Things tagged 'walking'

31 issues found for 'walking':

  • East Road-safe cycle route needed to ARU and Petersfield

    Created by jennifer Kirner // 1 thread

    I am bringing up the problem that cyclists and pedestrians have crossing East Road to get to ARU and the neighbouring residential area. It would be helpful have a discussion about how to create safe routes in this area and how to get them implemented.

    When I am cycling, I find it dangerous and difficult to cross East Road from Petersfield or Bradmore Street and I resort to using the pedestrian crossings with my bike because it is.
    This area that really needs addressing for improvements to safe cycling and I don’t understand why given the expansion of ARU this has not been addressed.

    The junction of Mill Road/East Road is also pretty scary for cyclists and pedestrians. The crossing at the slip road at the corner of Petersfield is difficult for pedestrians because it has no traffic controls and cars come quickly round this corner making it dangerous for anyone who is not alert , who is not tall enough to see, or who can't move quickly. This includes the young, the old, someone in a wheelchair. I wouldn't fancy pushing a child in a buggy across either.
    Basically, it seems to me that the Junction and East road are designed for motor vehicles and traffic flow not for pedestrians and cyclists. Can we try and address this?

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  • Access Walden

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 0 threads

    Access Walden is a campaign group based in Saffron Walden.

    Their objective is to create a safe walking and cycling link between their town centre and Audley End railway station, a journey of two miles.

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  • Golden Ball Street, Westlegate 2015 redesign

    Created by Richard Jennings // 1 thread

    Norfolk County Council with Norwich City Council are proposing changes to Westlegate, St Stephens Street, Golden Ball Street, Farmers Avenue, Ber Street and Cattle Market Street that include closing some streets to motor traffic and making Golden Ball Street two way.

    Generally access for people cycling will be improved in this area and motor traffic reduced. We are considering how well the proposed designs meet the needs of those cycling through the area.

    Consultation closed on 27 July 2015.

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  • Outside Barmy Arms

    Created by Jon G // 1 thread

    The road outside the Barmy Arms pub, Twickenham Embankment, used to be closed to motor traffic by a single line of posts with cycle logos painted on the road between two of these, clearly showing there is a cycle route there.
    Recently this has been replaced with two lines of posts about 3m apart and there are no cycle route markers. This is leading pedestrians to reasonably assume that the area between the posts is for pedestrians only and to stand there in groups with drinks from the pub, creating conflicts with cyclists trying to ride through the area. The existence of the cycle route should once again be indicated by signs or painted cycle symbols.

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  • North Newtown area: removing unnecessary traffic

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    The Newtown area (basically between the Botanic Gardens and Lensfield Road on the inner ring road) is a mass of one-way streets, rat-running vehicles, children being dropped off to the schools rather than cycling, and so on.

    We should take the opportunity to work with locals to improve the area.

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  • Roehampton Lane, Upper Richmond Road, Rocks Road junction

    Created by timlennon // 0 threads

    Letter for TfL, copied to RCC, by local resident:

    I am a resident of the Dover House Estate area and regularly use the crossroads of the Upper Richmond Road (A206) with Roehampton Lane and Rocks Lane (A306) as pedestrian, cyclist and/or car driver. There are three major issues with this junction which need to be addressed.

    The first is the pedestrian crossings, which are poorly timed/synchronised and inadequate. There is a significant volume of pedestrian traffic to and from the station and bus stops and the university, yet to cross the road safely using the crossings can easily add 5 mins to the journey. This is mainly as there are push button crossings on only two of the four arms of the junction, a third having provision to cross which requires too much calculated risk (and insufficient island space considering the probability of standing in the middle for some time), and the fourth having no sensible provision at all. There is a high proportion of children using the crossing - with buggies, scooters, bikes, and on the south west corner insufficient pavement space for the volume of pedestrian traffic at peak times. The timing/synchronisation of the green men requires pedestrians to stand in the middle islands for an overly long period of time - during which time they cannot help but notice the very high level of exhaust fumes. Given that the only traffic flowing south along the A306 and allowed to turn right on to the A205 is buses and cycles, the extended wait for the green man in the middle of the A205 to head south seems unnecessary. Heading north there is a similarly unnecessary wait for the green man, as motorised traffic heading east along the A205 is also at a red light while that heading north on the A306 is on green.

    The second major problem is the filter lane for motorists turning right off the A205 into the A306 to head north. This only operates at peak times, leaving motorists with a choice between being stuck in the middle waiting for a second round of lights or skipping through an amber or red light (frequently even though they were first in the queue). There is simply too much traffic heading east to not have the filter light operating for a greater part of the day. Even when the filter light is in operation it is for such an insufficiently short period that unless you are among the first three cars you are almost certainly going to wait for at least two rounds of lights - at peak times I have waited for the fifth round of lights. This in turn causes a tail back and high levels of air pollution.

    The third major problem is the lack of cycle ways. There is a large number of cyclists on both these major roads but for something like a 500m radius around this junction there is no cycle way despite it bring both possible and dangerous without. The temporary narrowing of Barnes Station bridge only exacerbates the situation and since being put there some years ago seems to have been forgotten. This area is a real hole in the cycle way network and a blackspot considering the attractive options in every direction coming into/out of it.

    The junction is an accident just waiting to happen on many levels. I would be grateful if you could me a detailed response to each of the points I raise with where at all possible a timetable for when they can each be expected to be resolved.

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