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153 issues found for 'Camden':

  • TfL consultation on junction Farringdon Road/Calthorpe Street/Margery Street

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 2 threads

    N-S Cycle Superhighway consultation

    TfL proposed that the N-S Cycle Superhighway should stop at Greville Street but LCC's response to the consultation stated that the route should continue on Farringdon Road to at least the junction with Calthorpe and Margery Street (under discussion here).

    After the consultation TfL replied that they would explore options north of Stonecutter Street(which is actually south of Greville Street!). The N-S Cycle Superhighway may be completed by Spring 2016 but we have no date for it being extended any further north.

    Link to our discussion on CycleScape


    Junction Kings Cross Road/Farringdon Road/Calthorpe Street/Margery Street

    See consultation on TfL's website at:

    which has a link to their junction plan

    Plan to build September 2015


    TfL's proposals include the following:

    On Farringdon Road - Grays Inn Road

    - right turn pocket for northbound cyclists turning into Margery Street

    -1.5 m advisory cycle lane on Kings Cross Road for cyclists travelling southbound with one instead of two motor lanes and on northbound carriageway north of the junction

    - footway build outs

    Calthorpe Street

    - longer ASL and low-level early release signals

    - footway build out

    Margery Street
    - widen contraflow
    - longer ASL box and low-level early release signals

    Immediate issues:

    - no space for cycling on Farringdon Road south of the junction

    - northbound approach on Farringdon Road left hook issue

    - no attempt to provide protection for cyclists crossing the junction; Farringdon Road is wide enough to put in the infrastructure needed for a separate signal stage for northbound cyclists or for "hold the left turn".

    - the early release signals are only as effective as a longer ASl box, not protecting cycles that arrive during the green stage.

    Dates: consultation 20 February 2015; reply due 6 April 2015.

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  • The TfL North-South cycle superhighway consultation

    Full details of the consultation are at:
    closing date for comments is 19 October 2014.

    Camden Cyclists we propose to send a response to this consultation on behalf of our members. This will focus only on the part within Camden (the section between Charterhouse Street and Euston Road - as detailed on the map attached). But note that the alignment of the route north of Greville Street is not agreed between Camden and TfL and is not formally considered a part of the consultation.

    So it makes sense to have two discussion threads for the sections in Camden south and north of Greville Street.

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  • King Cross Gyratory Redesign

    Issue now superseded by this issue discussing TfL's consultation:

    TfL, Camden Council, and Islington Council are currently developing plans to redesign the Kings Cross Gyratory and address some of the failures of the current gyratory layout.

    The current environment is very poor, and a real barrier to cycling. Fast, and congested one way traffic with 10-20,000 PCUs per day, and no cycle provision currently. Accessing the station from the east is almost impossible.

    The area has seen a number of cycle collisions including at least one fatality.

    To pre-empt the consultation due late 2015, we wanted to discuss what would be the best outcome for people on bikes.

    More information will be added when we know more, but for now, ideas please.

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  • Roadworks: Calthorpe Street

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    From June 1st for several weeks, Calthorpe Street will be one-way westbound for motor traffic to allow replacement of a gas main. We have negotiated with the contractor and Camden to allow contraflow eastbound cycling through the works, but please take care; this may be rescinded if there are any issues. At a later stage, Kings Cross Road will be closed southbound at the junction with Calthorpe Street.

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  • Planning Application to establish a parcel distribution centre in Spring Place,

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    Change of use from industrial (Class B2) to flexible industrial (Class B2)/ storage or distribution (Class B8)/ light industrial (Class E),

    If this is approved it will result in a continual flow of vans all day on Holmes Road and Grafton Road, both of which are already overloaded with traffic and have primary schools on them. Grafton Road is part of a Cycling Quiet Way between Camden Town and Highgate also connecting to Hampstead Heath (Constantine Road) and it is planned to upgrade this route to be part of cycleway C6

    We intend to submit an objection to the application and to coordinate our response with Inkerman Area Residents Association.

    Below is a first draft for our response. Please comment and suggest further points for inclusion.

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  • Kentish Town Planning Framework Consultation

    Created by John Chamberlain // 1 thread

    Camden have started consultation on a planning framework for Kentish Town, with specific focus on the Regis Road and Murphy's sites. We'll need to respond, though a cynical view might be that it is a waste of time, given that a similar exercise for the Morrison's site in Chalk Farm had no perceptible effect on the final grant of planning permission. There is a very short consultation period.

