Things tagged 'storage'

2 issues found for 'storage':

  • Fen Road, Milton - planning application variation

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads

    This is a planning application variation for 42 Fen Road, Milton. Application no (south cambs) is S/0756/12/VC

    Permission had been given, but I noted as I passed the other day, that there was an application for a variation. Looking at this, one item seems to be to vary the "cycle storage".

    From the description in Addendum to Design, Access & Herigage Statement in plans and docs:

    I quote
    "The bin / cycle store has been relocated and enlarged to allow for a tool shed. It was felt that
    the proximity of the previous store to the proposed dwelling had an adverse impact on the
    street scene and cluttered up the entrance area. By setting it back within the garden space it
    was felt this would positively enhance the character of the area. Additionally, as a temporary
    structure it is felt this would not have any more of an impact on the surrounding trees than
    the current position of the bin store."

    Or if you look at the map, the cycle "storage" (should that be parking?) now appears to be round the back end of the garden, and as a hedge is shown surrounding the car parked at the front of the property, I am at a loss as to how it would be at all convenient to ever get a bike out of this shed, rather than just getting into the car.

    Of note is the fact that this proposed house is about 15 yards off NCN 11. In one direction*; this gives a virtually traffic-free route almost into Cambridge city centre or to Waterbeach railway station. In the other direction, NCN 11 heads through Milton Country Park, leading almost directly to the local Tesco superstore as well as to the Coston bridge, Science Park, Guided Busway. Thus, it could be possible to live an almost entirely car-free existence at this location.

    *Fen Road is erroneously described as a cul-de-sac in the application. It is to motor vehicles, but is in fact a through route to the city centre for cycles and pedestrians.

    From the 2004 South Cambs local plan

    "To promote the use of more sustainable modes of transport, such as public transport,
    walking and cycling by making such modes more accessible, safer and more attractive
    to use.," and "To promote sustainable travel by ensuring new development takes place in highly
    accessible locations."
    " To limit the amount of car parking provided in new developments, where appropriate,
    to reduce over-reliance on the car." "adopting on-site and/or off-site design features that promote
    access by non-car modes as far as practicable (including
    walking and cycling) and facilitate and encourage their use"

    Of course there appears to be nothing about accessibility of cycle parking cf car parking, unlike the City Council local plan.

    Is it worth putting in an objection? The publicity end date is 5th June.

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