19/0004/FUL Romsey Labour Club

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Added by Matthew

Transport Assessment

4.16 Cycle parking for residents will be provided on the proposed basement level. Access will be
provided via the main lobby, leading to a cycle wheel ramp. This will descend into a cycle
store room with capacity for 38 cycles. The main staircase and lift will descend into the
basement for direct access to the main residential block.

4.17 As part of the development proposals, an on-site bike / ebike loan scheme will be implemented
for the future residents of the services apartments to provide a readily available opportunity
for travel by cycle.

4.18 Visitor cycle parking will be provided at ground level, with capacity for 24 cycles. These will
be provided adjacent to the western front of the site and can be accessed directly from
Coleridge Road.

Dimensions look OK. Main issue is basement. I think it's unavoidable, so the questions are:

What is the gradient of the ramp?

Is there enough turning space at the bottom?

What provision is being made for people who cannot use the stairs/ramp to reach the basement? (none currently, but the courtyard looks reasonable) Alternatively can the lift be used for cycles? (it's 2m by 2m)

Where are the mentioned e-bike hire bikes being parked?


Serviced apartment (sui generis use class) scheme containing 38no self-contained 1xbed room units along with Cafe, gym and community space at ground floor with a vehicle drop-off zone, disabled car parking space, cycle parking and associated landscaping and retention of existing BLI frontage. Romsey Labour Club Mill Road Cambridge CB1 3NL https://idox.cambridge.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=PKPLWXDXIQ900 Cambridge Application reference : 19/0004/FUL



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