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  • Hawley Crescent vs Hawley Road

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    This issue is about our priorities for two way cycling in a pair of one way streets, the first north and the second south of the canal at Camden Lock:

    - Hawley Road runs one way eastbound between Chalk farm Road and Kentish Town road.

    - Hawley Crescent runs one way westbound from Kentish Town Road to Camden High Street

    Both of these roads are on our list of permeability issues but we are being asked to say which we would like to see tackled first.

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  • Kilburn High Road Liveable Neighbourhood

    Henry Lancashire // 1 thread

    Info from survey:
    "The London Borough of Brent and Sustrans are working together to explore ways in which the Kilburn High Road and surrounding area shown could be improved. Together we want to better meet the needs of the community to make it a more desireable place to walk, cycle and enjoy being in.
    London Borough of Brent and London Borough of Camden will submit a joint application to Transport for London's Liveable Neighbourhood programme in November 2018, which will incorporate suggestions made by the community."

    Brent Cyclists are forming our own response, to be sent by end of October 2018.

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  • Consultation on junction of Farringdon Street and West Smithfield / Snow Hill on

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    CS6 currently runs from Elephant and Castle to Stonecutter Street.

    Early in 2016, TfL with Camden and Islington Councils consulted on their proposal to extend CS6 northwards to Kings Cross. Our discussion and response are here:

    One of our main concerns was about the non-signalised junction of Farringdon Street with Snow Hill/West Smithfield.

    Therefore this proposal for a signal-controlled cycle crossing over Farringdon Street is welcome.

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  • Consultation on Cobden Junction

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 5 threads

    Camden Council proposes major improvements to Cobden junction – the junction of Camden High Street with Crowndale Road and Hampstead Road at its southern end.

    They propose the following measures:

    - eliminate the unnecessary northbound road on the east side of the island

    - gain extra footway space on the east side of the road (uses to include cycle parking, trees, seating)

    - widen the footway outside Mornington Crescent Station

    - safer, quicker and simpler pedestrian crossings

    - improved link for cyclists to the Mornington Crescent quiet route (from Arlington Road).

    - new ASL boxes with lead-in lanes on the approach to the junction from Eversholt Street, Crowndale Road and Hampstead Road.

    - re-site the statue of Richard Cobden and the war memorial

    Proposal for contraflow cycling on Crowndale Road:

    A few months ago, we were shown designs for a contraflow on Crowndale Road between Hampstead Road and Bayham Street with some junction changes at the latter to accommodate it. Unfortunately, this was rejected by TfL on the grounds that it would delay buses. This consultation notes that the layout has been designed to accommodate the contraflow at a future date.

    This consultation also says that in addition, alternative options for providing a west to east link are being explored at both Delancey Street / Pratt Street and Oakley Square. We need to encourage Camden to pursue these essential links. In the case of the latter, there is an urgent need to allow cyclists to make right turn right into Hampstead road from the southern end of Mornington Crescent.

    See consultation on Camden Council website:

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  • Roadworks: Kentish Town Road / St Pancras Way

    Created by Paul Allen // 1 thread

    There are currently temporary traffic lights around this junction. Work is expected to be finished on the 15th June 2019.

    These roadworks are now for the junction improvements that will provide a cycling route to/from the cycle lanes of Royal College Street (North) to/from Prince of Wales Road via castle Street.

    Here are links to the proposed infrastructure improvements scheme:

    CCC response and Officer's report:

    Status info from Camden Council:

    The initial works were for Virgin Media presumably preparing for the main changes.

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  • Cobden Junction (Mornington Crescent)

    Created by George Coulouris // 1 thread

    Camden are contemplating a re-design of this junction (the one adjacent to Mornington Cresent Station). We hope to get in early and try to ensure that the junction and its surrounding streets are made as safe and pleasant for cycling as possible.
    This CycleScape issue is intended as a forum for discussion of improvements or a total redesign.

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  • Consultation on Kentish Town Area Wide Improvements

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council's proposals include the following:

    - Raise junction Bartholomew Road Kentish Town Road

    - Cycle gap in Kelly Street closure at Castlehaven Road

    - Raise junction Anglers Lane/Willies Road/PrinceofWalesRoad

    - Two way cycling in Wolsey Mews

    - Raise the LeightonRoad/Torriano Avenue junction and introduce cycle gap at the central refuge island

    Click here to see the consultation leaflet.

