Things tagged 'rcc_mainroute'

47 issues found for 'rcc_mainroute':

  • Star and Garter Hill

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    Can we include the Star and Garter Hill in our list of shared footpaths (actually a footway in this case). Slow-moving cyclists travelling up the hill from Petersham Gate to Richmond Gate have difficulty with fast passing cars on the hill who overtake too closely. This does not occur in the downhill direction because cyclists can travel much faster. The suggested solution is to permit cycling on the footway up the hill only. There are very few pedestrians and in any case the cyclists will necessarily be travelling very slowly so they would cause no problems. The traffic signals at the bottom of the hill would need some alteration to facilitate cyclists crossing from the Petersham Road onto the footway up the hill.

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  • Petersham Road

    Created by Dylan // 1 thread

    There is a fairly good cycle lanes from Kingston towards Richmond up until you reach the Richmond Council border where Richmond Road (A307) turns into the Upper Ham Road (A307) and eventually Petersham Road (A307). At traffic lights along this route there are reserved areas for cyclists but along the roads there is nothing to remind drivers that cyclists share the road especially when the road narrows after Sandy Lane through Petersham. The road surface here is terrible and the speed bumps are pointless because some driver sprint between the bumps.

    The best solution would be to remove the cyclists from this route altogether by upgrading the Thames Path to create a proper cycle path along the River Thames towards Richmond that currently stops at Teddington Lock. If a cycle/foot bridge linking Ham with Twickenham was built over Eel Pie along this route it would create an obvious link for those want to reach Twickenham.

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  • Queens Road - pavement cycling school run

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    Doing the school run on bikes - with hiviz, helmets and cycling on the pavement. Queens Road, Richmond, northbound. Cyclists feel vulnerable due to high traffic volumes. There is a wide pavement and wide road here; with enough space to create a dedicated cyclepath.

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  • Sheen Road - more pavement cycling

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    This dad with kids in a trailer clearly doesn't feel safe enough to use the bike lane so he cycles on the pavement. Probably because he's on the way to one of the 7 schools or nurseries near to this route; and the cars are doing 40mph on that nice wide road. This is a regular sight on this route.

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  • A316 Cycle Lane - Priority over side roads

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    I have serious concerns about the safety of this portion of the bike path; arising from its recent re-design. Recently my 10 year old son was in a very close “near-miss” with a car turning off the A316 into Bicester Road; and I believe many more similar incidents are likely occurring. Eventually someone will be seriously hurt or killed on it.

    However, the improvement in the track leads cyclists to feel more confident in using it – giving a false sense of security.

    In particular:
    • The segregated track makes it particularly appealing for inexperienced and more vulnerable cyclists (such as kids).
    • This track design leads to an increase in the cyclists speed.
    • The smooth/quick nature of the track leads inexperienced cyclists to believe that THEY HAVE RIGHT OF WAY across side roads.
    • There are no markings on the roads to tell drivers coming in or out of side roads that cyclists could be on the track crossing their path.
    • There is a particular challenge for EASTBOUND cyclists.

    To avoid stopping at every side road, when on the track travelling Eastbound (as per red arrow on photo) approaching roads such as Bicester road, the cyclist has to simultaneously
    (a) check to their FRONT/LEFT side to see if a car is exiting the side road
    (b) check BEHIND them on their REAR/ RIGHT hand side to see if a car is about to swing off the A316 into the side road (usually at speed) - (as per orange arrow on photo).

    This is a hard combination to perform – looking 180 degrees opposite directions at the same time. If you are an inexperienced cyclist, on an apparently safe track, it is very likely that you will not realise you have to be this vigilant and not check adequately for cars.

    Hence, my boy rode across Bicester road from the east and was very nearly hit by a car turning off the A316.

    (Note that travelling from the west is somewhat easier as both the vehicles turning in from the A316 and those turning out from the side roads are in your front field of vision).

    My suggestions for improving this situation are:
    (1) Clearly mark the bike track across the side roads so cars are aware there are cyclists approaching from the side.
    (2) Ideally, give cyclists priority across the side roads; so making cars slow to a halt and making it more intuitive for cyclists.
    (3) To facilitate this, would require some stopping space for traffic coming on/off the A316 to after the bike track crossing

    At roads such as Bicester road the bike track could be curved to the south by about 2m before crossing the side road – this curve in the track would
    (a) naturally slow cyclists down as they approach the side road
    (b) would provide vehicles moving onto the A316 a decent gap so they can separate the concerns of first negotiating the bike track then focus on getting on the A316;
    (c) for vehicles coming off the A316 the additional space would give them space to stop and give way to cyclists.

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  • Route Twickenham - Hampton Wick

    Created by Paul L // 1 thread

    Between Twickenham and Teddington lock the only sensible route involves the main road A310. The cycle lane southbound is narrow and parking is allowed by Radnor Gdns. at weekends. Northbound a bus lane is peak hours only.

    Teddington to Hampton Wick uses Broom Road which is busier than ideal. Road closure in middle would help.

    Hampton Wick Highstreet lacks cycle protection. Possible diversion to riverside path.

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  • Richmond Athletic Association carpark exit

    Created by Paul James // 1 thread

    The exit from the car park crosses the shared use path and is blind from the drivers POV if they stop at the give way markings. This means that drivers will move blindly across the shared use path without being able to see cycles moving along the path.

    The solution is to close the gate to motor traffic.

    The carpark is accessible from both the driveway to Pools on the Park and from Kew Foot Road and the entrance from Pools on the Park would appear adequate to act as both an entrance and an exit.

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  • Kew Road - no cycling provision, pavement cycling

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 1 thread

    Southern stretch of Kew road is a busy road, wide enough for cycling provision, but none is provided - southbound has protection of a bus lane for a stretch but north bound has no protection for cyclists at all. This frequently leads to pavement cycling as per the photo.

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  • Sheen Road - Pinch Point

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    Pinch point outside Courtlands on Sheen Road. Despite resurfacing, pinch point has not been addressed. Because of the poor road layout vehicles frequently encroach into the cycle lane. At off peak times the wide road encourages speeding - vehicles often approach this pinch point at 40mph.

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  • Upper Richmond Rd West / Sheen Rd v2

    Created by Andrew Woodward // 0 threads

    Pinch-point at zebra crossing where cyclists are forced to share space with traffic that is often speeding. Cars try to squeeze past cyclists or brake suddenly. Cars frequently speed up to 40mph on approach to this crossing.

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20 threads found for 'rcc_mainroute':

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