Things tagged 'hackney'

40 issues found for 'hackney':

  • Mare Street Cycle Link between London Lane and St Thomas’s Square Quietway 2

    Natalie G // 1 thread


    This consultation document is about gathering views from the public on proposals to improve the crossing facility for cyclists across Mare Street, between London Lane and St Thomas’s Square.

    Why We Are Consulting

    The Council is committed to making Hackney’s roads safer for everyone living, working and visiting the borough. Creating an environment that will encourage more walking and cycling is a key part of the Council’s transport vision and an essential part of Hackney’s Transport Strategy.

    In spring 2013 the Mayor of London published his Cycling Vision for London – a 10 year strategy with approximately £1bn of investment, to increase the levels of cycling in London. One of the primary objectives of the strategy is to create a “tube network for the bike” – a mixture of fast commuter cycle routes offering dedicated cycle facilities on key main routes, complemented by a number of “Quietways”, which together will form a network of direct, joined-up cycle routes throughout London.

    Within the borough, Quietway 2: Bloomsbury to Walthamstow starts at the boundary with Islington by Southgate Road and runs eastwards to London Fields via Middleton Road, and then north-eastwards to Lea Bridge Road and the boundary with Waltham Forest.

    One of the key objectives of the Quietway routes is to link destinations, following backstreet routes, through parks, along waterways or treelined streets. The Quietways aim to overcome barriers to cycling, targeting cyclists who want to use quieter, low-traffic routes and providing an environment for those who want to travel at a gentler pace.

    A number of key issues have been identified along the route and Transport for London (TfL) has provided the Council with funding to make improvements. These include improving or upgrading specific locations such as junctions and crossings in order to improve safety and visibility and reduce the potential for accidents.

    Hackney Council is now consulting residents and businesses on a proposal to provide a safer link for cyclists using the Quietway 2 route across Mare Street.

    In addition to meeting the objectives of the ‘Quietways’, encouraging the use of cleaner and greener transport options (particularly cycling and walking) and reducing non-essential private car journeys are key long-term objectives for the Council due to the wide range of benefits these transport options can bring, including:

    • Reducing road accidents

    • Improving personal mobility

    • Creating safer, cleaner, and quieter residential neighbourhoods

    • Creating a successful balance between pedestrians and other modes of transport,

    in order to improve the pedestrian and cyclist experience

    • Improving pedestrian and cyclist crossing facilities

    More information on the Quietways can be found at:

    The proposals include:

    1 a. Closing London Lane at its junction with Mare Street to all traffic except cyclists and emergency vehicles. This will provide a safer junction for all users. The junction will be raised and narrowed to improve pedestrian accessibility and encourage cyclists to slow down when approaching Mare Street. Bollards will be installed to prevent vehicles from using the junction illegally.

    b. An alternative measure could be to install a raised junction as above with ‘No Entry’ for vehicles from Mare Street. Vehicles would be allowed to turn left from London Lane, but right turns would be banned to keep the central refuge clear for cyclists.

    2 The Quietway route between London Lane and the north side of St Thomas’s square

    crosses Mare Street. All traffic can enter St Thomas’s Square (north) from Mare Street.

    Motor vehicles will be banned from turning right when exiting the north side of St

    Thomas’s Square, but cycles will be allowed to turn right.

    3 The existing islands on Mare Street will be widened to provide a safer central refuge space for cyclists waiting to cross the carriageway.

    4 There will be a new island on Mare Street to protect cyclists turning right on to the northern arm of St Thomas’s Square. Extra protection is needed as other vehicles travelling north on Mare Street are also able to turn right (see point 2. above)

    • Lower Clapton Road parallel zebra and cycle crossings

    • Morning Lane parallel zebra and cycle crossings

    • London Fields/Middleton Road Traffic Management Scheme

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  • Hoxton Area – Cycle Route Improvements

    Natalie G // 1 thread

    The proposals for this route include:

    Location 1: New North Road/Eagle Wharf Road/Poole Street junction.