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  • Parkway approach to Britannia Junction too narrow

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    email received (30/6/12): I thought I'd get in contact about the new Parkway junction with Camden High Street. I'm sure you have to use this route while riding through Camden at times and are therefore probably aware of the changes that have been made recently. Both motorists (in particular) and cyclists have suffered huge inconvenience over the last few months as the number of lanes have been halved at the bottom of Parkway where it meets Camden High Street. However, now it appears to be completed and I just cannot believe how poor the finished result is. Not only do the changes appear to have turned Parkway into a giant car park making it difficult and dangerous to navigate on a bike but the junction at the bottom has absolutely no room for cyclists to move at the side of the traffic and is an accident waiting to happen.

    I cannot believe that such an important route has completely ignored the plight of cyclists at this time when cycling in the Capital is at an all time high. If you could shed any light on what is going on here and perhaps advise who I could write to at TFL or Camden Council about this, I would be most grateful.

    (Photo to be added as soon as possible)

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  • Gloucester Gate to be closed to all traffic, Jan to Jun 2019

    Created by Mixhael // 1 thread

    I read on the Regent's Park Cyclists Facebook page that Thames Water will be closing Gloucester Gate for water mains replacement, starting January 2019, ending June 2019.

    They are requiring cyclists to dismount and use the footway.

    The Friends of Regents Park have expressed fears of cyclists unwilling to dismount, and the attendant danger to footway users.

    Justin Mckie will be asking Thames to provide a way for cyclists.

    If it is anything like the works on Park Village East this autumn, there was plenty of space to provide a small passage for cyclists it was just a lack of cooperation from Thames Water than prevented it. I contacted them directly, they replied but refused to help.

    If anyone has any influence at Thames Water/HS2/Camden it might be worth following this up.

    This is a massive desire line for daily cycling and will be a large inconvenience for six months. On the plus side, it will be interesting to monitor motor traffic levels in the park with Gloucester Gate closed.

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  • Quietway 2 - consultation on proposals for Guilford and Calthorpe Streets

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 2 threads

    At the S4C ride last May we heard Andrew Gilligan mention that QW 38 from Bloomsbury via Islington to Hackney would have priority. This route is now named QW 2!

    The image shows the route proposed by Sustrans and TfL

    You can also see the route of several QEWs on Google Maps at:

    QW2 is shown as a turquoise line labelled "Possible Bloomsbury to Walthamstow Quietway".

    Camden Council is now consulting on some minor measures they propose for improving the stretch in Camden along Calthorpe Street and Guilford Street. These can be seen at:

    To summarise specific (from west to east):

    - a new length of cycle lane into Bernard Street from Russell Square

    - raised zebra crossing over Guilford Street at Queen Anne’s Walk

    - raised table at the junction of Guilford Street and Grenville Street

    - a large raised table on Guilford Street across Guilford Place (that will also enhance the N-S route down Judd Street and Hunter Street on to Lambs Conduit Street and Red Lion Street)

    - between Phoenix Place and Farringdon Road, reallocate some carriageway space for cycle lanes

    general changes will include:

    - cycle symbols and signage

    - replace granite setts on raised areas with asphalt.

    Please provide your comments in the associated thread

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  • Consultation on Proposed Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements at York Way / Goods Way junction

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The main improvement for cycling is the facilitation of an eastbound route between Goods Way and Wharfdale Road. Unfortunately, due to Wharfdale Road being one way, this route currently doesn't work westbound.

    Camden Council's proposals include the following:

    - Permit cyclists to turn right out of Goods Way into York Way

    - ASLs on all three arms of the junction

    - Northbound approach on York Way towards Goods Way reduced to single motor lane, making room for a cycle lane

    - Signalised green man crossings on all three arms of the junction (only one at present)

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  • Brunswick Square Roundabout improvements

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Camden Council is planning to remove the Brunswick Square roundabout and replace it with a cross roads. They have support from Marchmont Street residents association. The space reclaimed from the roundabout will be added to Brunswick Square

    This roundabout is on a north-south cycle route along Judd Street, Hunter Street, Lambs Conduit Street and Red Lion Street which is currently being improved by LB Camden and will soon be signed.

    Some manoeuvres on the roundabout can be hazardous for cyclists and we have already told LB Camden that we support this scheme.

    They have suggested various enhancements:

    - raised table at the junction

    - zebra crossings over all four arms

    - raise the road north of the junction to footway level (a 'shared space')

    - close Lansdowne Road to motors and make Grenville Street two way

    We have been asked to tell them what would be the best scheme for cyclists, to suggest what to put in the space reclaimed (e.g trees, bike stands) and to provide a drawing.

