Things tagged 'transport-strategy'

7 issues found for 'transport-strategy':

  • Barnet Draft Long Term Transport Strategy 2020-2041 Consultation

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Update: Strategy adopted by Environment Committee on 09/09/2020

    "Barnet’s population is growing and by 2030 it will have grown to almost 450,000 people, with a significant increase in the older population. We want to ensure that transport in the borough can support this growth and provides a reliable, safe and convenient transport network which supports improvements to air quality and the health of all of our residents."

    "There is also limited road space in the borough and with the projected population growth, congestion can only be addressed by reducing our reliance on the car and encouraging more sustainable and active ways to travel such as walking, cycling and public transport."

    "Our proposed Long Term Transport Strategy sets a direction for change to offer greater choices for travel, encourage more active lifestyles which will increase the health and well-being of Barnet’s residents and improve air quality. The strategy also sets out a number of proposed schemes for each type of travel along with activities to help change behaviour and encourage positive changes to the way we currently travel."


    Our vision

    The strategy includes the following vision statement relating to our long term vision for transport in the borough:

    By 2041, Barnet will have an efficient, convenient and reliable transport network, which enables safe, healthy and inclusive travel, protects the natural environment and supports the borough’s growth.

    The network will have transformed the way people and goods travel, providing strong orbital and radial links which gives everyone a choice of transport modes to complete their journey regardless of age, ability or income.

    This vision informs our proposals for the future of transport in the borough, and sets out a roadmap for achieving our vision which also complements other council policies such as the Growth Strategy(External link), the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy(External link), and the draft Local Plan(External link)."

     online questionnaire(External link).

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  • Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Needs Review

    Created by Sam Webster // 2 threads

    Cambridge Biomedical Campus Transport Needs Review report came out a couple of weeks ago.  Whilst some of it is good, I think the cycling stuff is poor in general:

    1. They look at cyclist safety in the surrounding area but due to the dates and area selected, they claim no fatalities.  Ignoring Steve Moir's death is insensitive at best.
    2. I didn't see any mention of NCR 11 passing through the site which suggests to me they didn't even realise
    3. A tiny bit about air pollution but the word climate doesn't even appear
    4. 'The segregated route alongside the CGB' - Do they mean segregated from buses?!
    5. 'Site observations showed the route alongside the Busway to the west of the site to be particularly well used by pedestrians and cyclists and of high quality'.  It's unsafe due to lack of separation from buses and pedestrians, too narrow for numbers and given speed differences over bridge and crosswinds.
    6. Nothing about the bus stops in mandatory cycle lanes
    7. Section 5.3.3 - peak counts/hour would be very useful
    8. 'Site visit observations suggest that cycling infrastructure near to CBC is currently performing well with the current demand' - CGB path is way over capacity at peak times.  I don't know about the other routes.

    I propose complaining about the standard of the cycling part of the report.

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  • Cambridge University Transport Strategy

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 2 threads

    Cambridge University is working on a 30 year transport strategy for all sites including colleges. The consultants preparing the strategy are currently consulting with various stakeholders including Camcycle.

    I will set up a meeting with a few Camcycle representatives and the consultants. What ideas do we want to share and who should participate in the meeting?

    They expressed interest in our (work in progress) cycling manifesto, vision for Cambridge and design guidance.

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  • Transport strategies in Cambridge

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 21 threads

    The Cambridge City, South Cambridgeshire, County Council Strategic Transport and Spatial Planning Group are considering a new Transport Strategy for Cambridge (TSC).

    Other transport strategies will no doubt emerge in future.

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2 threads found for 'transport-strategy':

No planning applications found for 'transport-strategy'.

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