    • Closing Poole Street and Eagle Wharf Road to motorised traffic at the New North Road junction except for cyclists.
    • Installing new signals with signalised pedestrian crossings at the junction. The new crossings will replace the need for the existing pedestrian crossing on New North Road outside Bracklyn Court, which will be removed.
    • Replacing the one-way system at Eagle Wharf Road with a two-way traffic system between Bracklyn Street and New North Road.
    • Carrying out public realm improvements such as widening the pavements, raising the road level to pavement level and planting trees along Eagle Wharf Road.
    • Installing a new loading bay and additional residents parking bays at Eagle Wharf Road.
    • Converting Poole Street to a two-way traffic system between Imber Street and New North Road.
    • Relocating the existing residents parking bays to improve accessibility and loading facilities at the junction.
    • Raising the road level to pavement level at Poole Street outside the Studios building.

    These measures will reduce traffic flows at the Eagle Wharf Road/New North Road/Poole Street junction while improving the pedestrian facilities and making it safer for cyclists to cross the main road. The public realm improvements will help create a more attractive environment for residents, pedestrians and cyclists.

    For details of the proposals at the Eagle Wharf Road/New North Road/Poole Street junction please refer to layout plan for Location 1 enclosed.

    Location 2: Murray Grove

    • Introducing a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove between Shepherdess Walk and New North Road.
    • Single yellow lines will be replaced by double yellow lines (no waiting at any time restrictions) to improve visibility, road safety and facilitate the smooth flow of traffic where required.
    • The overall number of resident parking bay spaces on Murray Grove will increase by eight, with four new additional loading bays provided as part of the proposals.

    These measures will facilitate the flow of traffic including buses between Shepherdess Walk and New North Road in both directions.

    For details of the proposals at Murray Grove please refer to the layout plan for Location 2 enclosed.

    Location 3: Shepherdess Walk/Murray Grove junction

    • Installing additional traffic signals at the Murray Grove, Shepherdess Walk and Micawber Street creating a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove.
    • Installing signalised pedestrian crossings at the junction.
    • Refurbishing the pavements where required.
    • Installing junction entry tables at the Murray Grove and Micawber Street junctions for step free pedestrian crossings.

    These measures will enable the introduction of a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove which is currently prohibited. The changes will also improve accessibility for cyclists and pedestrians around the junction.

    For details of the proposals at the Shepherdess Walk /Murray Grove junction please refer to the layout plan for Location 3 enclosed.

    Location 4: New North Road/East Road/ Murray Grove junction.

    • Introducing changes to the traffic signals and junction layout at Murray Grove, New North Road and East Road to allow eastbound traffic on Murray Grove, making it two-way.
    • Raising the road level to pavement level on New North Road (south) and reducing the traffic lanes to one exit lane.
    • Introducing a new pedestrian crossing at New North Road (north).
    • Carrying out public realm improvements on New North Road such as widening and resurfacing footways, raising the carriageway, planting trees and installing benches.

    These measures will allow for the introduction of two-way traffic movement on Murray Grove while improving the pedestrian and cycle facilities at the New North Road junction.

    For details of the proposals at the New North Road/East Road/Murray Grove junction please refer to the layout plan for Location 4 enclosed.

    Location 5: Sturt Street

    • Installing a gated closure with cycle and emergency access at Sturt Street to the west of Shepherdess Walk. This would discourage the amount of non-local traffic using the area. This will close Sturt Street to motorised traffic from City Road.

    Please refer to the enclosed drawings for details of the proposals. Additionally visit to find out more details about the specific locations within the scheme where improvements are proposed.

    Signal Proposals

    All signal proposals are still going through the Transport for London Review Process. Residents will be advised of changes that may result from this process before implementation of proposals.

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  • Chatsworth Road/Millfields Road/Powerscroft Road New Signalised Junction

    Natalie G // 1 thread

    Part of the Quietway 2 scheme to facilitate crossing of Chatsworth Road.
    Deadline is 25 November 2016 - so please let us have comments by 18 November 2016 at the latest.

    The proposals include:

    1 Replacing the existing zebra crossing with traffic signals at the Chatsworth Road\ Millfields Road\ Powerscroft Road junction. This will be designed to make the junction easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists as there have been a total of seven accidents in recent years. Six of these involved cyclists. There will be a Green Man crossing on each approach to the junction and one that will replace the zebra crossing.

    2 Introducing a raised table across the junction of Chatsworth Road and Millfields Road to reduce traffic speeds.

    3 Creating a new link and crossing for cyclists between Powerscroft Road and Millfields Park. This will be a new shared space with the route for cyclists clearly marked for the benefit of all users. New cycle stands will also be installed.