    See Camden's web page:

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  • Consultation on Pancras Road/Midland Road

    Created by John Chamberlain // 3 threads

    The proposals from Camden Council are intended to improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in the vicinity of the new developments on Goodsway including the new Town Hall Annex and include new measures under the St Pancras station railway overpass. They also will eventually link to the southern extension of the cycle route down Royal College Street and the proposed northbound cycle route on Midland Road.

    Details of the proposals can be found on Camden’s website at:

    For cyclists, the main proposals are as follows:

    · A separate segregated cycle track to protect the left turn for northbound cyclists from Pancras Road (adjacent to the station) to Pancras Road westbound under the rail tracks. This would link to a 2m wide centre lane for cyclists turning right up Pancras Road towards Camden, and a separate left turn lane for all traffic. The centre lane would be a continuation of the dedicated track, with left-turning motor vehicles having to make a deliberate crossing of this lane; a method used in other countries to enable cyclists to take the lane more easily. This can be seen on the first of the diagrams on Camden’s website.
    · A lightly segregated 2m wide eastbound cycle track under the rail tracks.
    · A lightly segregated 2m kerbside lane down Pancras Road until the approach to Midland Road. This will gradually move out into a centre lane with left-turning motor vehicles having to make a deliberate crossing of this lane. Unfortunately the details of this are not shown on the consultation but it should be there soon.
    · A segregated 2m cycle track for cyclists northbound on Midland Road between Brill Place and Pancras Road.
    · Advance start signals for cyclists at the Pancras Road/Midland Road junction.

    We spent a lot of time discussing with Camden engineers how we could implement fully protected junctions for cyclists but were unable to come up with a scheme due to the constraints imposed by road width and especially the supporting columns for the rail overpass.

    Please feed your comments to us via the threads on this issue, or by email to

    Our response needs to be in by 29th August so we'll take comments on board until the 22nd.

    Lightly segregated - like Royal College Street, probably 'armadillos'
    Segregated - separated by a hard kerb.

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  • Consultation on Improvements to the Leather Lane Market area

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    Leather Lane has a well established market that trades on the street throughout the week

    To stop vehicles using Leather Lane when the market is on, Camden proposes to close access to Leather Lane and other roads leading directly to Leather Lane with some consequent changes in parking provision.

    Camden Council's proposals can be seen at:

    They include the following:

    Option A

    - close Leather Lane

    - close Hatton Wall, between Leather Lane and Hatton Garden

    - close St Cross Street, between Leather Lane and Hatton Garden

    - close Portpool Lane and Baldwin’s Gardens where they meet Leather Lane

    Option B

    - same as Option A but keeps St Cross Street open


    The proposal consistently refers to stopping "vehicles" using Leather Lane. It should refer to "motor vehicles" so that cycles still have access.

    Reply due 5 December 2014.

    Please add your comments by 1st December

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  • Consultation on Central Somers Town proposals, March 2015

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 3 threads

    Camden Council proposes some changes in Somers Town including:

    - new buildings for Edith Neville Primary school with the entrance moved to the corner of Purchese Street and Polygon Road

    - new housing

    - closure of Polygon Road between Ossulston Street and Chalton Street

    - new landscaped park and open spaces

    See the consultation at:

    A model and exhibition about the proposals is on display at Somers Town Community Association until April 27th


    The plans show what looks like a wooded park enclosing the cycle route on Polygon Road between Purchese Street and Ossulston Street as well as the little square at the southern end of Charringon Street.

    Angela and I have met with the Louise Trewavas (the officer responsible); she assures us that Camden intends to provide total permeability for cycling through the area. But she was talking of cycling slowly through the wooded part. We pointed out that this is a major N-S route that uses the safe crossing over Euston Road to Mabledon Place and quoted figures from the RCS counter. (She is a cyclist and did understand that point).

    We noted that when the RCS southern extension down Pancras Road is extended down Midland Road to a safe crossing over Euston Road to Judd Street that many cyclists may prefer that route which will decrease pressure on the Somers Town route.

    We discussed two alternatives to improving the route through Somers Town between Goldington and Ossulston Street:

    - a route down Charrington Street provides a good straight run but would require something like the Ampton Street track through the square. It would avoid the new entrance to Edith Neville school. But there is an issue as to how cycles will cross the footway in Polygon Road where there will be many pedestrians at school opening and closing times

    - a route down Purchese Street as far as Brill Place which will only be acceptable if the cobbles are covered with a smooth surface of an acceptable width with one track in each direction. 

