

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    Hackney Council are proposing to filter out through motor traffic to create a new public square. Access for drivers would be maintained to the adjacent streets. The square would permit cycling. Comments by Saturday 3rd November please, so that they can be included in our response to Hackney Council.

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  • Future Shoreditch

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    Hackney Council are consulting on Shoreditch's future planning frameworks. The plan acknowledges the negative effects of current traffic levels for people walking and cycling, and the area's character and air quality. There are a number of good suggestions for improvements to traffic management in the full document from page 82 onwards.

    My first reaction is simply that we should offer our support in general terms, but if members have further thoughts on this, please could you share them by 21st February so I can include them in our response.

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  • City Fringe Ultra Low Emission Streets

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    Hackney, Islington and Tower Hamlets are collaborating to cut air pollution in the area they are referring to as the 'City Fringe'.

    As part of this, they are proposing 'Ultra Low Emission Streets' in the Old Street/Great Eastern Street area. During peak hours (7-10 and 4-7 Monday-Friday) these streets would be restricted to people walking and cycling, local residents, and drivers of Ultra Low Emissions vehicles (electric or those emitting less than 75g CO2/km).

    The area includes the CS1 route along Paul Street.

    Full details:

    Please share any thoughts you have by Saturday 10th February so I can formulate a group response by the deadline (Wednesday 14th).

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  • Rivington Street and Charlotte Road Pedestrian, Cycle and Air Quality Improvemen

    Natalie G // 1 thread

    Rivington Street between Great Eastern Street and Garden Walk It is proposed to relocate the existing parking bays to improve the westbound cycle contraflow along this one-way road, making it safer for cyclists travelling in the opposite direction towards oncoming traffic.

    The current cycle contraflow arrangement forces cyclists to ride very close to parked vehicles increasing the risk of collisions when someone opens the door on the path of a cyclist.

    The current arrangement also encourages travelling westbound cyclists to ride in the middle of the road risking a head on collision with a vehicle travelling eastbound.

    The Proposals include:

    Relocating the existing permit holders and motorcycle parking bays located on the southern side of Rivington Street, to the other side of the road. The overall number of permit holders and motorcycle parking spaces in this section of Rivington Street will

    not change.

    Relocating the parking bays to the northern side of Rivington Street will make this section safer for cyclists, making it more attractive and encouraging more people to cycle along this route and the wider Q13.

    2 Rivington Street – Charlotte Road junction

    This junction is a place where local workers, residents and visitors pass through, but at the moment it is a confusing place with insufficient identity that doesn’t cater to its Hackney wants to improve the public realm at the Rivington Street – Charlotte Road junction, bringing benefits for the local community and making walking and cycling at this location easier and more accessible.

    The Proposals include:

    Raising the junction and the approaches and using different materials to encourage drivers to slow down, making it safer for people walking and cycling at the junction.

    Introducing a shared space area at the junction with a kerb-free flat surface with no barriers, allowing pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles to occupy the same space, with more freedom of movement.

    Enhancing the public realm to improve the overall value of the junction, including high quality materials to improve aesthetics and recognise the architectural quality of adjoining buildings.

    Removing kerbs to allow easier movement around for wheelchair users, the elderly and those with pushchairs.

    Relocating the motorcycle parking bay on Charlotte Road (north) to the other side of the road to create deflection and reduce vehicle speeds on the southbound approach to the junction.

    Relocating the cycle parking on Charlotte Road (north) to Charlotte Road (south) toimprove access and minimising the use of traffic signs and road markings to reduce clutter.

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4 threads found for 'shoreditch':

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