    4 Introducing new footway into the western arm of Millfields Road as part of the shared space. The existing barrier will be replaced with a lockable bollard and new trees.

    5 Extending double yellow lines on the south side of Millfields Road, up to the junction with Sewdley Street to facilitate safe bus and traffic movement.

    6 Removing two parking bays on Powerscroft Road at the junction with Chatsworth Road to improve cycle access and the bus alignment approaching the junction.

    7 Relocating the Disabled bay outside No. 176 Chatsworth Road and removing one parking space to increase visibility at the new crossing point.

    8 Extending the footway to reduce the pedestrian crossing distance and reduce traffic speed.

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  • Chatsworth Road/Millfields Road/Powerscroft Road New Signalised Junction

    Natalie G // 0 threads

    The proposals include:

    1 Replacing the existing zebra crossing with traffic signals at the Chatsworth Road\ Millfields Road\ Powerscroft Road junction. This will be designed to make the junction easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists as there have been a total of seven accidents in recent years. Six of these involved cyclists. There will be a Green Man crossing on each approach to the junction and one that will replace the zebra crossing.

    2 Introducing a raised table across the junction of Chatsworth Road and Millfields Road to reduce traffic speeds.

    3 Creating a new link and crossing for cyclists between Powerscroft Road and Millfields Park. This will be a new shared space with the route for cyclists clearly marked for the benefit of all users. New cycle stands will also be installed.

    4 Introducing new footway into the western arm of Millfields Road as part of the shared space. The existing barrier will be replaced with a lockable bollard and new trees.

    5 Extending double yellow lines on the south side of Millfields Road, up to the junction with Sewdley Street to facilitate safe bus and traffic movement.

    6 Removing two parking bays on Powerscroft Road at the junction with Chatsworth Road to improve cycle access and the bus alignment approaching the junction.

    7 Relocating the Disabled bay outside No. 176 Chatsworth Road and removing one parking space to increase visibility at the new crossing point.

    8 Extending the footway to reduce the pedestrian crossing distance and reduce traffic speed.

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  • Chatsworth Road/Millfields Road/Powerscroft Road New Signalised Junction

    Natalie G // 0 threads

    The proposals include:

    1 Replacing the existing zebra crossing with traffic signals at the Chatsworth Road\ Millfields Road\ Powerscroft Road junction. This will be designed to make the junction easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists as there have been a total of seven accidents in recent years. Six of these involved cyclists. There will be a Green Man crossing on each approach to the junction and one that will replace the zebra crossing.

    2 Introducing a raised table across the junction of Chatsworth Road and Millfields Road to reduce traffic speeds.

    3 Creating a new link and crossing for cyclists between Powerscroft Road and Millfields Park. This will be a new shared space with the route for cyclists clearly marked for the benefit of all users. New cycle stands will also be installed.

    4 Introducing new footway into the western arm of Millfields Road as part of the shared space. The existing barrier will be replaced with a lockable bollard and new trees.

    5 Extending double yellow lines on the south side of Millfields Road, up to the junction with Sewdley Street to facilitate safe bus and traffic movement.

    6 Removing two parking bays on Powerscroft Road at the junction with Chatsworth Road to improve cycle access and the bus alignment approaching the junction.

    7 Relocating the Disabled bay outside No. 176 Chatsworth Road and removing one parking space to increase visibility at the new crossing point.

    8 Extending the footway to reduce the pedestrian crossing distance and reduce traffic speed.

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  • Whiston Road

    Natalie G // 1 thread

    The proposals for this route along Whiston Road include:

    Removing some of the existing speed cushions and replacing them with raised carriageway
    tables. These speed tables will be raised to footway level to provide a traffic calming feature
    to assist in reducing the speed of traffic along Whiston Road, making it a safer environment for
    pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

    Please let us have your comments before 17 October 2016 so that we can draft a group response.


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  • QW2: Morning Lane cycle crossing

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    As part of the Quietway 2 route, Hackney Council propose a cycle crossing, raised table and motor vehicle restrictions at the crossing of Morning Lane.

    Looks good at first sight, if you have any thoughts about the scheme please could you add them by Friday, 5th August, so that Harry and Natalie can draft a group response.