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  • Regents High School Redevelopment Proposed Highway Works

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 1 thread

    The proposals seek to improve road safety on the streets surrounding Regents High school in Somers Town which is being rebuilt. This school is labelled "South Camden Community School" on the map.

    The consultation is on Camden's website at:

    Currently the school is accessed from Charrington Street but the new building is going to face the other way and will be accessed via Chalton Street. Therefore most of the proposal are related to making a new school entrance and building out the footways in Chalton Street while taking them away in Charrington Street. All of this is clearly necessary, but doesn't appear to add to road safety.

    The council also proposes a new speed table at the junction of Chalton Street and Aldenham Street. This would help with road safety.

    Cyclists are already concerned with the rat-running on Ossulston Street; this quite likely accesses Eversholt Street via Chalton Street. Surely we should ask for this rat running to be prevented both for the safety of the cycle route and for children going to Regents High School?

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  • Finsbury Park to Highbury Fields Cycleway (QW10)

    Created by grahamparks // 1 thread

    We are now consulting on the Finsbury Park to Highbury Fields part of a future Cycleway between Farringdon and Palmers Green which has been developed in partnership with Transport for London. This new Cycleway route has been chosen because it is already very popular with cyclists and the numbers of people using this route are likely to increase.

    Our scheme would create a greener, more pleasant space for local people and a convenient, safer and more direct cycle route for cyclists of all abilities. The proposals have been designed to improve safety and comfort for cyclists and pedestrians by reducing conflict with motorised traffic.
    The improvements include fully protected cycle tracks, greening measures, widened footways, safer junctions, pedestrian crossing points and new signs/ road markings. All of these are designed to make cycling and walking easier, safer and more enjoyable.

    This route would link to other Cycleways in the London cycling network, including a complimentary signed route to the recent improvements at Highbury Corner, and make it easier for local people of all ages to cycle and walk to local facilities such as leisure centres and shops.

    The wider cycle lanes will allow people with adapted cycles such as cargo bikes or cycles for disabled people to use the route more easily and make it safer for all vulnerable road users in line with the Vision Zero agenda, which aims to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries from our roads.
    What are Cycleways?

    Cycleways are continuous, clearly signed and convenient cycle routes which bring together all of the high-quality routes into a single London-wide network that is easy for everyone to understand and use.

    ProposalsDetailed maps are available at the bottom of the page.
    1. Blackstock Road/ Ambler Road Junction: Traffic lights would be introduced at the junction with new pedestrian crossings, providing early release for cyclists and cycle boxes on all arms. This design will significantly improve conditions for pedestrian and cyclists crossing Blackstock Road and allow cyclists to continue on the Cycleway route towards Finsbury Park. This proposal will involve the removal of a parking space on Somerfield Road and the Electric Vehicle charging point along Ambler Road would need to be relocated. The section towards Finsbury Park will be consulted on separately by Hackney Council. (see map section 1)

    2. Gillespie Road/ Avenell Road Junction: Priority at the junction would be reversed so that vehicles on Gillespie Road would give-way to vehicles on Avenell Road. This design would also raise the carriageway to footway level which would make it easier for crossing pedestrians and cyclists using the Cycleway to turn into Gillespie Road. (see map section 2)

    3. Gillespie Road Trial Arrangement: The ongoing trial point no-entry preventing traffic travelling westbound on Gillespie Road past the junction with St Thomas’s Road, is not being formally consulted on as part of the Cycleway proposals but we welcome feedback. (see map section 5)

    4. Drayton Park/ Aubert Park Junction: The existing mini-roundabout at the junction would be removed and changed to a priority (give-way) junction. The carriageway will be raised to footway level with pedestrian crossing points on all sides of the junction. This will raise awareness of the new Cycleway route and also make it easier for pedestrians to cross the road. The junction would prioritise movements on Drayton Park and traffic along Aubert Park would give-way. (see map section 3)

    5. Martineau Road – Aubert Park: Fully protected cycle facility at least 2.2m would be provided for northbound cycles between Martineau Road and Aubert Park. The proposal allows for southbound cyclists to mix comfortably with general traffic by adopting a position in the centre of the traffic lane, making them more visible to other traffic. The proposed design will maintain the existing number of parking spaces, however some parking bays would be relocated elsewhere between Martineau Road and Aubert Park to make room for improved cycle facilities. For the purposes of consultation, two design options for protecting cyclists are being considered, which we would like you to comment on. Examples are given below to illustrate the different design options. (see map section 3)

    • Kerb protected cycle tracks: the cycle track would be at the same level as the carriageway with a kerb installed to separate vehicles and cyclists. See below example from Cycle Superhighway 2 between Stratford and Aldgate.

