Things tagged 'eastsheen'

7 issues found for 'eastsheen':

  • Sheen Road _ Pedestrian Crossing Consultation

    Created by Ross // 2 threads

    Let's see what happens!

    Council Plans to change the Zebra crossing in this area. RCC responded to try to shape the plans to encourage more cycling and walking.
    Sheen Road Zebra Crossing Proposed Upgrade - Response from Richmond Cycling Campaign (RCC)

    RCC is in general supportive of improving crossings when the upgrades benefit both pedestrians and cyclists. This proposal unfortunately has not fully thought through the interaction of cyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles, unfortunately we cannot support it in its current form.

    RCC would recommend that the scheme is implemented with the changes outlined below. The recommended changes will ensure that vulnerable road users safety is prioritised and the comfort of the cycling and pedestrian experience is enhanced:

    The crossing should be raised to slow approaching vehicles. Vehicle speeds are too high in this area, particularly considering the proximity to a primary school.
    Removal of the central refuge to create a single stage crossing is to be applauded. This will remove a cycle pinch point and will correctly prioritise pedestrians over other road users.
    The new road space that is created by the removal of the central refuge should be used to extend the existing mandatory cycle lanes on each side of the carriageway. It is our understanding that the 2015 TSRGD (traffic signs regulations and general directions) will permit the extension of the cycle lanes over the crossing. The work should pay heed to this so that this can be incorporated when the new regulations go live.
    Keep the zebra crossing. RCC cannot support the removal of the zebra crossing at this location, changing to a traffic light controlled crossing, prioritises vehicular traffic over pedestrians and those on bicycles. It is RCC’s belief that concerns, from users, that vehicles are not stopping in a timely fashion at this location are due to excessive speeds rather than the style of crossing. As mentioned earlier lower speeds should be achieved through a raised crossing to make the zebra crossing more effective. An enhanced zebra crossing keeps priority with the most vulnerable road users.
    The proposal suggests widening the pavement to make the crossing shorter. This would only have a marginal impact on the time to cross. The pavements should not be widened since this will not permit a continuous cycle lane. It will force cyclists to pull in front of fast moving motor vehicles, creating a new pinch point and hazard for cyclists.
    The railings on either side of the road should be removed. TfL research has shown that these encourage high traffic speeds and do little to protect vulnerable road users.

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  • Make Sheen Lane, from Park Gate to Mortlake Railway station, a safe route for cycling to school

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Sheen Lane provides access to a number of schools, yet is a busy route with no space allocated for cycling. It should be safe for children to make their way to the numerous local schools by bicycle, and it would open up access to Richmond Park for visitors who wanted to cycle from Mortlake Station. Measures such as 20mph and traffic calming are needed here, along with re-alignment of parking..

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  • Sheen Lane Traffic Calming

    Created by Ross // 1 thread

    Sheen Lane provides access to a number of schools, yet is a busy route with no space allocated for cycling. It should be safe for children to make their way to the numerous local schools by bicycle, and it would open up access to Richmond Park for visitors who wanted to cycle from Mortlake Station. The junction with the South Circular is especially unpleasant for both cycling and walking, and deeply unwelcoming.

    How to do this: Raised zebra crossing at Vicarage Road, Palmerston Road and E Sheen Library, 20 mph signs to continue park speed limit to Mortlake station, removal of centre lane white lines, toucan crossing at A205 to allow cyclists to cross, with care, at same time as pedestrians, advanced stop boxes at level crossing and A205 junction, wider pavement on East side between York Way and Wayside - should be wide enough for a pushchair, improved signage and right turn access to North/South Worple Way - these are underused ward quiet routes leading to several primary schools and nurseries.
    Sheen Lane is a key route in the ward, cycle volume could increase dramatically with some minor road improvements. Calming and reducing traffic on Sheen Lane would encourage recreational and school commuting cyclists to use this route more frequently. Sheen Lane as a pleasant cycle route would provide quiet cycle link routes to many schools; Tower house, Thomson House, Sheen Mount, Barnes, Ibstock, Mary Magdalens and also link together tens of miles of Thames Path and Richmond Park traffic free routes that could be enjoyed by cyclists from 8 - 80. It would attract more recreational cyclists to get off at Mortlake station and spend money and time on our high street.

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  • Mortlake Station footbridge

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    Footbridges at Mortlake railway station should be fitted with troughs to enable cyclists to easily wheel bicycles to the other platform. Cyclists frequently carry bicycles over the footbridge, as per the photo - one going in each direction!

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  • Palewell Fields pedestrian route - obstruction

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    The path linking Bank Lane to Palewell Fields is currently pedestrian only, with gates across it. Opening this up to cyclists would improve permeability and provide a quiet route to Richmond Park Academy school from Roehampton (east-west); and to Ibstock Place school from Sheen (west-east).

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6 threads found for 'eastsheen':

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