16/1134/OUT West Cambridge intensification

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Added by Hester Wells

Outline planning permission with all matters reserved is sought for up to 383,300m2 of development comprising up to 370,000m2 of academic floorspace (Class D1 space), commercial/research institute floorspace (Class B1b and sui generis research uses), of which not more than 170,000m2 will be commercial floorspace (Class B1b); up to 2,500m2 nursery floorspace (Class D1); up to 1000m2 of retail/food and drink floorspace (Classes A1-A5); up to 4,100m2 and not less than 3,000m2 for assembly and leisure floorspace (Class D2); up to 5,700m2 of sui generis uses, including Energy Centre and Data Centre; associated infrastructure including roads (including adaptations to highway junctions on Madingley Road), pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes, parking, drainage, open spaces, landscaping and earthworks; and demolition of existing buildings and breaking up of hardstanding.

West Cambridge Site Madingley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire



Application reference : 16/1134/OUT



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