    • Stepped cycle tracks: The cycleway would be installed halfway between the carriageway and footway. See below example from Midland Road in LB Camden.

    6. Benwell Road – Martineau Road: Fully protected cycle facilities would be introduced in both directions on this section of Drayton Park. The cycle tracks would be at least 2m wide in each direction and will also include a small strip that will physically protect cyclists from parked vehicles. The proposed design will maintain the existing number of parking spaces and access arrangements along Drayton Park. Existing zebra crossings will be raised to footway level improving pedestrian accessibility and safety. (see map section 3,4)

    7. Benwell Road/ Drayton Park Junction: The existing junction would be converted to a ‘continental-style’ roundabout which would include protected cycle facilities throughout the junction and new cycle crossings on all arms of the junction. The design will also significantly improve conditions for pedestrians by introducing new zebra crossings on all arms, raised surface and widened footways reducing crossing distances. (see map section 5)

    8. Highbury Crescent Signed Route: A complimentary signed route is proposed to connect up to the recent improvements at Highbury Corner. (see map section 6)

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  • Six new routes

    Created by Simon Parker // 1 thread

    Green light for development of six new cycle routes across London

    TfL’s Strategic Cycling Analysis identified the top 25 connections where new cycling infrastructure is required to enable more people to cycle. Further work between TfL and the boroughs has identified these six routes as the initial routes to take forward to the design stage. The routes will extend from Tottenham in the north, to Peckham in the south, and from Barking in the east, to Willesden Junction in the west, "helping to create a pan-London network of high-quality cycle routes".

    The new routes are, it is claimed, an important further step in making the investment required to achieve the Mayor's aim, set out in the draft Mayor's Transport Strategy, of 80 per cent of journeys being made by foot, bike or public transport by 2041.

    TfL and the boroughs will now begin design work on:

    Lea Bridge to Dalston (3)
    This 3km route would link the City and Waltham Forest by filling the gap between Lea Bridge Road and Cycle Superhighway 1 at Dalston

    Ilford to Barking Riverside (10)
    This 8km route would link two bustling outer London town centres and a major growth area with up to 10,800 new homes and a new London Overground connection – while enhancing access to the Elizabeth line and London Overground services

    Hackney to the Isle of Dogs (5)
    This 8km route would stretch from Hackney to the Isle of Dogs via Canary Wharf, Mile End and Victoria Park

    Rotherhithe to Peckham (12)
    This 4km route would link Peckham with key and growing destinations such as Canada Water and Surrey Quays, and connect up other cycling routes such as Quietway 1 and the proposed Cycle Superhighway 4

    Tottenham Hale to Camden (2)
    This 8km route would connect major town centres and will cover seven junctions identified as being among the 73 with the worst safety records

    Wembley to Willesden Junction
    This 5km route would be north-west London’s first major cycle route, connecting Wembley, Stonebridge Park and Willesden Junction. Future sections will connect to planned infrastructure in west London such as CS9 and CS10.

    The Mayor is also committed to providing a new river crossing between Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf for pedestrians and cyclists, which ultimately could link the proposed cycle routes between Hackney and Peckham to create a continuous 12km cycle route. An initial review of the recent consultation on the proposed Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf Crossing showed strong support for the project. TfL is still analysing all the responses and will be announcing the full results of the consultation in the coming months.

    Sadiq Khan said: "I've committed to invest record amounts in making cycling easier and safer for Londoners, and I'm delighted that work is now beginning on designing the next generation of high-quality cycle routes across the capital.

    "Working closely with the boroughs, we’re providing new routes in both inner and outer London, including in areas that haven’t previously seen serious investment in cycling infrastructure."

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  • TfL Consultation: Proposed improvements at the Nag’s Head on A1 Holloway Road

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    A1 Holloway Road - Nag's Head
    Transport for London (TfL) has developed proposals to improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists on the A1 Holloway Road in the Nag’s Head area.

    The main objective of the scheme is to put in place a pedestrian crossing on the A1 Holloway Road, enabling people to cross the road easily and safely and to improve access to businesses on the south-western side of the road.