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  • QW2: Lower Clapton Road & Clarence Place Consultation

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    As part of the Quietway 2 proposals, Hackney Council are proposing to remove through traffic from Clapton Square through the use of two modal filters. They are also proposing a new cycle crossing of Lower Clapton Road, with a raised table and a parallel zebra crossing alongside it.

    The proposals look good at first glance, but any detailed comments would be helpful.

    Please respond by Friday 5th August so that Natalie and Harry can draft a response representing Hackney Cycling Campaign's position.

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  • Consultation - Chatsworth Road and Brooksby's Walk

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    Hackney Council are consulting on a series of proposed improvements to this area. The key features of this proposal are:
    - Raised pedestrian crossings (one new)
    - Widened pavements
    - Raised table entry treatments
    - Four new cycle contraflows on existing one-way streets.

    The council is also considering area-wide modal filtering, and canvassing views, subject to further consultation later.

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  • A10 Stamford Hill and Clapton Common junction consultation

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    TfL note that this junction has "one of the highest collision rates in all of Hackney" and so have "come up with some proposals that aim to make this junction safer for all road users".

    The substantive changes include Advanced Stop Lanes for people cycling, continuous footways across some side roads, realignments to traffic islands and the provision of more/longer parking.

    Please make share your thoughts Tuesday 23rd February so Natalie and I can collate them.

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  • Lower Clapton Road / Urswick Road Junction Consultation

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    Hackney Council "are proposing to alter the layout of the junction to remove existing traffic and pedestrian signals. They would be replaced by an ‘informal’ roundabout and distinctive informal pedestrian crossings. The road surface would be raised to help encourage lower vehicle speeds. However, there would still be a detectable kerb height between the road and the footway."

    "The proposed changes have been designed to help the junction operate more efficiently and are expected to result in improved journey times for all users, particularly bus services. We also expect that pedestrian crossing times would improve. The proposals have also been designed to reduce vehicle speeds and create a more pleasant environment."

    "In designing our scheme we drew inspiration from several successful applications of the concept. For example, schemes in Bexleyheath (London Borough of Bexley), and Poynton (Cheshire), have resulted in significant improvements to the junctions, transforming the urban realm in areas that were previously blighted by traffic congestion and pollution."

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  • Seven Sisters Road Consultation

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 1 thread

    The Woodberry Down Development Team (Hackney Council, Berkeley Homes and supported by Transport for London) are consulting on "changes to Seven Sisters Road, from Green Lanes to the west and Amhurst Park to the east, as part of the on‑going regeneration of the area".

    They have offered six 'ideas':
    1) Reduce road to two lanes in either direction (one general traffic lane, one bus lane)
    2) Reduce road to two lanes (one general traffic, one bus) in either direction, but widen to three lanes at junctions
    3) Increase the number of pedestrian crossings
    4a) Add a 'pedestrian island slip' between the two carriageways
    4b) Add a wide 'pedestrian island slip' with planting and trees
    5) Segregated cycle lanes
    6) Widen bus lanes

    Different combinations are possible. For example, 1 (change traffic lanes) would be necessary for 4 (pedestrian island slip) and 5 (segregated cycle lanes). 1 (change traffic lanes), 4a (pedestrian island slip) and 5 (segregated cycle lanes) would work together, whereas 2 (change traffic lanes but keep three lanes at junction) would make pavement widening and segregated cycle lanes impossible.

    Please respond by Sunday 15th February so that Natalie and Harry can draft a response representing Hackney Cycling Campaign's position.

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  • The Narrow Way proposals

    Created by Harry Fletcher-Wood // 0 threads

    Hackney Council removed southbound buses from the Narrow Way recently. Having made these changes permanent, they are now proposing to redesign and improve the streets.

    They propose 'removing the existing conventional road layout and replace it with a new, accessible pedestrian friendly street.

    'Simplifying the street by removing the current clutter and providing new seating and cycle parking.

    'Creating a new public spaces that are flexible and adaptable, and will allow for events and other activities to be hosted.'

    The proposals shown here do not address difficulties people cycling have accessing the Narrow Way from the south.

    Please let us know your thoughts - all contributions will help us formulate Hackney Cycling Campaign's formal response to the council on the issue.

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  • Triangle Road rat running

    Created by Tom2 // 1 thread

    Since the changes to Mare St at Westgate St some vehicles travel past the children's centre in Triangle Road, at excessive speeds, to avoid the traffic light at Mare St . Can Hackney Council add a restriction in Triangle Road.

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