18/1519/S73 Milton Road County Primary School - vary cycle parking

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Added by Matthew

It appears that the gist of the change is to move more cycle parking to ground level, however there appears to be several inconsistencies in the numbers & plans, and the new drawings show some non-compliant arrangements.


Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (Approved Drawings) of permission ref 16/1966/S73 ( amendment to 14/0052/FUL - proposed mix use development consisting of a sui generis aparthotel (133 Units), 5no. class C3 residential townhouse units, class D2 Community space, underground car parking (80 spaces), and cycle parking (150 spaces)) to allow reduction in building height, increase in basement footprint, additional ventilation, revisions to cycle parking, amendments to fenestration and other minor amendments detailed in accompanying cover letter.

Milton Road County Primary School Milton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1UZ



Application reference : 18/1519/S73



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