    In summary, the proposed measures include the following:

    New signalised pedestrian crossing outside the Nag’s Head Shopping Centre

    New cycle lanes in both directions

    Advanced stop lines added to the junctions of Holloway Road and Tollington Road/Camden Road and Seven Sisters/Parkhurst Road

    Resurfacing of the footway and carriageway
    In order to make space for these improvements some other changes are required. These include

    Relocation of the northbound bus stop (Stop L) approximately 50m north of its existing location

    Changes to parking and loading provision, with and overall slight reduction in parking and loading availability

    Loss of one small tree on the median island where the crossing will be located. There may also be the potential loss of one other small tree and two relatively mature trees due to kerb cutbacks required in order to relocate the bus stop.

    Relocation of several items of street furniture including the removal of a redundant telephone box
    The proposals are shown on the attached map. In addition to these proposals, an informal pedestrian crossing with a central refuge island is planned for the A1 Holloway Road adjacent to Jackson Road.

    All of the measures that we propose are subject to change as a result of this consultation. Given no unforeseen issues, it is anticipated that the scheme will be implemented in Spring 2014.

    Please gives us your views by completing our online consultation form below by Monday 6 January 2014.

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  • Parkway approach to Britannia Junction too narrow

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 0 threads

    email from Nick Miller: I thought I'd get in contact about the new Parkway junction with Camden High Street. I'm sure you have to use this route while riding through Camden at times and are therefore probably aware of the changes that have been made recently. Both motorists (in particular) and cyclists have suffered huge inconvenience over the last few months as the number of lanes have been halved at the bottom of Parkway where it meets Camden High Street. However, now it appears to be completed and I just cannot believe how poor the finished result is. Not only do the changes appear to have turned Parkway into a giant car park making it difficult and dangerous to navigate on a bike but the junction at the bottom has absolutely no room for cyclists to move at the side of the traffic and is an accident waiting to happen.

    I cannot believe that such an important route has completely ignored the plight of cyclists at this time when cycling in the Capital is at an all time high. If you could shed any light on what is going on here and perhaps advise who I could write to at TFL or Camden Council about this, I would be most grateful.

    (Photo to be added as soon as possible)

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  • Parkway approach to Britannia Junction too narrow

    Created by Jean Dollimore // 0 threads

    email receivedr: I thought I'd get in contact about the new Parkway junction with Camden High Street. I'm sure you have to use this route while riding through Camden at times and are therefore probably aware of the changes that have been made recently. Both motorists (in particular) and cyclists have suffered huge inconvenience over the last few months as the number of lanes have been halved at the bottom of Parkway where it meets Camden High Street. However, now it appears to be completed and I just cannot believe how poor the finished result is. Not only do the changes appear to have turned Parkway into a giant car park making it difficult and dangerous to navigate on a bike but the junction at the bottom has absolutely no room for cyclists to move at the side of the traffic and is an accident waiting to happen.

    I cannot believe that such an important route has completely ignored the plight of cyclists at this time when cycling in the Capital is at an all time high. If you could shed any light on what is going on here and perhaps advise who I could write to at TFL or Camden Council about this, I would be most grateful.

    (Photo to be added as soon as possible)

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  • A41 Finchley Road - Swiss Cottage to Childs Hill

    Created by JonC // 0 threads

    TfL propose bus and walking improvements along Finchley Road between Hillgrove Road (Swiss Cottage) and Hendon Way (Childs Hill),

    No direct references to improving cycling along this route. Mostly in Camden. 

    Only the Hendon Way junction is in Barnet. See Barnet Cyclists issue A41-A598 Burgess Hill for discussion of that junction.

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  • Roadworks: Park Village East

    Created by John Chamberlain // 0 threads

    From January 17th until early 2020 Park Village East will be closed to motor traffic at the northern end for Thames Water to install a new 42 main. This is due to HS2 construction. It is currently possible to cycle through and the good news is that the road is temporarily two-way with effectively a modal filter at the north end! I wonder if we can persuade Camden to make the arrangement permanent.

    Update 1/6/19: Roadway now fully closed off and access only by narrow footway.

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231 threads found for 'Camden':

16 planning applications found for 'Camden':


24/00101/OBS Redevelopment of Euston Tower comprising retention of parts of the existing building (including central core, basement and...


Redevelopment of Euston Tower comprising retention of parts of the existing building (including central core, basement and foundations) and erection of a new building incorporating these retained elements, to provide a 32-storey mixed-use building providing offices and research and development fl...



2023/5122/P Details to discharge of part D (Phase 4) of Condition 26 (Hard & Soft Landscaping) of planning permission 2023/2359/P dated 20/12/22:...


Details to discharge of part D (Phase 4) of Condition 26 (Hard & Soft Landscaping) of planning permission 2023/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant phase c) phase 3; d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6) of the development commences, other than site clearance and preparation, relocation of se...



