Things tagged 'magazine'

One issue found for 'magazine':

  • Camcycle quarterly magazine

    Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 5 threads

    The magazine cheanged to a quarterly publication from December 2018 and is published seasonally in Spring (March), Summer (June), Autumn (September) and Winter (December).

    The aims of the magazine are to:
    – Continue to provide an update to our members and supporters on Camcycle's recent work and campaigns
    – Continue to cover all aspects of cycling from planning application to personal stories and build on this foundation to make sure we are giving a voice to people of all ages and backgrounds
    – Continue to strike the balance between a professional-looking magazine with a grassroots feel
    – Proactively set the agenda for decision-makers, clearly communicating our vision through in-depth features on aspects of our policy and manifesto
    – Develop and showcase our work with local partners including businesses and organisations who support our charity's aims and/or provide examples of best practice in working for more, better and safer cycling in and around Cambridge
    – Drive forward bold and successful campaigns for cycling, providing all who read the magazine with clear calls to action so that they can get involved and amplify our voice
    – Provide rewarding and sustainable roles to volunteers; attracting new members to the team and recognising long-term contributors.
    – Appeal to non-members of Camcycle and even non-cyclists; taking them on the journey from awareness to action. Join. Donate. Volunteer. Share our vision. Support our work and help create a vibrant and people-friendly city.

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