2023/5196/P Details to discharge Condition 52 (Construction Management Plan) of planning permission 2023/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before relevant...


Details to discharge Condition 52 (Construction Management Plan) of planning permission 2023/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before relevant phase a) phase 1; b) phase 2; c) phase 3; d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6, a Construction Management Plan setting out measures for ensuring highway safety and man...



2023/5274/P Details to discharge Condition 25 (Bird & Bat Boxes) of planning permission reference 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22 For phases a) phase 1;...


Details to discharge Condition 25 (Bird & Bat Boxes) of planning permission reference 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22 For phases a) phase 1; b) phase 2; c) phase 3 details must be implemented in accordance with applications ref 2015/3603/P dated 18/03/2016; 2018/2817/P dated 12/11/2018; 2021/2862/P da...



2023/5298/P Details to discharge Condition 3 Parts A-C (Detailed drawings, or samples of materials as appropriate) of planning permission...


Details to discharge Condition 3 Parts A-C (Detailed drawings, or samples of materials as appropriate) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant parts of the works within relevant phase c) phase 3; d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6 of the development commences, other...



2023/5295/P Details to discharge Condition 41 (Code for Sustainable Homes) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant...


Details to discharge Condition 41 (Code for Sustainable Homes) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant phase c) phase 3; d) phase 4; e) phase 5) of the development commences, other than site clearance and preparation, relocation of services, utilities and public inf...



2023/5395/P Details to discharge Condition 31 (Piling Method Statement) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant...


Details to discharge Condition 31 (Piling Method Statement) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant phase (a) phase 0; b) phase 1; d) phase 3; e) phase 4; f) phase 5; g) phase 6) of the development commences, no impact piling shall take place until a piling method s...



2023/5380/P Details to discharge Condition 2 (Sample Panels of all the Facing Brickwork) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before...


Details to discharge Condition 2 (Sample Panels of all the Facing Brickwork) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant part of the works within relevant phase d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6 of the development commences, other than site clearance and preparation, r...



2023/5377/P Details to discharge Condition 14 (Mechanical Ventilation Inlets) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the...


Details to discharge Condition 14 (Mechanical Ventilation Inlets) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Before the relevant phase d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6) of the development commences, other than site clearance and preparation, relocation of services, utilities and public ...



2023/5336/P Details to discharge Condition 20 (CCTV Strategy) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Prior to the first occupation of...


Details to discharge Condition 20 (CCTV Strategy) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: Prior to the first occupation of the relevant phase c) phase 3; d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6) of the development details of the proposed CCTV strategy, including full location, design and ma...



2024/0267/P Details to discharge Condition 50 (AIP Document) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: information relating to phase 4....


Details to discharge Condition 50 (AIP Document) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: information relating to phase 4. Reason: To safeguard the appearance of the premises and the character of the immediate area in accordance with the requirements of policy D1 of the London Borough o...



2024/0295/P Replacement of an existing commercial shopfront to a ground floor commercial unit and lowering of the internal floor to allow for a...


Replacement of an existing commercial shopfront to a ground floor commercial unit and lowering of the internal floor to allow for a level threshold to Camden High Street.



24/00045/OBS Redevelopment of Euston Tower comprising retention of parts of the existing building (including central core, basement and...


Redevelopment of Euston Tower comprising retention of parts of the existing building (including central core, basement and foundations) and erection of a new building incorporating these retained elements, to provide a 32-storey mixed-use building providing offices and research and development fl...



2024/0019/P Details to discharge Condition 14 (Living Roof) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22 prior to the relevant phase of the...


Details to discharge Condition 14 (Living Roof) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22 prior to the relevant phase of the development commences (a) phase 1; b) phase 2; c) phase 3; d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6), other than site clearance & preparation, relocation of services, uti...



2024/0020/P Details to discharge Condition 3 (Detailed Drawings & Samples relating to play equipment and street furniture) of planning permission...


Details to discharge Condition 3 (Detailed Drawings & Samples relating to play equipment and street furniture) of planning permission 2022/2359/P dated 20/12/22: information to be submitted before the relevant parts of the works within relevant phase c) phase 3; d) phase 4; e) phase 5; f) phase 6...



24/00101/EIASCO Redevelopment of Euston Tower comprising retention of parts of the existing building (including central core, basement and...


Redevelopment of Euston Tower comprising retention of parts of the existing building (including central core, basement and foundations) and erection of a new building incorporating these retained elements, to provide a 32-storey mixed-use building providing offices and research and development fl...


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